Tactical Retreat

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"Fellswap Gold. Fellswap Gold. Fellswap Gold." Ink muttered under his breath as he flew through the Omega Timeline. He quickly slashed and revealed the timeline, barreling through. He, quite literally, rolled straight into a war zone. Papyrus walked forward, his gaster blasters all firing and causing debris to fly everywhere.

Ink stared at Wine, seeming shocked. "Yeah! I know! I don't have an arm!" He spat. Ink nodded and quickly gestured to the portal. Wine HATED retreating, but he had to. He was no good as a casualty.

Ink teleported up to Papyrus and the other leaned down. "Go to the Omega Timeline and wait for it to leave. Come back and your world should RESET once the human leaves the Ruins." He said quickly. Papyrus nodded. After one last huge blast, Papyrus turned and scooped Wine up, bounding through the portal. The portal shut, leaving Ink.

He turned to face where Papyrus had been attacking. It was completely obliterated. No doubt it had once been Muffet's place. He furrowed his brow, trying to see through the cloud of dust and debris. Ink wanted to see it. No, he NEEDED to see it. He had to tell himself that it was real.

The dust cleared and he couldn't see anything at first. Then, a pile of rubble shifted as a red glow erupted from underneath it. Ink took a wary step back and brandished his paintbrush, his eyes fixed on it. Slowly, the rubble fell away as the silhouette sat up. It was human-shaped, no doubt. But it had blood-red tentacles sprouted from its back and its hair was drifting around it and glowing.

Ink waited. It hadn't turned to face him yet. He was trembling. The realization slowly hit him and he looked down at his gloved hands, noting that his exposed skeletal fingers were shaking. He furrowed his brow. Why was he shaking? Was he afraid? He didn't feel afraid.

Ink turned to his attention back up to the silhouette and froze in place. NOW, it was facing him. It had glowing red eyes to match its hair and there was no doubt that those were Scooter's facial features. It stood up, revealing outlines of clothes. Its tentacles waved around it. Ink gulped. "Do you recognize me?" His question was simple.

The human-shape blinked and tipped its head at him. He could tell it was trying to place him. He brandished his paintbrush once more, in case it decided to snap. At the sight of it, the human-shape froze and locked eyes with him. Slowly, a thin, glowing smile split its lips and Ink immediately had a thought of Chara. He shook it off and stared at it.

It hummed and stared around, seeming confused. Ink was confused as well until he realized that it had been fighting Wine and Papyrus. "They're gone. It's only me now." He said, keeping his eyes focused on it.

The creature itself, did not seem too threatening. It kept a wide-eyed, neutral face for the most part and never spoke. In fact, the only thing mildly off about its appearance, was the fact that it was human-like. It was completely unassuming otherwise. Ink narrowed his eyes. It had caused so much trouble.

Ink was taken back as the thing bubbled quietly and spun in place, seeming to grow bored of him. He stared at it. "You eat monsters." At the sentence, the shape turned to look at him, its humming slowly coming to a stop. He shivered as it gave that ghoulish grin once again. "Why?"

At that, the creature seemed taken back, like it had never actually considered it. Its tentacles waved and it lifted a hand, pressing two fingers to its lips. It seemed to be thinking. Then, it nodded once and turned to him before giving a shrug. Ink felt himself go cold.

"Those are living creatures. You eat them ALIVE. You put them in pain." He said, his voice choking a bit. The human-shape simply blinked at him before shrugging once again. It seemed so indifferent and Ink stared at it. "Does it bring you happiness??" The creature shook its head. "Is it some kind of revenge??" The creature shook its head again. Ink stared at it.

"Then... what?" He asked, his voice soft. The human-shape blinked at him once again, but still gave him no answers. Ink was completely baffled. "Is it just because you're hungry?" At that, the creature's eyes lit up and that glowing smile returned as it pointed at him, nodding. Ink was taken back.

It had no motivation. It wasn't even like a predator, something that ate to survive. No, this thing, it ate because it wanted to. It had no need for sustenance or protein. It wanted to eat just because it could. That made Ink go cold once again. "That's no reason to be eating creatures alive." He whispered. The human-shape tipped its head and raised an eyebrow. Ink was shaking.

"Monsters... INNOCENT monsters are dying because you're BORED?" He said, almost starting to cry again. The human-shape continued to watch him with that dull apathy. Ink hiccuped and couldn't help himself as rainbow tears slid down his face. He blinked as he heard the creature gurgle.

Tears ran down the creature's face as well. Dark red and seemed much thicker than Ink's. It cried blood. But unlike him, the creature didn't actually seem upset. It tipped its head, seeming to be studying him. Then, it hit Ink. It was mimicking him. He coughed in shock and moved back.

The creature blinked at him again. "You aren't actually listening, are you?" He choked out. The human-shape stared back and Ink growled. "What you're doing is WRONG!! It's damn AWFUL." He spat. The creature blinked again. Ink scowled. He raised his paintbrush and the creature perked before hunching down.

Ink yelped as it drew a circle and suddenly disappeared through, the portal closing with a snap. He had to follow it. It had to be stopped. He opened his own portal.

Ink jumped through, leaving the town of Snowdin in quiet decimation.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now