A Warm Night

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Red stood with the doll of Scooter clutched in his hands. His hands were shaking. Ink waved a solemn goodbye and disappeared to another timeline. Red could hear Papyrus behind him, but he didn't care. He was trembling. So she'd done it. She was free. Scooter was free. Scooter was dead. The thought repeated itself, spiraling around Red's mind.

Finally, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Papyrus' usually screechy, angry voice was quiet and cautious for once. "Sans...? Are you alright?" He asked, his gloved hand tight on his brother's shoulder. Red blinked, turning to look up at Papyrus with white dots in his eyesockets instead of his one glowing red eye. Tears had begun to well in the bottom of them. He was quiet as he turned back to the doll. His grip tightened.

"I... should be happy for her... right, Papyrus?" He spoke in his gruff voice, but it sounded like he was in pain. He sounded confused. Papyrus blinked and knelt down next to the other. Red forced a pained, sharp-toothed smile on his face. "I... I gotta be happy for her, Paps. She finally did it." Papyrus stared at him in dismay. The other sounded like he was about to start sobbing.

Red continued to smile shakily. Finally, Papyrus flicked his head. Red blinked and looked at him with teary eyes. "Sans." He pulled his brother to him and hugged him tightly. He felt Red stiffen and remembered it had been a long, LONG while since the last time he'd hugged his brother. After a few moments of trembling, Papyrus felt Red's arms raise and the other hugged him back tightly. "Just cry. It's much more annoying watching you try not to." Papyrus said gruffly, still trying to pretend like he didn't care for him too much.

After another few moments, Papyrus felt bury his face into his shoulder and the sobbing started. Papyrus felt his own SOUL waver. He'd never heard Red so sad in his life. Of course, there would be the nights, where Red would break down and tearfully ask Papyrus not to die again, which was strange to him. And then the next morning, Red wouldn't recall any of it. Even if he'd become one of the most feared and hateful monsters in the entire Underground, Papyrus was still, above all else, Red's brother.

Papyrus sighed. He knew this would hit Red hard. He didn't remember ever meeting Scooter for the first time, but he knew she was one of his brother's greatest friends. He recalled the night where he'd come downstairs to Red, crying his SOUL out in another breakdown, while Scooter sat quietly with him on the couch. He would never forget Scooter meeting his eyes and that silent agreement shared between them that Scooter would handle this one. Scooter had been a good person.

Papyrus blinked as Red's crying died down and he gently pulled back from the other. Red held the doll tightly in one hand, red tears still pouring down his face. It hurt Papyrus to see him so miserable. He blinked and looked back, double-checking to make sure all the blinds were drawn so other monsters couldn't see in.

He turned back to Red. "Brother... Brother, listen to me, please." He said quietly. Red blinked and looked up at him. "Focus." Red gulped and nodded. Papyrus held his shoulders tightly.

"I want you to remember. I know I treat you like garbage in front of them. And I know it hurts, the things I say." He admitted softly. Red stared at him, still trembling. "But even the Great Papyrus, believe it or not, can't stand seeing you like this." Papyrus nodded firmly. "If you ever feel like you're heading down a dangerous path, you can always talk to me. After all, I am your brother."

Red blinked at him, seeming shocked before he opened his mouth again. "R-Really?" He rasped out, his gravelly voice cautious. Papyrus nodded.

"Anything. Whether it's how the other monsters treat you, how I treat you, or even one of your midnight breakdowns, I will listen." He stated. At the mention of his midnight breakdowns, Red seemed confused, but seemed to understand, nonetheless. Papyrus took the opportunity to continue. "And you will need to TELL ME. As amazing as I am, I can't always detect what you're feeling." When his brother didn't answer for a minute, Papyrus briefly considered that he'd broken the other. Red trembled for a second before clearing his throat.

"Th-Thank you, thank you, Paps." He choked out before starting to cry again. "I need that..." Papyrus sighed.

"No sentry duties this week. I'm telling everyone you're sick." He stated firmly, standing up. Red blinked and stared up at him in clear shock. Before he could protest, Papyrus spoke again, heading into the kitchen. "You will need to rest, brother. I know this is going to take a lot out of you." Red was shocked.

It was almost like they'd actually become brothers. He stared after the other, his eyes locked on the kitchen light. He blinked and looked down at the doll of Scooter. "Even in death, you find a way to bring people together..." He whispered, tears running down his cheeks. Red shakily moved over to the couch and hoisted himself up, studying the doll as he calmed himself down.

It was well made. It even had the fluff of the hoodie they'd given her so long ago matched down to the wire. Even a tiny gold chain on her belt. Red sighed. "I'm sure you're happy, kid. And I'm happy for you too." He mumbled. He blinked as he heard a loud thump from outside. Usually, that would signal a fight starting in the middle of town.

Briefly, Red wondered if it was Monster Kid and that brat from the village store again. They were always starting some shit around this time of day. He sighed. So much VIOLENCE. He'd seen the other timelines. He'd seen what other's worlds were like. But for the first time, he felt like he could bear being in this world again.

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