Deadly Declaration

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Both Paint and Code shrieked as a portal opened up and DS threw himself out of it, collapsing on the ground. The portal shut. There were horribly burnt patches on his wings. His skull was cracked and he twitched. "Boss!! Oh *shiz*!" Paint stopped in shock at the strange noise. He shook it off and was by DS' side instantaneously.

DS growled and pushed himself up. "The red human is now our problem." He hissed out, his golden eyes lit with fury. Paint shivered. He blinked. DS tried to get to his feet, his wings limp. He was panting. "Damn *batch* sent a dragon after me..." He ignored the odd sound made when he tried to swear. He cried out in strangled pain as he held his head.

Paint was wide-eyed. "Uh... can I...?" He had his hands reached out to the other hesitantly. DS scowled before nodding. Paint slowly began to heal the other. DS saw Code and opened his mouth.

"I already kn0w 0f the bleeder and its c0mpani0n." Code interrupted quickly. He'd adopted Paint's word for the human creature. For a moment, DS stared at him silently, a dangerous look in his eyes and Code raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell do you mean it has a companion?" DS said in a dangerously soft voice. Code blinked in surprise.

"Y0u didn't kn0w? The bleeder is traveling with Shattered Dream." At the name, a chill shook DS' entire body. His eyes had gone dark, which was startling, considering they always glowed gold. He hated that variation of himself. Hadn't they locked it away?? Why was it back?? And the red human was with it???

"The red human eats monsters." The sentence made the two freeze. DS' eyes lit back up. "I came across a Greater Dog, who had chunks bitten out of him and he turned to dust in my hands." He held out his hands which were still stained. "The red human has admittedly strong magic."

Paint had been quiet in thought as he recalled when he'd seen the bleeder. "Boss... I think it eats humans too..." He said, remembering seeing blood around its mouth. DS was quiet. He stood up, Paint having fixed his injuries.

"I am changing our priority to the destruction of the red human." DS said, scowling. Paint nodded. Code rolled his eyes.

"L00k, I kn0w Justice Reigns f0cuses 0n rem0ving the things that cause negativity, but this isn't even 0ur universe." He said. DS blinked. He turned on Code, eyes blazing and wings spread.

"Does it matter?" He asked coldly. "It's causing pain and fear. I want the damn thing GONE." He straightened up and clasped his hands behind his back once more, though it was clear he was struggling to keep his composure. Code snorted and rolled his eyes.

"0kay..." He mumbled, clearly convinced that this wasn't their business. He turned away and glitched our of existence, presumably to go try to find Glitch again. DS scowled and turned to Paint.

"You'll follow me, correct??" He asked, a brow raised. Paint nodded firmly. DS sighed, sounding annoyed, but he was honestly a bit relieved. At least he still had one person behind him for this.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now