Blue Screen

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Error blinked as he felt something fizzle. Not on his body, but in the air. Something felt off. He was on his way back to the Doodle Sphere, pausing in the darkened Omega Timeline. "Th-the-the *funk*?" He muttered out loud before jumping.

"Oh yeah..." He muttered. Fresh's no swearing filter was in effect here. He blinked as something crackled around him. Then, he saw it. A stream of electricity formed a silhouette before it became a skeleton. At the sight of it, Error groaned. He hated this skeleton.

It looked like Blue, but it had an error sign in one of its blue eyes. It wore a long sleeved shirt and regular pants with boots. Long blue scarf. Shoulder padding. It was Swap Blue. They referred to him as Code. Error honestly hated him.

The other stood up and saw him, stopping for a moment before glitching. "Err0r!! Hell0!! It's been a while!!" He said cheerfully. Error shoved past him.

"Y-Y-Yep." He said, clearly not wanting to talk. He growled to himself as he heard Code following.

"H0w have y0u been?? Any new news??" Each question was somehow more annoying than the last. Error shrugged off most of them. Finally, Code fell quiet with a huff and Error could almost picture him pouting.

"D-D-D-Don't y-y-you have th-three-ee-ee idiots t-t-to track??" Error asked in annoyance. Code piped up once again.

"Well, DUH! They cr0ssed 0ver here!" At that, Error stopped. He rubbed his forehead with a hand.

"Shit..." He muttered. He turned to Code. "A-Are a-all of y-you here??" Code grinned at him with Blue's old face and Error scowled.

"Y0u guessed it! Dream and Ink are here t00! I'm just kinda late!" He said, shrugging happily. Error glared at him. Code noticed and his shoulders slumped. "Stars! Why're y0u always s0 mean t0 me?" He whined.

"I-I-I hate th-th-the AU's, and y-y-you're part o-o-of one th-th-that affects ME DIRECTLY. W-W-Wouldn't it m-ma-m-make sense I d-d-don't like you?!" He spat. Code sighed dramatically. Error turned away, thoroughly annoyed now and continued down the timeline.

This was no good. They had three problems now. Shattered Dream, whatever the hell that DETERMINATION creature was, and now they had DreamSwap running around. His skeletal hand curled into a fist. This was so infuriating. Why did they have to come NOW?!

Error could feel his body shaking and glitching, but he didn't care. He was pissed. He blinked as he realized he could still hear the other walking and turned back to look at him. "G-G-Go away-y-y!!" He snarled. Code giggled.

"I haven't seen y0u THIS angry in a while!" The other squealed. Error grit his teeth. He hated this bug. He thrust out his hands and ensnared Code, dropping him to the ground in a cocoon of strings. He strung him upside-down from the ceiling and left him.

"Err0r!! C'm0n!! Let me d0wn, it was just a j0ke!! Dream needs me!" The other whined. Error didn't care. He continued on until he couldn't hear Code anymore and sighed in relief.

"S-S-So ANNOYING!" He hissed. He stopped where he knew Ink would see him. Soon enough, a portal opened and Error jumped through, landing back in that ugly, golden Doodle Sphere. He stood up as the portal closed. "Wh-wha-what the hell is-is DreamSwap d-d-doing here?! A-And NOW?!"

Ink nodded, pacing in front of him. "It's SUCH bad timing. They're going to get in the way and then they're going to get hurt!" To Ink, it was much more troublesome that two variants of Dream were in the same place, but he'd already sent Dream back to bunker down at his castle.

"L-L-Less concerned ab-about their safety, t-t-to be honest..." Error muttered. Ink nodded again. "Wh-W-Where's th-that d-d-damn thing?"

Ink perked up. "It was in Dusttale, but it looks like Dust drove it off." He said. "It disappeared after that. I'm SO relieved I remembered to block off Undertale, otherwise we would have a MUCH bigger problem." He gestured to the black webbing that covered the very top and center of the Doodle Sphere. Error was relieved by that too.

"G-G-Good call, Squid." He said, nodding. Ink blinked before blushing and giving a weak smile.

"Thank you, Glitchy!" He responded, definitely a bit happier than before. Error felt his own face heat up before shaking it off.

"Th-Th-Think... a l-l-likely AU for those t-t-two freaks to crash i-in..." He mumbled. Ink sighed, seeming at a loss. He shook his head.

"I would have to go through them all individually." He muttered, starting to pace again. Error watched him and closed his eyes, trying to think of how they could catch them. It was near impossible to know where they were. He prickled.

"S-S-Sq-Squid, which AU's a-are on th-th-their Genocide Route..?" He knew it wouldn't help much, but it at least gave them somewhere to focus. Ink stared at him. "Th-Th-The creature bleeds a lot. M-m-more than th-the human would ge-get going th-th-through a Neutral o-o-or Pacifist Route..." Ink's eyes lit up and he nodded.

"Yes! Okay, here we go!" He closed his eyes and several paper lit up, the strings lengthening until they were at ground length. Ink wandered among them. "Cross out Fellswap Red and Gold. Swapfell." He sent those papers back up. "Any large amounts of blood will be seen." He dotted the corner of each paper with a glowing pink dot. "And now the others??" He glanced at Error for confirmation.

Error nodded. They would have to keep a closer eye on the Genocide Routes, but now it would be easier to know if they were in an AU where the human was going Neutral or Pacifist. There would be too much blood.

"Brilliant." Ink mumbled, zipping through each paper. "Absolutely brilliant."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now