Last Standing

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Dream and Error looked up as both Ink and Nightmare reappeared in the Doodle Sphere. That shocked them. "Are y-you two a-a-a-actually w-w-working t-t-toge-together...?" Error sputtered in shock.

Nightmare shot him a glare as Ink gave a nervous chuckle. "Unfortunately." Dream stared at them.

"So what's wrong?? What's this about poison apples??" He asked, his eyes wide. He continued to grip his own shirt with one hand, that seeming to be the only way he felt like he could be protecting Blue in his own body. Ink and Nightmare shared a glance before Nightmare looked away, clearly unwilling to speak. Ink sighed.

"The... Creators made a variation of you. One that wanted Nightmare to accept him and forgive him so badly he would do anything. Including show Nightmare that he could help take on the burden of his pain. And you ate one of Nightmare's black apples." Ink explained. "You are the main version that didn't eat the apple. The one we're worried about has just escaped." He said nervously. Dream stared at him. He gulped shakily.

"It corrupted you... It made you like me." Nightmare spoke quietly, his voice full of pain and regret. "You lost your mind. Your positivity. Everything. He calls himself Shattered Dream. And he is one scary bastard." He turned back to them, his tentacles low and deflated. Dream seemed pale. He looked down and screwed his eyes shut. His chest glowed, no doubt it was Blue, trying to comfort him.

Dream looked up towards Nightmare. He looked like he wanted to say something, but kept choking on his own words. Nightmare blinked before sighing. "Whatever you're trying to say, just do it." Dream gulped again.

"I can't say that I haven't ever thought about doing that before. I'd had those thoughts. That if I became like you... you would accept me again." Dream said quietly. Nightmare's eyes widened and his tentacles seemed to shake. "But... based on your reaction, I'm so confused... Brother..." He stared at him, brow furrowed. "You didn't want me to become like you?"

Nightmare immediately shook his head. "Never. I never wanted that." He muttered. His tentacles curled in as his gaze darkened, remembering Dream's painful screams as the darkness from the apple had consumed his SOUL. Dream looked down.

"Then WHAT the HELL do you want from me?!" He yelled all of a sudden. Everyone was taken back. Dream looked up with tearful eyes. "You hate me when I'm like this. But you don't want me to be like you?? You won't forgive me in either form??" His voice was choking. Nightmare opened his mouth and Dream continued. "No. Brother, there isn't a DAY or a SECOND that goes by that I don't regret trying to SAVE you. It hurts me and keeps me up at night, knowing I could've done something, but didn't."

Dream was shaking. Ink quietly stepped back with Error, allowing the brothers a little space. Nightmare stared at Dream before lowering his gaze and turning away. "DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME, NIGHTMARE!!" Dream yelled, tears finally escaping. The darker froze and turned to look back at him. Dream trembled. "Please... PLEASE stop walking away from me..." He whispered.

Nightmare stared at him. Somewhere in his clouded SOUL, a part of him was begging and crying to forgive Dream. But the negativity. It crept in like a pack of snakes, striking him down. Nightmare scowled. "I will do as I please, Dream." He stated coldly. Dream stared at him in dismay, tears running down his face.

Error was quiet. Ink had drifted up into the Doodle Sphere to investigate something. Error jumped as he heard a shriek and immediately drifted up after him. "S-S-Squid??"

Ink had his mouth covered. He was staring at a paper that was connected between Underfell and Underswap. Which one was it?? Error peered closer to see a red outline. Fellswap Red. He focused on the scene. The town of Snowdin was in ruins, blood, bones and dust everywhere. Error froze at the sight of a black, gold tinted version of Nightmare. That was... That was Shattered Dream??

Then, something else moved. "What the hell is that?? What the hell is that?" Ink kept whispering to himself over and over. Error could see it too. He froze. It looked like Scooter! Blue's voice echoed in his mind. It ate me. He felt a shiver glitch down his spine. It DID look like Scooter. And based on the dust that thickly coated its hands and the smear around its mouth...

"Th-Th-That th-th-thing k-k-k-killed Blue." Error whispered. Ink was shaking. He'd seen the bandanna before he left, sure, but he hadn't tried to question it. He shakily reached out and copied the image onto another sheet of paper.

He quickly floated back down. "Dr-D-Dre-Dream! G-G-Get Blue o-out here!!" Error demanded, coming down behind him. Dream jumped before nodding and squeezing his eyes shut. It took a little longer, but when he opened his eyes, they were blue again. "I-I-Is that it??" Error pointed to the figure on the paper. Blue froze and his body stiffened.

His gaze had gone black again as he gave a shaky nod. His eyes slowly came back. "Th-The tentacles are new... but that's it..." He whispered. He was shaken. Error nodded. Nightmare blinked.

"What?? What is it??" He demanded. Error showed him the paper and he stiffened. His tentacles dropped behind him. "Oh shit." He whispered. He pointed to the red figure. "Horror gave me a report earlier about something with that description. I thought he'd lost his mind."

Ink was wide-eyed. "What did he say?!" Nightmare had his mouth covered with one hand. He blinked and looked up.

"He told me that it had eaten a monster. Gyftrot." He said quietly. Error glitched uneasily. Blue whimpered.

"I-It ate me too..." He whispered in horror. Ink quickly pulled the other to him, giving him a comforting hug, which Blue immediately accepted, shaking. Ink seemed to be in thought. He blinked. Something seemed to strike him.

He gently pulled away from Blue and picked out the vial that had the human blood in it. "I-I know what it is. I know what the damn thing is." Everyone turned to him.

Ink held up the vial, which glowed earlier. "That damn thing is pure-blooded DETERMINATION."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now