All I Am

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Cross blinked. "You sure you want to go back already?" He asked uncertainly. Nightmare seemed to think for a moment. He'd recovered from his shock, the tar covering his entire body once again. Nightmare sighed. Killer stood behind him, ready to open the portal. Cross' red eye lit up, signaling an idea. "Hey, Killer? Can you go back and see if Shattered Dream left?"

Killer nodded before snapping his fingers and teleporting away. Cross sighed in relief before yelping and blushing as Nightmare's tentacles snapped him up. The more he struggled, the tentacles tightened around him. Nightmare pulled him close with a sly grin. "Are you concerned or did you do that so we'd be alone?" He purred. Cross sputtered for a moment.

All of a sudden, the pale world shook as there was a loud chime. Like a clock. "Shit." Nightmare hissed. He flinched away, along with Cross as a golden light flashed through the emptiness. When it cleared, they had another visitor.

Huge, golden-brown wings spread in front of them from the back of a golden-eyed skeleton. He wore a furry-hooded golden trench coat with flames decorating the bottom on top of what appeared to be a turquoise vest and black pants. Nightmare had dropped Cross and retreated behind his large blade to protect himself from the light.

The new skeleton regarded Cross coldly. It had Dream's crown drifting above its head like a halo. Cross furrowed his brow and glanced at Nightmare. Nightmare growled. He knew this skeleton. It was another variation of his brother, but somehow even more annoying. They referred to him as "DS", or Dream Swap.

"It is quite rare I find you by yourself, Cross." DS stated in a coldly formal tone. Cross was completely baffled. He turned to look at Nightmare, gesturing that he would need his blade. Nightmare nodded.

DS jumped as Cross sent up a bone wall to shield Nightmare before summoning his blade to his hand and wielding it, dropping into an attacking position. "Who the hell are you??" He demanded. DS seemed taken back. He had his hands clasped neatly behind his back, standing up straight.

"Oh, don't feign ignorance. We both know far too well that you aren't any good at it." DS said dismissively. "Now, where is my weak brother?" He seemed completely calm, yet there was venom in his words. Cross knew he looked confused once again. DS gave an irritated flap of his wings. "Nightmare!! Where is Nightmare?!" He demanded, seeming to lose his cool for a moment.

Cross stopped. He regarded the other warily. "That means, you're Dream." He said, seeming shocked. "What the hell happened to-" He stopped as he noticed Nightmare beckon to get his attention. The other was shaking his head. Cross blinked before the realization smacking him awake. "Oh!" He turned to look at the other. "You aren't MY Dream."

At that, DS paused. He furrowed his brow. "Excuse me?" He asked, his wings giving a little twitch. Cross was about to answer before Nightmare's rumbling voice broke out.

"You are excused." He stated, slithering out from behind the bone wall, glaring at the other. DS stopped, shock clear in his eyes before shaking his head and clearing his throat.

"You aren't my Nightmare." He muttered. "There's no more apples for you to look like that." Nightmare scowled at him as his tentacles waved in annoyance. He stood next to Cross. DS blinked and tipped his head. "Now that I think about it, you can't be my Cross, either..." He narrowed his eyes. "Otherwise you would've attacked me already."

Cross glared at him. "You shouldn't be here then. I suggest you leave then." He said, his weapon held at the ready. DS chuckled.

"I'm afraid I cannot. You see, my stupid brother's gang of misfits have crossed over into this Multiverse. They think hiding here will save them from me." He chuckled before raising a hand. "They are wrong." He snapped his fingers. It sent a pinging noise sweeping through the emptiness and Nightmare stood his ground. Cross was less balanced and drove his knife into the ground to keep himself still.

"We have enough of a problem right now without you coming here." Nightmare hissed. DS regarded him with a raised nose. He seemed smug as he grinned.

"Is that so? Just because you took the apples instead of me in this Multiverse, it doesn't mean I care for you any more than I do my own Nightmare." He stated, contempt dripping in his voice. Cross' fingers tightened on the handle of his weapon. He didn't like this Dream. He was arrogant and cold.

Nightmare's tentacles caught Cross' attention. Four of them formed a sort of spoon as they curled together. "Why don't we welcome you, then?" Nightmare sounded annoyed. Cross understood and was more than happy to oblige. He snapped his fingers and reappeared on Nightmare's tentacles as Nightmare sent out blackened bone shards. Nightmare's tentacles catapulted Cross.

DS has blocked the bone shards with his wings, but had unfurled them just in time for Cross to land a slash across his face. Cross jerked back, teleporting back to Nightmare's side. DS scowled, a glowing line now across the bridge of his nose. He cleared his throat. "How irritating, though I must commend the teamwork put into it."

Cross growled and his gaze darkened. Even Chara was pissed off inside of him. He started forward again, but Nightmare blocked him with an arm. "I suggest you leave before Cross removes the wings from your body." He hissed. DS scowled and his wings covered him before he disappeared in a chime of light again.

Cross managed to put up another bone wall so the light wave wouldn't hurt Nightmare. He scoffed in disbelief. "Was that seriously Dream?? Stars, I wanted to MURDER him!!" He snarled. Nightmare nodded, seeming unhappy with the intrusion himself.

"It's DreamSwap. Another variation of our Multiverse, but instead of me consuming the apples, Dream did. From what I hear, he chases an incompetent gang of me, you, and Error around the Multiverse." Cross raised a brow at that.

"Do you really think they're here, as he said?" Cross asked, sticking the blade back into the ground for him to lean against. Nightmare seemed troubled and sighed.

"I'm afraid so." His gaze darkened and he crossed his arms, tentacles waving in irritation. "As if we didn't already have enough problems..."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now