A Character

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Blue was shaking as he stared at the shape. It had just dropped into the Void without warning. He was taken back by its appearance. It was Scooter. But with glowing eyes, red skin, and drifting, glowing hair. Even the outline of clothes seemed to be part of it.

Blue blinked before clearing his throat. "G-Greetings! I'm Blue!" He introduced himself, smiling. The shape only blinked at him. He stared back before furrowing his brow. He coughed again before straightening up. "Are you a human??"

To his surprise, the figure gave a hesitant nod. Blue paused. "Are..." He was somewhat afraid to ask, but... "Are you sure?" The shape seemed surprised before freezing. It twitched a little. Blue took a step back, unsure. He yelped as the shape suddenly began to bubble. "Hey! What's wrong?!"

Blue shrieked as the shape exploded outwards in a tangle of red, slushy vines. They covered the Void as far as Blue could see. The shape remained standing, the roots spreading out from it like a demonic spiderweb. "Calm down! Please!" He begged quickly. The shape fixed its gaze on him. He trembled, a shiver being sent down his spine. He didn't like that look.

The shape tipped its head and made a humming/gurgling noise. Blue quickly formed a bone in his hand, ready to defend himself if he had to fight. The shape paused, watching him.

To Blue's shock, the figure stretched out its own hand and a solid red metal began to form, into the shape of a baseball bat. Blue shook his head quickly. He was in a defensive form and he watched as the figure dropped into one too, almost seeming to mirror him.

It was studying him. The thought struck Blue and he froze. He quickly dissipated the bone, holding his hands up and dropping to his his knees in submission, ducking his head. Normally, the Magnificent Sans wouldn't do such a feeble and cowardly thing, but... he also wanted to live.

The shape seemed confused by this as it dissipated the baseball bat. Slowly, it began to approach him, moving through and over its own roots, the vines stretching from its back. It stopped in front of him and Blue kept himself as still as possible. He heard it stop a few feet away and looked up, only to shriek and fall backwards, scrambling back.

Several glowing red bullets drifted in the air, each spinning in place and facing him. Blue had seen those bullets before in Scooter's fight against Killer, but he hadn't understood how terrifying it would've been to be on the receiving end of them. "Please! Don't hurt me! Think about what you're doing!! You took a wrong turn somewhere and it's OKAY!! We can start over!! We can pretend this didn't happen!" He said, his voice rushed and panicked.

The shape continued to regard him with that expressionless face and Blue shook, tears starting to well in his eyes. He yelped as the figure appeared in front of him, its face pushed close to his. Blue couldn't hold it back and the first blue tear made its way down his face.

The shape seemed intrigued and reached out, wiping the tear up. As it raised its hand, it used the other hand to touch its own cheek. Slowly, something started to well in its own eyes and Blue shrieked as dark red liquid began to run down its face, dripping into puddles on the ground. Oh stars!! Was that BLOOD?!

Blue shook quietly as he watched it. It turned back to him and reached out, one hand pinning him to the ground and the other holding his arm. Blue blinked. "Wh-What are you-" He screamed as the shape snapped his arm, disconnecting it at the elbow. "NO!! STOP PLEASE!!" He screamed. The shape ignored him as more tears ran down its face, almost mirroring Blue's tears.

It broke his other arm before moving down to his legs. Blue shrieked, his pained cry echoing through the emptiness of the Void. At his last leg, the shape stopped and pulled back. Blue was breathing shakily and sobbing quietly. What the hell?? What the hell??? "Why? Why did you do that?? Why?" He choked out, barely able to see through his tears.

The shape seemed indifferent as it stared at him. He watched as it picked up one of his arms and it turned to dust, the blue glove dropping to the floor. It stared at the pile of dust in its hand. Then, to Blue's horror, the shape opened its mouth and consumed the dust. He shrieked and tried to wriggle away, even through his pain. The shape sat on its knees and munched quietly.

It turned to look at Blue, who was terrified and sickened beyond belief. The figure slowly stopped chewing and swallowed the dust, making Blue gag. Oh stars, he was going to be sick.  It was quiet for a moment.

Then, Blue shrieked as the shape dove for him and pinned him to the floor again. He screamed as it tore open his shirt and snapped his ribs off before eating them violently, causing blood and dust to go everywhere. It hurt! IT HURT!! Blue wailed.

His SOUL was exposed and the shape seemed to notice. For a moment, Blue was terrified. He only had 20 HP. No doubt he was below 10 now. Then, to his shock, the shape reached inside his chest and grabbed his SOUL with a harsh grip. Blue screamed in agony. The figure pulled it out and studied it before lifting its hand up. A dark red bubble formed around the SOUL and it lifted into the ceiling, among the strings.

Blue stared at it before shakily turning his gaze back to the shape, who was now in his face, eyes glowing bright. He shrieked as it grabbed his head and violently snapped it to the side and Blue went limp.

The SOUL glowed frantically above as the shape continued to eat its prey. The sounds of crunching and munching filled the Void as scraps of clothes and armor were tossed aside. Finally, the shape coughed and dust sprayed outwards. It stood up, seeming satisfied as it gurgled loudly.

The shape leaned down and drew another hole with its finger before slipping through and allowing the hole to snap shut behind it. Nothing remained, the vines having disappeared the moment the shape had left. All there was, was a large, red-stained pile of dust, clothes, and armor.

And the frantically flashing SOUL, still trapped in the blood bubble above.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now