Dark Hours

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Stretch wandered through the darkness. He was smoking, but every puff glowed a bright orange, lighting up the empty space. He was so worried about Sans. He took another puff and blew out more glowing clouds. He blinked as he heard footsteps behind him. They were fast, but controlled. He glanced over his shoulder and stopped. 

Sans stared at him. He looked different. He was taller. He had different clothes and star-shaped bright blue eyes. "Papy?" No, that voice was definitely his. Stretch turned to face him. Sans seemed shocked, like he didn't know what to say. Then, he noticed the cigarette and he frowned. "Papy!! You still haven't quit that bad habit?! It'll turn your bones brown!!" He scolded.

Stretch blinked. He reached up and pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, holding it between his fingers. "Sorry, bro... can't help myself sometimes... can't just have a habit go up in SMOKE." He grinned. Sans stared at him and groaned, stomping his foot.

"You and your dumb puns!" He whined. Stretch chuckled. He watched as Sans huffed before sighing and his arms moved down to hang at his sides. His smile faded as he blinked at Stretch. "I missed you so much." That line took Stretch back.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked, confused. Sans was once again speechless. He kept opening and closing his mouth, like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Sans gave a weak smile.

"I'm just so happy I get to see you again. So..." He shuffled awkwardly before opening his arms nervously. Stretch understood and came forward, hugging Sans. He blinked as he felt Sans hug him tighter than he usually did. Like he was scared of letting go. Stretch was confused as he pulled back. Sans rubbed his eyes.

Was this some kind of future dream?? Why was Sans acting like he hadn't seen him for YEARS?? He furrowed his brow. Sans sniffled and Stretch blinked. "Bro, c'mon, don't cry. I'm right here." He said, reaching out and running Sans' head. The other squeaked. "I never left." At that, Stretch stopped, a hiccup having left Sans' throat.

"Y-You never left... but I did." He whispered. "And I'm so, so, so sorry..." He shook his head. Stretch blinked and hugged Sans to him once again.

"You're not good at jokes." He said teasingly. "You're right here. You've always been here." He felt Sans tremble and heard the other start crying. Stretch didn't understand. Sans hiccuped again, pulling away. He rubbed his eyes.

"I know it's already happened..." He mumbled Stretch blinked. He asked quietly what Sans meant and dropped his cigarette as Sans spoke again, avoiding his gaze. "The RESET. I know it's happened a lot since I left..." Stretch stared at him. He cleared his throat.

"You... know about the RESETS, bro?" He asked softly. Sans hiccuped again and nodded. He was shaking.

"I-I know you've moved on... and so have I... but I just wanted to see you one last time..." He said, his voice quivering. Stretch stared at him. What did he mean??

"Moved on?? From what??" He asked, sitting crisscross next to Sans. Sans blinked and lowered himself to sit next to Stretch, on his knees. Sans shook his head.

"I saw you... that day... in Judgement Hall... and I was so shocked and impressed at what you could do... All that power you were hiding behind your laziness..." Sans murmured. He gave a soft laugh and looked up at Stretch. "You can summon GASTER BLASTERS, Papy. They're INCREDIBLE!" Stretch blinked, completely speechless.

"I just... The Magnificent Sans has really underestimated his lazybones brother. I'm so proud to call you my brother." Sans said, smiling as another tear ran down his face. Stretch stared at him before reaching out and hugging him again.

"Thank you, Sans." He whispered quietly, shaking. He was so confused, but at the same time, there was a huge pressure lifted off of him. He didn't care if this was some kind of future predicting dream, he had wanted to tell Sans about what he knew for so long. He sighed. "No one but me and the human ever remembered the RESETS. It was hard, walking around with the constant fear that the next human to come in could free us or kill us all." He was shaking.

Sans sniffed. "It must've been so hard on you. I'm sorry I was so oblivious to it..." He whispered. Stretch pulled back and shook his head.

"I wouldn't ever have put that burden on you. It just made me happy to see you happy." Stretch said. Sans blinked up at him before covering his face again. He blinked as he turned his head back, seeming to have heard something. He turned back to Stretch and stood up.

"I have to go now..." He said quietly. He grinned, closing his eyes, his smile was so wide. "It was so nice to see you again..." He gave a weak giggle. "I'm so happy you're my brother!" Stretch blinked and got up, staring at him.

"Sans? Where are you going?" He asked. Sans sighed and shook his head.

"Just know that I love you, brother. Okay?" Sans asked, smiling. Stretch watched as Sans turned away, starting back into the darkness. Stretch wanted to run after him. He wanted to go too. He blinked as Sans paused and turned to him. "Please take care of me." He said, giving another weak grin. With that, he turned and continued forward until the darkness swallowed him.

"Sans!" Stretch found his voice and yelled out. Nothing was there. No one answered him. He shook. He screwed his eyes shut, holding his head.

Stretch snapped awake outside of the Lab in Hotlands. He'd been leaning against the side of the building. He blinked. What the hell had that been?! He rubbed his head. "Was that... the future...?" He mumbled. He jumped as the metal doors opened and Undyne poked her head out.

"Papyrus!! Sans is awake!! The cracks faded!" She informed him excitedly. Immediately, Stretch shot up and was inside before Undyne could even blink. He knelt over the table. The cracks were gone.

As he stared at Sans, he couldn't help but compare him to the Sans he'd just seen in his dream. That one seemed older. Much wiser. But full of guilt. He gently shook Sans and those bright, circular eyes opened up. "Papy?" He whispered. Stretch broke into a grin.

"Heya, bro. You scared me to DEATH!" He whispered. Sans seemed dismayed and apologized, but Stretch shook his head. He thought quietly. It had to have been a future dream. Something inside him was sure it wasn't, but what else could it possibly be?

Stretch blinked. That meant, one day, Sans would find out about the RESETS. Oh well. Stretch sighed. He couldn't protect him from it forever, he supposed. But... Stretch rubbed Sans' head, making him whine. He could at least continue what he was doing. As the Sans in his dream had asked.

Please take care of me.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now