Fit For A King

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Sans wanted to go back and wait at the house. In fact, he knew that would've been the appropriate reaction. But he was THAT guy. If he found stuff like this in the woods, he was DEFINITELY going to try to get to the bottom of it himself.

He took a deep breath and turned back to MK's corpse. Large chunks had been torn out of the kid's neck too, making his head loll at a strange angle. The blood still glistened. It wasn't dry. He furrowed his brow. "Recent?" He whispered in shock. But the leg bones had been stripped clean. He gagged as he thought about it. "A cannibal. Great." His voice broke a little. "A really goddamn efficient one too..."

He rubbed his face, his hand coming to a stop over his mouth. This still didn't explain why everyone in the town was GONE. Sans got up. He backed away and teleported himself back to the house. He quickly went back inside, shutting and locking the back door. He paused for whistling. The dog looked up and painfully pushed itself up, slowly hobbling over to him.

Sans picked up the dog and wrapped it in his hoodie. He pulled the hood up and his eye flashed. He teleported to Grillby's. He dropped himself in the center of it. The normally busy bar was completely empty. No sign of Grillby either. He noticed the entrance to the kitchen was wide open and peered in.

Sans went pale and set the dog on the counter before rushing back into the kitchen and coming to stop next to the orange-red-haired man. His glasses laid a few feet away, shattered. There was a large, dark bruise wrapping all the way around his neck. Sans was shaking. "Oh shit... Grillby..." He whispered in horror. He looked down and gagged again. Grillby's left arm was missing at the elbow. He could see it a few feet away, completely stripped.

Sans kept his mouth covered and his eyes screwed shut. Tears were threatening to escape. He forced himself to focus on Grillby's neck again. They weren't hands. Nor rope. But Grillby had definitely been strangled. He pushed himself up and stared around the kitchen. Grillby's freezer has been ransacked, patties all over the floor, some half eaten. There was a spatter of red. But it wasn't anywhere near Grillby's body.

Sans left the kitchen and walked out, shutting the door. He was shaking. Where the hell was Papyrus? He had to be with Undyne. He had to be. Sans nodded shakily. The dog whimpered. Sans scooped it up and they teleported to the road out of Snowdin and heading into Waterfall. He paused and turned to look back. He froze.

Two guards were laid in the snow, mangled. Dogaressa and Dogamy... Dogamy had a large hole in his torso. It was clean, going straight through him. There were bites taken out of both of their necks, Dogaressa's head hanging by tendrils. They both sat together in a red-stained snowdrift. Sans was completely numb.

He had no doubt that if he went back through every building in that town, he would find everyone. Everyone except Papyrus. He turned back once again, struggling with the fact that someone could possibly be alive. He was torn. "The... the RESET will bring them back..." He whispered, trying to reassure himself more than anything.

He closed his eyes and teleported to Undyne's house. He stopped. The door was wide open and several holes were punctured through the walls. He could connect them to several spears on the front lawn. He quickly headed inside.

Sans wished he hadn't. Undyne was there, pinned through the shoulders by her own spears. She dangled limply. She seemed to have been strangled too and Sans didn't understand. He stared around. There was so much blood on the floor. Much more than if it had just been Undyne. Her hands were covered in the stuff. No doubt she'd fought back. Several of her fingers were missing, having been bitten off. The house was completely torn up, the wooden floor in absolute splinters.

Sans teleported out of the house before arriving at the only place he thought he would find someone. Nabstablook's house was dark. Sans knocked. "Napstablook!!" He called. He yelped as the door swung open and he was grabbed, being pulled inside. Sans' eye lit up, but then immediately died.

"Brother!! Brother, hush!" Papyrus' voice was urgent. "Napstablook isn't here, he's visiting family." Sans felt the gloved hand over his mouth. He nearly cried. He felt Papyrus pat down his body before pausing. "Sans, do you have a dog?"

"Papyrus, holy shit, you're alright!" He whispered, shaking in relief. He felt Papyrus hug him.

"The Great Papyrus is always alright!" He whispered. They both froze. Outside, they could hear something. Footsteps. They were getting closer and as they did, Sans could hear a soft squish.

It was quiet for a moment. The door bent inward as there was a loud thunk. Sans could feel Papyrus' heart racing too. The door bent in again, blood suddenly spattering out from under it. After a few moments, there was only silence again.

Sans was shivering. "Paps, what the hell is happening?" He whispered. "Someone is EATING people. Was that it?? Is it another monster, like the kid??" He continued to stare at the door.

"There were two." Papyrus whispered. "I-I think they're both monsters." Sans blinked. Papyrus quickly explained that he'd been with Undyne when two creatures had attacked them. One was a black, tar-covered, gold-tinted skeleton with thick black tentacles coming out of its back. Sans suddenly stopped and went pale. Their necks. The strangulations.

"What was the other, Paps?" Sans asked quickly. He heard Papyrus whimper before gulping.

"It looks like a human woman... but it's red all over. Even its clothes look like part of its body. It has tentacles coming out of its back too, but they're thinner and they drip blood. Its hair and eyes glow and it... it's the one that eating people..." Papyrus was shaking. Sans unzipped his hoodie.

"Papyrus, protect the dog. I'm going to get Asgore, or someone... Someone who can help us." Sans whispered, handing the shaking dog to his brother. Papyrus was obviously against it.

"Sans! But those creatures!" He protested. Sans shushed him before smiling as his eye lit up.

"Bro, don't worry." He assured him, standing. "I have shortcuts."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now