Fearful Reunion

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Horror was frozen. He watched as Nightmare disappeared back into the trees. Horror leaned heavily against the side of his sentry post, thinking. So... the terrifying human was finally dead. He sighed in relief, his forehead against the wooden pole. Thank stars. Never had he been so terrified of something. A creature that couldn't die. Awful. Horrifying.

He slipped his skeletal fingers back into the hole in his head and tapped the other hand in a soft wave of his fingerbones. He knew the human wasn't coming today. It was too early. He shivered, despite not being able to feel the cold. He had a gut feeling. Something was nearby. It had to have been another monster, now that Scooter was gone and their human wasn't going to be around for a bit.

Briefly, Horror wondered if it was Papyrus, setting up human traps again. He waited. After more rustling, Horror's eye twitched in annoyance. The red glow brightened. Whatever it was, it was ANNOYING. Horror stood up and grabbed his axe, moving around the sentry post and out into the open snow. He dragged the axe along behind him as he stumbled through the snow slowly.

Horror moved through the trees. Every so often, he would hear the rustling again, but further ahead. It kept moving. His hand twitched, the wrist bones clicking. Finally, he emerged into a clearing. Something was wrong and he could sense it immediately. Grey powder covered the clearing and he could hear something in the brush rustling. There was soft crunching.

Oh... it seemed another monster had broken. Horror hated to see it. Sometimes it happened though, and they would have to deal with it. Sometimes, a monster would become so hungry that it would commit cannibalism and eat other monsters. Horror hated dealing with it because he understood why some monsters would go so far. He could relate. He was starving too. He sighed and approached the bush, knocking on the tree next to it.

"Heya. Sorry to ruin your meal." He said, tipping his head. The crunching paused for a moment. In the bushes, there was a slight red glow. "I know you're hungry, but we can't have people eating each other." The brush rustled again. Horror could make out a silhouette. It seemed to be one of the bigger monsters. He sighed and took a few steps back.

"C'mon out, I'm dying to MEAT ya!" He called, remaining there with his twisted grin. He blinked as the red glow began pushing upwards out of the bushes. When it emerged, Horror's grin dropped and so did his axe. He moved back a couple steps.

It was Scooter's face. And her shape. But those completely red, glowing eyes and drifting, glowing red hair couldn't have been her. Neither could the grey dust surrounding its mouth. Whatever it was, it stared at him. Slowly, it closed its mouth, full of grey dust and began to chew again, soft crunching heard. Horror was wide-eyed.

He stumbled back as it pulled itself out of the bushes, appearing to be made out of glowing, liquid-like red stuff. It even had outlines of clothes on its body. In its hand, it dragged the half-dusted, half-eaten corpse of Gyftrot along the ground.

Horror was sickened, to say the least. He hadn't personally known Gyftrot, but he'd seen him enough to recognize him as a resident of Snowdin. Horror leaned down and picked up his axe once again, wielding it. The red shape continued to munch until freezing as he picked up a weapon. It stared at him, almost seeming to be wondering what he was going to do next. Horror gave a ghastly grin. Just because this thing had Scooter's form, didn't mean he was just going to let it do whatever the hell it wanted.

"Do you feel your sins crawling on your back?" He asked coldly, still smiling. "You don't seem nearly as starved as the rest of us, buddy." The shape dropped what was left of Gyftrot to the ground, sending dust flying. Its hands were covered in thick layers of the stuff. Slowly, it began to munch again, its eyes fixed on Horror's. The sound made him sick. "Stop." He hissed. The shape tipped its head, but the crunching only seemed to get louder. He watched as it paused and lifted a hand to its mouth.

Dark red liquid poured out as it opened its mouth, depositing a red-stained, broken ornament into its hand. It licked its lips, despite bleeding. Horror felt cold as he watched it drop the ornament to the side. He lifted his axe. "You've done a bad thing, buddy. You've done something absolutely ROTTEN." He giggled a little bit.

The shape blinked at him and he shot forward, slashing it with his axe. He took out its knees first, getting the thing to the ground before absolutely whaling on it with the axe. Each crunch and spatter was like music to Horror's ears. He loved it. He loved it. More. More. MORE.

He sliced open the chest and stared at the SOUL. It was black, twisted awkwardly around what appeared to be shards of red glass. It was hollow. It didn't even look like a SOUL. The sight was enough to stop Horror dead in his tracks and the creature ripped itself away from him, the pieces reforming together. It dragged itself away in a bloody red heap until it reformed into Scooter's shape, standing up without a single scratch.

Horror gave a wicked, hearty laugh and attacked it again, decapitating the thing and sending its head flying. He continued to hack its body apart, not even stopping when he saw the SOUL. His axe hit it and it was like hitting solid metal. His axe screeched against it and it remained fine. Horror jerked back at the noise. The shape ripped its mangled form away from him once again, dragging itself away and reforming. He ran after it, only to watch it draw a hole in the ground, showing the Omega Timeline before dropping through, the hole closing with a vicious snap.

Horror's axe collided with the ground where the hole had been as he panted. He glared at it. What the hell had that been?? What?? He collapsed to his knees. He had no prize, he was soaked in blood and had a half-eaten monster near him.

Horror stared at the axe, its handle soaked in blood. He couldn't shake the feeling of indifference in its eyes as it ate a monster's corpse. He shivered and wrapped his coat tighter. He tipped his head back, his hand snaking up into his skull again. He began to laugh, quietly at first before it erupted into painful, gut busting laughter.

What the HELL was he going to tell the TOWN?!

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