Surprise, Surprise

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Red blinked. It had been a few weeks since he'd heard about Scooter's death. Papyrus had even gone out and gotten him clothes, including a chain and fingerless gloves. He stretched his finger bones. He was at his post. He had been slumped over, but soon pushed himself up. He furrowed his brow.

In the distance, he heard trees creaking. He saw the tops of the pines sway violently. What the hell?? Red kept his eyes fixed on it, confused. He would've assumed it was the wind if it hadn't just been that SINGLE patch of trees. He jumped and his eye lit up as Papyrus' voice startled him. "SANS!!"

Papyrus stopped as Red turned to him with his lit eye. Red quickly shook it off and cleared his throat. "Yes, Boss??" Papyrus blinked at him with a furrowed brow. Red glanced back at the patch of trees and caught them wildly swaying again. He turned his attention fully away from Papyrus.

That made his brother follow his gaze. They watch the wildly swaying trees and the sounds of breaking branches. There was an eerie wailing noise before a sudden red glow lit up the trees. Then, the trees lit up. Both of them jolted back in shock as several of the trees suddenly exploded in flames. Holy SHIT, a FIRE?! In SNOWDIN?!

"SANS!! ALERT THE REST OF THE GUARD!!" Papyrus yelled before taking off in the direction of the fire. He blinked as he watched Papyrus stop and pull out a phone before calling someone. "HUMAN! ARE YOU OUT OF SNOWDIN??" There was a pause before Papyrus nodded. "TELL METTATON I HATE HIM!" He hung up and continued forward.

Red sighed as he turned away. Okay. So the kid was out of Snowdin, so that was good news. It wouldn't mess with their Route. He teleported around, locating the rest of the Guard. Most of them didn't believe him until he had them scent the air and smell a sickening amount of smoke. He even directed some of them to look at the cloud. He split them off into groups before quickly teleporting back to his post.

He'd sent Dogamy and Dogaressa with Greater Dog to alert the town. Doggo and Lesser Dog has been sent to round up any inhabitants who weren't in the town. He took off into the woods after his brother. He teleported through the trees in sharp bursts, his body definitely not used to running.

Finally, he arrived in a clearing and jerked back in shock. He'd almost landed right in the middle of an inferno. He stumbled back into a snowdrift, leaning against it. In the middle of the fire, red bone attacks were flying haphazardly. Bone shards would spike up from the ground.

Red blinked. His brother was fighting something in the fire! What was it?! "BOSS!!" He yelled, his gravelly voice straining. He heard Papyrus reply faintly, but he wasn't able to pick it up. What he was able to catch, however, was an earth-shaking roar.

The sound of metal alerted Red and he peered through the smoke. Something broke through and created a hole. Red froze as he saw it. It had the head of a gaster blaster, but it had the body of a dragon. It was entirely made of glowing red bullets. Metal bullets. Wings and all. The bullets all clicked and clacked against each other as it moved. It growled, fire spewing out and curling from its jaws.

Red was completely locked up in shock. Not because of the creature's sheer size and power, but because he RECOGNIZED the magic that made it up. It was impossible. It was Scooter's magic. He was frozen. He blinked as he noticed bone attacks flying through it like a net. The body was shifting and moving so each attack would fly right through it.

He shook himself out of his stupor and ran to assist his brother, skidding around fiery walls. He came out behind his brother, who was snarling and yelling at the beast. It opened its jaws and a blast of fire escaped. Red barely had time to grab his brother's arm and teleport them away.

Papyrus yelped and turned to look at Red with wide eyes. "SANS!!" He cried, having thought that having Red alert the Guard would have taken MUCH longer. Red blinked before barely throwing up three gaster blasters. They all went off at once, forcing the dragon back.

Papyrus was shocked, clearly not thinking that his brother would've been able to summon one, let alone THREE. Red snarled. "GET OUTTA HERE!!" He roared, the gaster blasters intensifying. He finally stopped and the gaster blasters drifted around them slowly.

The smoke cleared and the dragon pushed itself up, all the bullets on one side of it completely disintegrated. It was hollow. It pushed itself up on one side and charged them again. Red yelped and ducked as his gaster blasters were unable to go off in time. They watched as the dragon smashed one of them into the ground with enough force to crack the blaster straight in half.

It turned on another and caught it in the half of its jaw it had left. The gaster blaster cracked and exploded as it hit down. The third was smacked out of the air by the dragon's remaining wing. They blinked as the dragon tipped over onto it, shaking the ground as it crushed the gaster blaster under its weight. The dragon stood up, half of it still missing, but infuriated. Fire blew out of nowhere from its half jaw and enveloped the ground.

The fire separated Red from Papyrus and the walls continued to climb higher. "NO!!" Red yelled. He flinched as the dragon roared, shaking the ground once more. He sent out jagged bone attacks, the dragon clearly not even caring enough to dodge them and simply allowed the bones to rip through it.

This was not stopping the dragon. It dropped and lunged at Red. Red felt time slow around him as he processed what was about to happen. It hurt. He felt heavy pain in his chest and water in his eyes. Was this what betrayal felt like? He'd forgotten.

He could only stand and watch as the dragon, made by his former best friend's magic, crashed through its own flames, with the intention of crushing him to dust.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now