Angry Boy

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Wine snarled as he was blasted back. His gaster blaster finally caved in, exploding into dust and debris as the human-creature barraged him with another round of glowing red bullets. It would be a bit before he had enough power to make another, now relying on fierce bone attacks. Papyrus was hardly fending off Shattered Dream, managing to just barely protect himself with shoddy bone walls.

Wine blinked. Papyrus would snap his head up every time he heard the bullets, seeming confused. Even knowing that the human-creature was the one making the sounds, he seemed to be checking for something else.

Wine furrowed his brow before being yanked back to reality. Quite literally, too. The human-creature approached him and knelt down, its tentacles quickly ensnaring him.

A thought hit Wine. "You said you've seen my Guard, huh?? Where are they??" He snarled. The human-creature seemed taken back. Finally, it tipped its head, not answering his question and only pulling him up to be held in front of it.

"Damn you!!!" Wine hissed, struggling. The human-creature remained apathetic. There was a sudden crushing pressure on one of his arms and Wine screamed as the human-creature suddenly yanked, tearing his arm right out of the socket. "SHIT!!"

That caught Papyrus' attention long enough for Shattered Dream to catch him off guard. He smacked the other back into the wall with a loud crunch, laughing maniacally.

The pain was strange, but vivid, to Wine. He literally couldn't feel anything, yet it was the most unbearable pain he'd ever experienced in his lifetime. He shook, his eyes wide and he had gone into shock. The human-creature dropped him into the snow, turning away. It pulled the glove off of his arm and cast it aside. It had thrown him aside like garbage and Wine shook, his eyes wide.

Then, to Wine and Papyrus' horror, it opened its glowing mouth and bit into the skeletal arm, cracks forming before crunching right through it. Wine shrieked and quickly turned away, shaking as he shielded his eyes from the gruesome sight. Even Shattered Dream seemed a bit off put by it, his tentacles flicking as he grinned uncomfortably.

The human-creature continued to eat quietly. Its munching echoed through Snowdin. Its tentacles waved, almost seeming joyful. Dust spiraled down around it, but continued to coat its mouth and hands. Wine shrieked. He'd had a thought.

If the human-creature had seen its Guard, as it had said... Wine went completely cold. "No... NO!!" He shrieked, getting everyone's attention as he tried futilely to form more attacks. They seemed to have no effect on the creature, who seemed to continued to eat without problem.

"YOU BASTARD!! You ATE them?! YOU ATE MY GUARD?!" He roared. He saw Papyrus' eyes widen in shock and realization. All of a sudden, Shattered Dream lit up gold by his horrid SOUL and was thrown across the clearing.

Papyrus stood up, one eye lit up in gold as he glared at the two. Shattered Dream stood up next to the human-creature. He scowled and slowly, something began to materialize above him.

His hoodie changed, only one word spread across the front of it. Judge. The Judge? But the Judge was one of the Queen's highest positions...! Not to mention one of the most powerful. No one had ever seen the Judge besides the humans and Queen Toriel herself! There was no way his mild-mannered brother could POSSIBLY be... Wine stared at him, completely shocked at the gaster blaster forming above his normally meek brother's head. It had strange eyes, both connecting into one another.

The gaster blaster's mouth formed a gun and a long clip of bullets. Papyrus growled. The human-creature lit up at the sight of his gaster blaster, its own erupting into existence. The bullets that made it up, clicked together like puzzle pieces until its jaw unhinged and fire blew out. Wine was in awe, but not at the human-creature. Oh, no. He turned to look at his brother, the one he'd assumed to always have been too weak to do any of this.

"Papyrus?" He asked in shock. Papyrus blinked and turned to look at him as the wicked golden glow flickered out of his eyes. He stared at Wine with a soft expression. His usual eyes. The other seemed apologetic, almost. He lifted a hand.

Wine yelped as he lit up gold and he was pulled over to Papyrus by his brother's golden grip on his SOUL. He was set down next to the other, his eyes wide. "Papyrus, you can summon a gaster blaster?" He asked incredulously. He had so many other questions, but it seemed that was the one he'd decided to ask first and he'd never been more annoyed with himself. Don't ask about that!! Is he the Judge?? Wine demanded to know inside of his head.

In response to his gaster blaster question, Papyrus blinked and gave him a soft grin. It was almost as if he was saying, "Better." Wine watched in shock as more formed. Two more loomed over them. Heavy-looking and metallic. The gaster blasters seemed slightly deformed in their own ways. No two were the same.

Wine saw the human-creature hesitate before tipping its head. Slowly, two more of its own gaster blasters formed above it, clicking, whirring, and snapping into place. Fire bellowed from their jaws.

Shattered Dream watched quietly before twitching and perking up. He whispered something to the human-creature, who seemed surprised before nodding. Two of their tentacles intertwined with one another before Shattered Dream pulled away and disappeared once again, seeming to melt into the ground.

The human-creature turned back to face them. It slowly lifted what was left of Wine's dusting arm and continued to eat. They both flinched at the crunching and the sight of dust fluttering down from its chin. Wine scowled. "How disgusting." He hissed out, holding his shoulder.

Papyrus could only nod in response. His burning eyes held more than enough agreement. He would make this creature pay.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now