The Countdown

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Ink lifted his head, his brush at the ready as a portal opened up in front of him. He was in the Omega Timeline, trying to track the red human. He was shaking. He blinked as Error poked his head out, their gaze meeting. "S-S-Squid, are y-y-y-you alright??"

Error stepped out fully and the portal closed behind him. He yelped in shock, nearly crashing as Ink suddenly hugged him. He came back, about to snap at the other before noticing how bad Ink was trembling. Ink was breathing heavily, before pulling back, rainbow tears in his eyes.

He'd never seen the AU Guardian so distressed. Error stared at him in slight dismay. "I-I... where is it?? Where is it?? I have to contain it or get rid of it or SOMETHING..." Ink was whispering shakily. "I-I can't stand to look at it... all I see is her face... all I see is her..." He dropped his brush with a loud clatter, sinking to his knees.

Before this, Error would've rejoiced to see the AU Guardian helpless. But now, it just hurt. He felt awful as he watched him. He lifted his hands and sent out strings, wrapping them delicately around Ink, who looked up at him in teary-eyed confusion. Error slowly pulled the other to him and hugged him.

Ink froze, but quickly broke down, sobbing. He wasn't used to this. He wasn't used to feeling so much. He was SOULLESS, so why did this hurt so much?? He gripped Error in a tight hug, burying his face into the other's blue scarf. Error rubbed the other's back.

His own glitches had calmed to allow Ink to be more comfortable. "A-A-Are y-y-you sure y-you can h-h-handle seeing it aga-ag-again?" He asked. Ink was shaking. He remained quiet, but Error felt the other slowly shake his head.

Error sighed. "I'll g-g-go find-d-d it. I d-d-didn't have e-emo-emotional attachment to-to-to Scooter like y-y-y-you did..." He said. He'd only met Scooter during the last stages of her seemingly immortal life. "G-G-Go find D-Dream or som-som-someone that'll make you st-st-stop crying... It's w-weird." Ink blinked and pulled back from the other. He sniffed before snorting a little, rubbing his eyesocket.

He was laughing weakly. He looked up and Error felt a tugging in his chest. His hands tightened the strings around Ink and the other looked mildly surprised as the strings pulled him closer. Error leaned down and gently pressed his teeth to Ink's. He sighed and pulled back.

Error blinked in surprise. Ink had rainbow blush lighting up his ivory face. It made Error's face heat up a little too. Error coughed awkwardly. "I-It made y-y-you stop c-c-crying, didn't it?" He muttered, quickly turning away. He huffed and lifted his fingers, the strings unraveling from around Ink's body. They slipped back to Error and he turned his body away.

He jumped as he felt Ink grab his arm. He turned back in surprise. Ink was wide-eyed and open-mouthed, like he wanted to say something. Error raised a brow at him and Ink seemed to choke for a moment. "Th-Thank you..." The colorful skeleton whispered. Error blushed yellow and mumbled that it wasn't a problem.

Ink cleared his throat, quickly trying to compose himself. "I-I think I can face it... if you come with me..." He said quietly. Error blinked and turned to him. His body fizzled a little. Ink was staring at him in worried anticipation. Error scoffed.

"Well D-DUH!! Y-Y-Y-you must-t be CR-CR-CRAZY if you th-th-think I'll let you g-g-g-go by yourself!" Error exclaimed, giving a warbled chuckle. Ink perked up and he stared at Error with wide eyes, like he couldn't believe it. Ink nodded quickly, breaking into a huge grin of relief.

"Yes! Okay! But first! W-We have to stop in Dreamtale! I have to make sure they haven't all killed each other while I was gone!" Ink said, quickly turning and scooping up his brush. He seemed much more steady now. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Who-Wh-Who's in Dreamtale?" Error asked in confusion. Ink gave a dramatic groan, rolling his eyes.

"Stars, EVERYONE, apparently! Dream, Nightmare and his bad guys. AND DreamSwap!" Ink said, shaking his head. He paused before giving a teasing grin. "Y'know, your counterpart seems a lot nicer than you!"

"I-I-I bet." Error said, scoffing lightly. Ink giggled. He turned and paused for a moment, his brush raised. He seemed to tremble and Error came up next to him. "B-B-Breathe." He instructed softly. Ink seemed to snap out of his daze and nod. He took a deep breath in. A deep breath out. His hand slowly steadied.

Ink whipped the paintbrush forward, creating a splattered portal. He turned to Error with a huge grin. "Ready, Glitchy?" Error sighed and nodded.

"R-Ready, S-Sq-Squid." He stated quietly. He reached up and took Ink's hand. Ink gave it a comforting squeeze before yanking them both through the portal.

As it shut, a bright blue glow sliced through the Omega Timeline, cutting the fabric of reality like paper. There was a crunch and a tearing sound. The red human was thrown from the slice, hitting some unseen wall and sliding down it. Both of its arms were missing.

The red human was twitching as a skeletal hand lifted the thin slice and stepped through. The slice slowly closed behind him. The red human's shaking red eyes met one cold, ice blue one. The scythe that Reaper held dragged along the ground, leaving a thin trail of red. The red human pushed themselves to their feet, a proven difficulty with no arms.

Their skin bubbles and Reaper jumped as several red tentacles shot down, impaling into the ground. The red human threw back its head, letting out a scream that shook Reaper to the core. It sounded JUST LIKE HER.

"SHUT UP!! STØP!!!" Reaper roared, tears welling in his eyes. The creature shut its mouth and even seemed to stop breathing for a moment. It perked up as the ground rumbled.

Reaper shrieked as the red human's tentacles ripped out of the ground and it took off, further into the Omega Timeline, leaving glowing footprints. Reaper slowly followed, knowing it couldn't outrun Death.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now