Creep Crawling

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Horror twitched in his sleep. Could one really even call what he did sleeping? His glowing red eye was still wide open, but he was completely disassociated with reality. His claw-like fingerbones scrapes against the wood of the post as it curled inwards towards him. The grin on his face remained stretching from one side to the other. He twitched again.

His stomach woke him. Horror flinched awake, curling in on himself. He held his stomach area, bending over and shaking. STARS. STARS, HE WAS SO HUNGRY. Each RESET was somehow more unbearable than the last. He panted, clouds coming out around his skull. His stomach felt like it was tearing itself apart from the inside.

Horror dug his finger bones into the sides of his skull, scratching them downwards and leaving horrible, jagged lines. He inhaled shakily, letting out wheezing laughter. This was AGONY. He twitched wildly for a moment and before he knew it, he'd reached out and grabbed his axe. He gripped the handle tightly and he came back to his senses, momentarily confused.

Why was his first instinct to go for the axe in the first place?? He shook his thoughts away and slowly pulled back from the axe, his own hand seeming to linger on it for a moment longer before finally releasing it. He sat back on the stool, momentarily perplexed. He felt his hand creeping up his side and it slipped back into the hole on his head, gripping the shattered bone.

Horror trembled in place before he heard soft crunching. Light steps. Fast steps. Fed steps?? Horror blinked and furrowed his brow, unable to tell. He turned to look out over the path. It was still untouched. The steps were approaching rapidly, it almost sounded like SEVERAL light-footed monsters.

Horror twitched again. If it was more monster children, coming to whisper and point at him, he'd give them one hell of a lesson. His grin stretched wider. He blinked as the soft steps stopped a few feet away and he tried to focus. Which direction were they coming from?? He continued to stare out at the path in confusion as the steps began to run.

A thought hit him. He whipped around and as he did, something landed with a rattling thump on top of the sentry post. The sentry post was a small little hut with an open back and a counter at the front. It wasn't much. Whatever was on top of the roof, the building was creaking and shaking under it. Horror blinked. He could see the trail.

Whatever it was, it had come from behind him. He noted the small dips in the snow. It had no footprints. Just indents. Then, he heard the chitter. It was chilling. He recognized the sound, but at the same time, it was completely knew to him.

"Muffet?? M-Muffet?!" Horror yelled out desperately through his cracking, strained voice. He was desperately hoping. He stopped. As the creature moved, he heard soft clinks. Like the sound of someone shaking chain mail. It was followed by a thump that would shake the post. Horror shakily reached out for the ax as the chittering sounded again.

It was deep and echoed. Mechanical, even. He heard a hiss. Not like an animal. But like steam. Horror gripped the axe, pulling the weapon to his side. The creature started to move towards and front and Horror moved backwards at the same time. If this was Muffet's idea of a joke, it wasn't funny.

Horror managed to escape the hut and quickly moved around the side. He heard the creature land inside the hut. He could hear it, the sound of chain mail shaking. He heard another long, drawn-out hiss. Horror began to back away from the hut slowly.

The entire hut suddenly exploded, sending Horror flying back a few feet. Fire grew up into the sky, the flames eagerly piercing the usually cold air. Horror blinked and used his axe to push himself up. The remains of the hut were charred and bits of debris was scattered all over.

He stopped. The creature came crawling out, one leg after another. One leg. Two leg. Three leg. Four leg. Five leg. Six leg. Seven leg. Right leg. Eight, long, spindly, bright red, glowing legs. The same amount of slanted, almond-shaped eyes glowed from a metallic, glowing red body. The body. The body was made up of bullets. Each one spun and moved on its own.

The spider crept forward a little more, its bullet-made body being the thing producing the chain mail sound. It opened two, glowing red pincers and hissed, steam blowing out around it. Horror stared at it.

"H-H-Heya... are you one of Muffet's?" He asked, confused. The spider lifted and clicked each of its legs down. It skittered forward a little, only stopping when Horror raised the axe. "Hey, stay back. I'd EIGHT to see either of us hurt." Horror twitched as the pun whistled through his teeth.

The spider didn't seem to enjoy it as much as him. He watched as something inside its body lit up and he stumbled back as the spider spat out a fireball, landing where'd he'd just been standing. The area lit up and exploded, sending charred bits of the ground everywhere and leaving a small crater.

Horror blinked at the crater before looking up at the spider. He twitched. "Dangerous... dangerous..." Horror whispered to himself, swaying. The axe dragged across the ground to one side of him, while the other hand snakes up and gripped his empty eye socket feverishly. Horror coughed before beginning to let out strained laughter. It hurt. It bellowed from his stomach.

The spider skittered forward, only to jump back as Horror's axe impaled the ground inches from its head. It hissed angrily. Horror stalked forward, forcing the steaming spider back. He wrenched the axe out of the ground, his red eye glowing enough to match the spider's intensity. He gave a soft giggle.

"Sorry, you got papers on you? We don't really LIKE tourists." 

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now