A Gorey Demise

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Nightmare slithered into existence in Error's Void. This was the other place he'd sensed a notable amount of pain and fear. He stared at the Void. Red blotches stained the ground, around piles of dust and... oh no... Nightmare came forward and leaned down, scooping up the blue scarf that Error's puppet always wore.

Error was going to be LIVID. Nightmare quickly prepared to leave and avoid his wrath when something caught his eyes from the strings above. What was that? Among the dolls and strings, Nightmare could make out something flashing and glowing. Almost frantically.

He used one of his tentacles to stretch up and snagged something. He pulled back down a dark red bubble with a SOUL inside. He held it and furrowed his brow. "Who the hell are you?" He mumbled. The SOUL seemed to shrink away from him. "Another of Error's puppets?" He studied the bubble. "And what is this you're trapped in?"

The SOUL remained dim for both of his questions. Nightmare blinked and turned to look at the pile of dust. "Are you the Swap Sans that Error has?" Immediately, the SOUL lit up and began to jump around inside the bubble, glowing frantically. Nightmare was surprised. "Was it you that was experiencing that surge of fear and pain earlier?" The SOUL blinked again.

Nightmare glanced at the red-stained dust. "Normally, I wouldn't care, but what happened to you?" He asked curiously. The SOUL blinked, unable to answer him properly. Nightmare blinked. He had an idea, but he didn't like it.

"I am bringing you to Ink and Error. Something's happening and it's all too odd to ignore." He muttered. The SOUL shrank back as Nightmare brought the bubble up to his face. "I will carry you, but do NOT touch my SOUL or I will DESTROY you, understood?" He growled.

The quivering SOUL gave a tiny little blink and Nightmare scowled. He reached inside the bubble, the black goo piercing it. He grabbed the SOUL and it wriggled before calming and quivering. He brought it to his chest and pressed it into the open space next to his own SOUL. He shivered as his body adapted to it. He could feel something afraid inside of him.

"Why so scared? If I wanted to kill you, I would've." Nightmare growled. The SOUL seemed to understand that. The fear lessened, only to be replaced with unease. Nightmare chuckled. "You are VERY lucky that something odd is happening. Normally, I would've left you to sit among the dusty strings. And knowing Error's eyesight, it could've been years before you were found."

Nightmare blinked as he felt a wave of confusion from the SOUL. He blinked. "Something out of the ordinary happened to you, correct? There is nothing I can think of right now that could attack you and leave behind blood stains that large." The SOUL let out a brief moment of understanding before falling quiet. Then, he felt a silent wave of horror from the SOUL.

"What now?" He asked, somewhat annoyed. The SOUL quickly went quiet again. He briefly wondered if this sudden death was related to Shattered Dream at all. But Shattered Dream wouldn't have left behind blood. And considering the browning, the blood had been there a while.

As soon as he thought Shattered Dream's name, he felt a tiny little ping of confusion from the SOUL and snarled. "Mind your business!" He felt a moment of delicious fear before the SOUL sank down in concern and worry. Nightmare growled. This SOUL was annoying. He snatched the blue bandanna from the floor, coughing at the dust.

He turned and disappeared down into the floor before re-emerging in one of the places he hated the most. He scowled at the light in the Doodle Sphere. His tentacles wrapped around him, shielding him. He felt a jump in his chest. He scowled. Joy. Disgusting. He blinked as Error and Dream both turned to look at him.

"Brother!! Brother, what's going on??" Dream was shaking, seeming terrified. Nightmare growled. He yanked out Dream's hand and held it so his palm was facing upwards. Dream yelped as Nightmare reached into his own chest and pulled out the SOUL. He shoved it into Dream's hand, scowling.

"Deal with your friend." He snarled, pushing Dream's hands forward until the SOUL fused into Dream's chest. Dream was shocked.

"Nightmare!! I can't just take people into my body!! Who was tha-" He stopped, his eyes widening. "Oh stars." By now, Error had made his way over. Error seemed both confused and agitated.

"I have bad news." Nightmare growled. Error seemed confused before one of Nightmare's tentacles deposited the blood-stained, dust-covered blue bandanna into Error's hands. Error seemed momentarily confused before his eyes widened. He glitched violently, shutting off. As he rebooted, Nightmare glanced at Dream, who looked horrified as he held his own chest, no doubt listening to the new SOUL inside of him.

Error was quiet as he gripped the bandanna. He drew in a shaking breath, but Nightmare growled. "I brought your damn pet. He's with Dream right now. Show him." Nightmare turned to Dream, who jumped. Dream held out both of his hands. One lit up with Dream's golden SOUL, while the other held a white monster SOUL. Error stared at him.

"Wh-Wh-What the h-h-hell happened??" He whispered, his voice stretching. Nightmare gave a scoff as Dream quickly tucked the two SOULS back inside of him.

"Hell if I know. I'm leaving you here. I have a bigger problem to deal with." He turned and disappeared into the floor, leaving the two behind.

Nightmare re-emerged in the Omega Timeline, just happy to be out of that damn Doodle Sphere. He stormed through the timeline, reaching the colder, forbidden areas. "Ink!" He yelled. There was faint reply. Nightmare stopped as he emerged at the edge of a jagged hole. He furrowed his brow and leaned over the side, his tentacles keeping him rooted. This had been the containment room for Shattered Dream.

Ink was knelt at the bottom of the room. "What did you find?" Nightmare yelled down. Ink seemed disturbed as he got up from a glowing red puddle. He turned to look up at Nightmare. This was the ONLY thing that could possibly bring the two together. Normally, they hated each other's guts. But this threat?? It was too heavy for either of them to ignore. It would even force them to work together.

Ink cleared his throat and held up a red vial. His voice was loud as it echoed in the room. "You're not gonna believe this, but it's HUMAN BLOOD!"

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now