Serene Uncertainty

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For the most part, Ink had diffused the situation. He had managed to calm down both sides. He watched as Nightmare approached Night, who stiffened. X was next to Night, his blade drawn. Nightmare studied his counterpart with one glowing eye before scoffing. "How are you even a threat? Your aura bores me." He growled, turning away. His tentacles flicked in annoyance, wondering why DS was so feverishly hunting such a weak target.

Night blinked and turned away. "I've been wondering the same thing about myself." He muttered. X nudged him in concern and Night shook his head, stating that he was fine. Glitch came up next to Night, also seeming dismayed. Night blinked before giving a soft smile. Nightmare watched this with a cold eye. Friends. The thought disgusted him.

He turned back to his group. He blinked. Horror had fallen asleep against Dust's shoulder. Dust didn't seem too bothered by it, juggling small little purple dots of magic along his skeletal fingertips to distract himself. Horror's ax rested against his side. Nightmare found that odd as he approached them, tipping his head.

Killer blinked and looked up from polishing his knife. "Boss, don't mean to be questioning or anything, but what the hell are we doing here?" He asked, his brow furrowed. He jumped as one of Nightmare's tentacles wrapped around him loosely. Just forming a circle, but not actually touching him. Nightmare leaned down.

"As much as I despise being here myself, I cannot allow any of you to go back until the threat has been neutralized. We don't know how many creatures that the red human left." He said quietly. Killer blinked before nodding, a slight blush on his face. Nightmare's gaze moved past him to Dust and Horror. "Have they always acted like that?"

Killer didn't understand what he meant until he turned back. He blinked in surprise before nodding. "Yeah, Boss. They act like that every time the group gathers. You never noticed?" He asked, confused. It was a well-known fact among the bad guys that Dust would take care of Horror. Well, it had been a well-known fact for everyone but Nightmare apparently. He shook his head.

Dream watched his brother from next to Ink. He felt a pang in his chest, wanting to know if Nightmare was alright. He turned back to Ink. "Are you going to try to find it?" He asked quietly. Ink blinked and turned to him in surprise.

"Can I leave you here with everyone?" He asked uncertainly. Dream blinked before nodding. Ink still seemed unsure and Dream could understand why. Almost the entire group of bad guys were there. And he would be leaving Dream with Night, Glitch, and X if the bad guys decided to attack him.

"I will trust in my brother not to attack me while housed in my castle." Dream stared firmly. Ink stared at him for a moment, his gaze flicking up towards Nightmare. He sighed. He tapped his paintbrush on the ground, getting Nightmare's attention. Ink beckoned him over.

The goopy black skeleton glared as he came slithering over. "What is it? Shattered Dream's gone. I no longer have a reason to be working with you." He growled. Dream remained behind Ink. Ink raised a brow.

"You forget about the red human?" He asked, tipping his head. Nightmare muttered that he didn't. "Good. I have to go find it. I need your word that you won't cause trouble for Dream." He stated. Nightmare stared at him before scoffing.

"Are you serious?" He asked, seeming amused. To both the brother's shock, Ink twitched and his eyesockets went black.

"Tell me..." His face twisted into that horrifying black grin that they'd only last seen during the Underverse event. "Do I look like I'm joking???"

Nightmare was taken back as Ink's face returned to how it was and he coughed, shaking his head. He glared at Nightmare. "I need your word." Nightmare's tentacles pricked uneasily. He hated when Ink became this serious about something. It made him an actual threat.

"You have my word." Nightmare rumbled out. Ink sighed in relief before nodding. He turned to Dream.

"Alright. Keep everything under control. I'm going to find the red human. Just... be careful..." He gave Dream's shoulder a reassuring squeeze before turning and slashing at the air with his paintbrush, forming a portal. He leapt through and it closed, leaving Dream standing across from his brother. He met his eyes for a moment before turning away, moving back to Night and his friends.

For some reason, it rubbed Nightmare the wrong way to see Dream talking and smiling so freely with his own counterpart. This Nightmare made Dream happy. It... The goo along his body spiked and rippled. He hated it.

Dream sat with the three, asking if Night was okay. "I'm FINE! Why does everyone keep asking that? I'm short, not helpless!" He turned to glare at X, who burst out laughing. They all blinked as Glitch cleared his throat.

"D-D-Dream. Is th-th-there a p-p-p-place I c-c-can nap?" He asked carefully. Glitch was easily exhausted. The strings on his eyes fizzled and twitched. Dream blinked in surprise.

"Oh! Of course! C'mon!" He got up and Glitch did as well, giving a quick goodbye to X and Night. They watched as Dream disappeared with him up the stairs. X turned back and sat quietly, occasionally shooting glances over at Nightmare and his group of bad guys. Night snapped his fingers, getting X's attention.

"C'mon. I don't want you starting any fights." He said warningly. X seemed offended. His knife tapped along the ground impatiently.

"As if! If anyone's gonna start it, I BET it'll be one of them!" He growled. "Especially Dust or whatever the hell his name is!" He sounded annoyed. Night blinked and turned to look back at them, freezing as he met Dust's eyes. The red and violet orbs were lit dangerously and locked on them. Night shivered and quickly turned back around.

They both looked up as Dream came back down the stairs and settled down with them. "Your friend seems really tired!" He said, seeming amused. Night and X nodded.

"Yeah. Error's always tired. Something about constantly exerting power. As long as he rests though, he'll be alright." Night said, tapping against the tile with a bony finger. Dream sighed.

"Sounds rough for you three. I honestly don't understand. You're all decently pleasant. And your aura is hardly enough to wilt a flower!" He smiled at Night, who blushed. He turned his head away, clearly embarrassed. Both X and Dream smiled.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now