Wary Webbing

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Horror panted, hunched over, close to the ground. He was surrounded by the chittering little vermin. Every time he'd cut the damn thing, the detached body part would form another whole spider. His axe hung at his side, his shaking fingerbones wrapped loosely around the handle. They were everywhere. In front, behind, left, right. "Too bad, too bad..." He muttered to himself.

They'd started to build fiery red webs around him, trapping him in a sort of funnel. Horror was trembling. He'd seen Muffet do this before. They were trapping him so they could eat him. "Why eat me?" He rasped quietly. "I'm no skin and all BONES..." That sinister smile hadn't left his face once.

He let out a roar and ran forward, slashing at the webbing, trying to escape. The spiders all rushed towards him in a skittering, chittering swarm. Horror shrieked in surprise as several of the spiders suddenly exploded into bits of magic. He cut his way out of the red funnel to see Killer, his knives returning to his hands. "H-Heya!!" Horror greeted him with a grin and wave. Killer seemed shocked, to say the least. Horror giggled, his hand starting to crawl up as he gripped his eye socket.

Horror yelped as he was grabbed and thrown to the side next to Killer. Killer growled. "FOCUS!!" He snapped angrily. From the hole in the webbing, there was the sound of more chittering. Much more chittering. More glowing red knives appeared around Killer. He shot them forward, exploding each spider as they made contact. But more kept coming.

Killer blinked as he saw Horror push himself to his feet shakily, out of the corner of his eye. He heard the other start a low giggle before there was an ominous noise. Killer blinked and turned. He stopped in shock. Horror seemed in pain, hunched over and leaning heavily against his axe, a twisted smile contorting his face. "MOVE." The other choked out, his voice strained and warbled. Killer did so, quickly backing up.

Above Horror, a gaster blaster had formed. It was skinny and even though it was literally just a skull, it somehow looked malnourished. It had a huge hole in the side of it, mimicking Horror and one sickeningly bright red eye. It kept flickering in and out of existence before opening its jaws. Despite its appearance, the blast that came out of it was shocking. It was so bright, Killer had to look away. He turned back after a moment.

The gaster blaster cracked and its eyes went dark as it crumbled. Horror collapsed to the ground, having passed out. From the remains of the web, a few spiders struggled up and Killer quickly took care of them. He finished and turned back to Horror.

He was shocked, to say the least. It was a well-known fact that Horror's magic was weak and almost nonexistent due to his lack of food. Doing that must've taken everything Horror had left. Killer blinked and came over to the other, leaning down. "Horror!" He reached out and shook the other. Horror didn't stir.

Both of his eyesockets were black. Luckily, Killer could see that the other was still breathing. He blinked as he heard a crinkling sound. He didn't like where it was coming from. He couldn't say he was never curious about what was inside Horror's head. He moved around and lifted the other's skull. He jumped at the sight of what appeared to be a glowing red egg sac.

Killer gagged. "Stars, holy shit." He muttered. He blinked. He had to get rid of it before it hatched. He held up a hand and formed another knife. He set Horror's head on his lap and paused. He did feel like this was far too personal to go sticking his hand in Horror's head, but holy shit, the other had an egg sac inside of him.

Killer grit his teeth. He pushed his hand into Horror's head and the other jerked, shrieking. Killer flinched, but continued. He'd rolled up his sleeve. He reached the egg sac and gripped it, managing to wiggle his fingers under the middle of it first. He gagged as he felt things inside of it move. He froze as Horror inhaled sharply, but his eyesockets remained dark. Killer continued, moving his hand to pick around the edges of the sac. He was trying not to rip it.

It was sticky, and to say he hated it was an understatement. Killer stopped, keeping himself from gagging once again. He refocused, moving his fingers to pick at the other side of the sac. He blinked as he felt the sac finally come off before slowly pulling the entire thing out of Horror's head in one piece.

Once it was out, Killer threw it to the ground and forcefully impaled it, effectively destroying it in a flurry of sparks. He pushed Horror's head off his lap and stared at the other uncomfortably. The knife disappeared. He would forever be trapped with the knowledge he'd stuck his hand in Horror's head. "Disgusting." Killer muttered to himself. He blinked, staring at his hand.

It was slicked and coated in red liquid, no doubt from the inside of Horror's head. He briefly wondered if it was from the egg sac, but he quickly dismissed the idea, seeing as the liquid was not glowing. He glanced back at Horror with a furrowed brow, effectively startled. Why did the other have blood inside his head??

Killer jumped as Horror stirred, that bright red light slowly swirling back into existence in his eyesocket. Killer pushed himself up before moving over to the snow, kneeling down and using the snow to clean off his hands. He blinked and turned back as Horror groaned.

Horror was lying back, holding his head. "Hurts... hurts, hurts, hurts..." He whined. He cringed and red tears suddenly welled up in his eye sockets and Killer's eyes widened. He was momentarily alarmed, wondering if he'd actually caused some internal damage. He jumped as Horror sat up and violently shook his head out, like a dog.

After a moment, Horror swayed, clearly dazed before coming back to reality and smiling. "Better... better..." He mumbled, pushing himself up. He stumbled and fell onto his knees, giggling. He blinked and seemed to realize that Killer was there before smiling cheerfully, red tears still moving down his face. "Heya!"

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now