Basically Family

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Dream was quiet after listening to Night's story. He faltered, pouring the tea and turned to the other. "I'm... so sorry..." He said quietly. Night shook his head. They were all in Dreamtale's castle. X was wandering around, no doubt ITCHING to steal something. Glitch sat on another couch, having dozed off. "You still like blueberry tea, right?" Dream was uncertain.

Night lit up, his eyes wide. "I haven't had blueberry tea in FOREVER!! Stars!!" He seemed so excited and Dream was taken back before laughing. He brought the tray over and set it on the table, handing a cup to Night. "Cross!!" X looked over at them and Night gestured to the tea. X sighed and came over, sitting on the ground, crisscross, even denying Dream's offer for a chair. Dream sat in the chair opposite of Night.

X took a small sip before his eyes flashed and he let out a hum of approval. Night grinned. Dream blinked at all three of them before giggling. "I'm so glad you have good friends. Your negative aura isn't that bad either! In fact, it's the most tame I've ever sensed." Dream said, his eyes shining.

Night blinked. "Really?? My Dream told me it's awful how bad it is." He trailed off, having to remind himself that the skeleton across from him was not actually HIS brother. He looked down. Dream seemed surprised.

"Oh stars! Not at all!! When compared to MY Nightmare, your negative aura is almost nonexistent!!" He rolled his eyes before giving a reassuring smile. X stared in between them before giving a soft chuckle and making them both turn to him in surprise.

"You guys are so damn adorable." He said, grinning as he leaned back. He watched in amusement as both brothers blushed their respective colors. Dream turned away, covering his face as Night snapped angrily at him.

"Shut up!!" He exclaimed before sighing. He rubbed his head. He blinked as he noticed Dream, seeming deep in thought. "What's wrong?" Dream jumped as he realized Night was watching him and quickly shook his head, assuring him it was nothing. Night persisted and finally, Dream sighed.

"If there's a Shattered Dream in my world... do you think there's a Shattered Nightmare in yours?" He asked carefully. For some reason, the question rubbed him the wrong way, even as he asked it. Night blinked.

"That would be WICKED!!" He exclaimed, covering his mouth. "Stars, can you imagine?!" He fell back against the chair in thought. "Geez! Really makes you wonder how far the Multiverse can go!!" Dream laughed a bit. He fell silent, staring at the ground with a pained smile.

"I wish we could've ended up like this... Both of us passive... all of our friends..." He turned his head away, biting his thumb as tears welled in his eyes again. "I apologize if I cry way too much... It's just... been so long..." He fell silent, muffling his hiccups and Night stared at him in pained dismay.

He knew. Night understood better than anyone. He nodded. He wasn't going to blame Dream for crying. If he knew it wouldn't embarrass him, he would've cried close to three times by now. "It's fine... don't worry about it..." Night said softly. Dream broke down and buried his head in his arms, resting on the side of the chair.

Night got up as he cried softly, moving over to stand next to his alternate brother. He knelt down and hugged him. "I'm sorry it ended up this way, Dream." He said quietly. Dream hugged him back after a moment. He hated crying so much, especially in front of guests. "Remember that I still love you. Just as I'm sure that somewhere deep down, your Nightmare still loves you too." He blinked as Dream nodded, pulling back.

"And I still love you too. Just as I'm sure that your Dream does." Dream said, nodding quietly. That tugged heavy at Night's heart and he was speechless. He held his crying alternate brother for a few more minutes until the other calmed back down. He gently pushed Night away and Night understood, heading back to his chair.

"Cross." X had remained quiet the whole time, but looked up as Dream suddenly addressed him. "Thank you for staying with him." X blushed a bit before looking away and muttering that it wasn't a problem.

"Sometimes, he's even kinda fun to be around." X said teasingly, shrugging and smiling at Night. Night scoffed and flipped him off. Dream covered his mouth, suppressing another bit of laughter.

The room fell into a comfortable silence as they all sat. Sunlight filtered in gently through the castle windows. It was warm and soft. Dream sighed in content before blinking. He knew he was going to have to ask them and his smile faded. Night blinked and looked over at him. "What is it?"

His voice was soft and prompting. Dream blinked. "Have any of you... seen the red human?" Night stared at him before shaking his head.

"No... not in real life, at least. Ink showed us a projection of it." He explained quietly. Dream gave a quiet nod.

"I have yet to see it too... but I don't know if I can attack it... It has her face..." Dream's voice strained a little. Night blinked in surprise.

"You knew the human too?" He asked. Dream nodded. He seemed saddened and upset. He shook his head.

"Had she lived, she would've done great things." Dream said, balling up his cape with his bony fists. Night was quiet. He didn't know much, other than the red human was a dangerous threat. Dream blinked. "Well... if your Dream runs into it, he might decide to not hunt you for a bit."

Dream offered the statement as sort of consultation. A form of reassurance. Night stared at him before scoffing and a small smile pulled at his mouth. "Ha! Maybe! Geez, that would be such a nice break!" He flopped back against the chair. Dream smiled.

X stared between them with a raised eyebrow. Even from separate worlds, the two were very clearly brothers. There was no way around it.

X quietly wondered if Dream knew that he had already stolen all of the silver forks.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now