Friendship Gift

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"Are you sure it's safe to go back now?" Blue sounded worried and even though it somewhat annoyed Error, he knew the other had good reason to be worried. They were walking back through the Omega Timeline. Error blinked. He didn't actually know. He growled.

"I-I-I think w-w-we'll be alright..." He said quietly. He stopped and Blue stopped too, seeming concerned. Error turned to face him. "Y-Y-Y-You're sure y-y-you want-t-t to go back t-t-to the Void a-after what happened?" Blue seemed confused before his eyes widened.

"Oh... I..." He seemed taken back. Error watched him. Sure, he'd already gone back and cleaned the Void up so Blue wouldn't come back to his own dusted body, but would Blue want to come back at all?

Blue blinked before giving a grin. "The Magnificent Sans will be fine!" He declared confidently. Error blinked at him and Blue gave a reassuring grin. "Promise!"

At that, Error seemed a bit more willing and he turned. Blue couldn't help but shiver at the faintest hint of a smell. He didn't like it. It was blood. He hated it, in fact. He blinked as Error took his arm and snapped his fingers.

They appeared back in Error's Void. Blue got the chills, but then realized it looked spotless. Not a speck of dust or blood to be seen. He stared around.

"Did you clean this, Error?" He asked incredulously. Error blinked before nodding. "Wowee! When did you have the TIME??" He gawked at how spotless it was. Error blinked before giving a bit of glitched laughter.

"You w-w-were out for-or-or a while, adjusting t-t-t-to the n-n-new body..." He said, grinning. Blue was completely amazed. He'd never thought an empty white space could look so clean! Yet it did!!

"This is a cleaning job even I, the Magnificent Sans, couldn't even have accomplished! I applaud you!" Blue said cheerfully. He wandered back into the Void. As much as it had scared him at first, and for a while, the Void had become like home to him. He blinked as he noticed a hammock tied between two thick strings that almost resembled wiry trees. Blue gasped.

"Is that for me?!" He cried. Error blinked before chuckling and nodding. He hadn't made the hammock out of his own strings, knowing full-well that they could cause some serious damage to the other skeleton. "Stars!! Thank you, Error!" He turned to the other and paused, shuffling excitedly. Error rolled his eyes.

"Wh-Wh-Whatever..." At that, Blue tackled Error in a hug and quickly pulled back, going to check out the hammock. Error sighed as he watched him. He knew he would have to go back, leave Blue here, and meet up with Ink in that horrifying Doodle Sphere to deal with the problem at hand.

"F-F-Friends are a-a-annoying..." Error muttered softly to himself. After another few moments, he cracked a small smile. "B-b-but it's a pretty nice thing, is-is-isn't it?"

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