Wings of Fire

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DS was frozen, his body tensed and wings poised, ready to fly at a moment's notice. He was in the forests of the Dreamtale AU. And something was coming towards him. He could see its glow through the lush trees. He briefly wondered who had found who. He watched it continue towards him for a few more moments before sighing and turning his attention to look all around him.

This area was truly beautiful. Trees, foliage and green grass for miles and miles. A light breeze even ruffled the leaves. But, as pretty as it was, that wasn't why he was here. He knew his own counterpart was locked away in his castle, far from where DS was. But he knew what he was looking for was nearby. He waited patiently, standing on a rock in a small, grassy clearing.

The wind brought the smell to him early and his gaze darkened. "Blood..." He whispered to himself. Fresh and recent. His golden, glowing eyes remained fixed on the tree line. "Come on..." He mumbled. "Let me see you..." He was so curious. He could hear it stumbling through the brush. It slowly pushed out of the bushes at the edge of the tree line. The shape became clear. He narrowed his eyes.

The human creature slipped out of the trees to stand in front of him, the grass around it bending outwards as blood pooled from it.
Its four dropping tentacles waved around. It stopped as it saw him. DS froze at the sight of dust smeared around its mouth. Oh stars, he hated that. His wings twitched and the human shape seemed to notice.

It seemed transfixed by his wings, studying them intensely before closing its eyes. He watched in shock as the tentacles were pulled down into its back and something else began to form. Shapes cracked up out of the creature's back until a pair of dripping red wings spread out behind it. It gave  them a flap and blood sprayed the ground. DS stared. It had just mimicked his wings?!

The human-creature gurgled and it's wings spread out shakily before it reached out, drawing a circle in the air. Before he could stop it, the creature propelled itself through the portal, it snapping shut after it. A bloody red feather drifted to the ground, having had been caught by the portal.

DS blinked. What the hell was THAT thing?! He'd never seen anything like it. He was quiet for a moment. He had so many questions. What had it been doing here? Why was jt always bleeding?? Why had it had dust around its mouth??? DS paused before shivering, not wanting to think about the last question.

He stood uncertainly. Should he follow it?? No. He shook his head quickly. His priority was his brother and his dimwit friends. DS sighed and began to open a portal when he heard rustling. He turned, the portal shutting. Then, his eyes widened as he heard a shaking whimper. He folded his wings and moved over to the sound. A small dog monster dragged itself out of the bushes. Greater Dog??

The pooch had been taken out from his armor and DS shook. One of Greater Dog's legs was missing, dust falling out of the stump. The small monster shook. DS reached out. The dog had chunks torn out of its back and stomach, dust falling everywhere. DS peered closer and he could see teeth marks. They weren't from a monster. He choked back a gag. The one time he didn't want to be right about something. The human creature HAD been eating a monster.

DS held Greater Dog, unable to do anything. He felt a tear roll down his face as Greater Dog whimpered and whined desperately, the rest of his small furry body slowly dusting. The sound soon cut out. DS was on his knees in the clearing. After a moment, he raised his hands and the wind swept away the pile of dust that was in his palms.

DS was shaken. He sat for a good few minutes, his wings drooped behind him. What the HELL was going on?! He began to speak in a shaky whisper, growing louder. "Why... are... INNOCENT MONSTERS DYING?!" He yelled the last part, his voice shaking with rage and anguish. He buried his head in his hands.

After another few minutes, there was the loud snap of a nearby fallen branch. DS jumped, his eyes wide as he quickly stood up. The noise had quickly been followed by a succession of small clicks. Like metal against metal. Something growled loudly and he saw an orange glow light up among the trees for a moment.

It was unearthly quiet before the orange glow suddenly reappeared right in front of him. DS shrieked, just barely managing to save himself as he flapped out of the way of a large blast of fire. He hissed at the feeling of the singed feathers on the tips of his wings. He stared down. The clicking continued.

It... DS blinked. It had the head of a gaster blaster, but it had the body of a dragon. It was entirely made of glowing red bullets. Metal bullets. Wings and all. The bullets all clicked and clacked against each other as it moved. It growled, fire spewing out  and curling from its jaws. DS was shaken.

Was this the human-creature's magic?? He had no time to ponder an answer as the gaster blaster snapped at him again, nearly biting off one of his wings. Dream narrowly dodged before summoning a bright blue blade. He scowled. He would fight. Oh hell, he would fight. He felt his body becoming cold with rage as he faced the gaster blaster.

DS knew he was only facing off with the creature's magic and not the damn thing itself, but he didn't care. He was just outraged and it showed.

"Freaks!" He spat out the word like it was poison. "I will show you what I do to MURDERERS!" 

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now