Town Savages

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Cherry yelped as a monster was thrown to his left, smashing into the side of Muffet's stone bar. Cherry watched as the monster crumbled to the ground in a pile of dust. He held a sharpened bone, his eyes wide. "Mutt!! What the hell is the meaning of this?!" He demanded, his eyes wide.

Slim, as Scooter has called him, could only watch as the red figure that resembled his former friend, tore Monster Kid apart at the waist. They both retreated backwards in awe and disgust as the shape leaned down and began to tear into the dusting body, shoving handfuls of dust into its mouth.

The other creature that was causing problems was a giggling, maniacal, tar-covered, gold-tinted skeleton who had the look of Sans about him. That monster continued to impale monster after monster, roaring with laughter. The Royal Guard was failing.

Cherry thrust out his hand, sending bone shards out towards the red shape as it flew at Greater Dog. He was panting, his eyes wide as they impaled the shape. The shape continued forward, to their horror, shredding its body until organs were hanging out. Blood spilled onto the snow, staining it in every direction.

The creature pushed through the shards anyway and despite a feeble attempt, Greater Dog proved useless against it. Cherry flinched as it tackled the canine and began to burn through its armor before beginning to literally eat the poor monster alive.

Slim quickly pushed Cherry behind him and before the smaller could protest, he saw why. The demented Sans creature had attacked and Slim's eye lit up, his gaster blasters materializing and surrounding it. Cherry stared at him in shock. "You said you couldn't form those anymore!"

Slim glanced back at him and Cherry was taken back by how dangerous his usually lazy brother looked. "Some things I must hide, even from you, m'lord." He said before turned back and trapping the Sans creature in several beams of light, seeming to infuriate it.

Cherry turned to see the red shape stand up from inside the ring of dust that had been Greater Dog. It was hunched over, grey dust around its mouth and covering its hands all the way up to its elbows. Cherry felt a shiver of horror. The shape locked eyes with him and continued to chew, light munching heard. Cherry let out a choking noise of disgust.

He watched as the shape wiped its face messily. It pushed through the dust towards him, its formerly torn open body now completely mended. Cherry growled and red shards of bone materialized around him, shooting forward.

Each weapon met its target, ripping through the figure, even causing one of its tentacles to sever from its back. It jerked back as the shards ripped through the body. The shape stumbled back, but continued to move forward. He jumped as he heard a loud explosion, Slim being blown back from the force of the blasts, his eyes glowing. He held two sharpened bones and Cherry had never been so impressed. He never thought his brother could be like this.

He whipped his head back before a blast went off. Cherry blinked. A gunshot?! He hissed as something cut his face, making him yelp. He straightened up and turned back, his eyes widening. The figure gave him a haunting, glowing grin as glowing red bullets surrounded it, before they all flew at him with a loud shotgun blast. Cherry flinched.

"M'LORD!!" Slim's voice cried out and Cherry was yanked back as a gaster blaster exploded in front of him, having shielded him. Cherry blinked. "SWITCH!!" Slim yelled. Cherry blinked in shock before nodding. They switched it up. Slim faced off with the red shape and Cherry was spun to face the gold-tinted dripping Sans.

"What the hell are you?!" Cherry spat. He yelped as the Sans grinned. He shrieked as the Sans appeared right in front of him.

"I'm Shattered Dream! And I am YOU!!" He squeaked in delight. Cherry blasted him back in shock. Shattered Dream skidded along the snow, giggling. Cherry continued to send out attack after attack.

"Impossible!! NO ONE can be the Malevolent Sans!!" He growled. Shattered Dream dodged and weaved with a loud giggle.

"SHIT!!" Cherry whipped to look as the red figure raised their hand, a gaster blaster made of bullets formed above it before fire blasted out of its mouth. Cherry sent up a bone wall as Slim did the same for him, blocking a stab from Shattered Dream.

They both pressed against each other inside of the bone shelter. Cherry was panting and so was Slim. "Th-The Queen... A-Alphys... we have to get them..." Cherry hissed. His branch of the Guard has been decimated. EATEN. Slim gulped and nodded. Slim gulped.

"Gaster blasters, m'lord. Both of us shoot straight up. They have to see it." Slim breathed out. Cherry nodded. "One."

"Two." Cherry whispered, raising his hand. They both whipped down the wall of bones and two gaster blasters materialized. One of Cherry's and one of Slim's. They both activated, sending huge beams of orange and red into sky.

A gunshot went off, Slim being torn away from Cherry as he hit the wall. Cherry stared at the bullet in his shoulder. "NO!! PAPYRUS!!" Slim stared at him.

"M'sorry, m'lord." The other whispered before his body began to dust from the bullet wound. He had only 1 HP. He had only needed one hit. Cherry screamed, bone shards spiking out from him in circles. Shattered Dream managed to avoid it, but the red shape wasn't so lucky. It coughed out blood, spattering the ground. Cherry didn't care. He was outraged.

Gaster blasters spiraled out from him, red light demolishing everything around him. As it faded, he saw the SOUL. The twisted, black and red SOUL of the red creature. It was horrifying and stopped him dead. He watched as the creature began to reform around the SOUL and snapped back to his senses.

Red tears were in his eyes. This would not go unpunished. They had killed his mutt. They would pay. They would die. He screeched, more and more attacks forming uncontrollably around him. "DIE!!!" 

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