Calling Cards

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Outer sat quietly on the edge of the world. He stared up at the stars, the doll of Scooter gripped in his hands. He hadn't moved an inch for days. He was so tired. Dark circles were under his eyes. It had been days since he'd said his final goodbye to Scooter. It had been days since Ink had brought him the news. It had been days since Ink had brought him the doll. It had been days since he'd left this area. Even this position. It was like he was frozen in place.

So many monsters had tried to talk to him. Get his attention. Even move him, to no avail. Everyone was worried. He barely acknowledged it. He barely acknowledged ANYTHING. He ignored them, not having to do anything until the next human arrived. Countless Sanses had even tried to talk to him. He didn't even remember who. Outer continued to sit. What the hell would he do now? What could he possibly do now that she was gone??

After another few moments of quiet grieving, something moved, catching his tired eyes. A wave of bright blue dust floating up from beyond the edge. Outer blinked slowly. No one had tried to contact him like that yet.


Outer blinked and tipped his head. He had no idea who it was. Had to be a Sans. He didn't doubt that. He quietly wondered if he should respond before shrugging. What could he have to lose? He didn't move from his spot, but one of his bony fingers flicked and allowed white stardust to form words.


He sent it with a small twitch of a smile. "Heh." He said apathetically, sighing. His smile faded. He sat in silence again. After another minute or so, the blue dust came flying up once again.


Outer gave a weak little laugh. He wanted to cry. He blinked. More bright dust came flying up.


Outer blinked. He slowly became aware of his aching joints and bones. How long had he been sitting here? He stared at the words, even after they were long gone. Who was he even talking to?? Outer didn't care anymore. He inhaled quietly, shaking. Finally, after a few minutes, he flicked out a single word.


He looked down, his fingertips brushing the ground. He blinked as he heard soft footsteps behind him. He glanced over as someone settled next to him. Outer blinked in dull surprise. "Heya... Classic... it's been a while..." He rasped quietly.

Classic Sans gave him a relaxed grin. Outer and Classic hadn't seen each other since the whole breakdown with Cross and the Multiverse Dilemma. "Yeah, heh. Kinda funny how time flies, huh?" Classic said, closing his eyes. Outer slowly moved from his crisscross position, causing several things to pop and crack.

Outer noticed Classic cringe a bit. Outer pulled his knees up to his chest, sighing. Classic watched him quietly. "Everyone's worried about you, y'know." Classic said. Outer blinked dully before nodding. Classic fell silent as he noticed the doll Outer was clutching. "Oh... you were friends with her...?"

Outer was quiet before speaking softly. "She was there when everyone was gone. When I was alone and afraid. She was the only thing that became constant. Someone outside of the loop of RESETS and AUs that I could talk to..." He said softly. Classic listened quietly. Outer tapped his fingers quietly against his leg before chuckling weakly. "She was of your world, Classic."

Classic blinked before nodding. "Yeah... yeah, I found that out... I didn't meet her face-to-face for very long... but she protected me from Gaster." At the name, Outer gave a noticeable shiver. He hugged his knees tighter. "She had crazy DETERMINATION for someone who wanted to die so badly." Outer nodded, remembering how Scooter would tell him about that. After a few more moments, Outer felt Classic gently push his shoulder. "Hey... will you be okay?"

Outer was quiet. "I will... Not right now... Maybe not in a few days... But I'll be okay... I feel bad for worrying everyone..." He mumbled, chuckling softly. Classic gave him a grin.

"Think about it. She's happy now." He said, smiling. Outer blinked as the thought dawned on him and he smiled a little. Yeah. No doubt, Scooter was happy. Finally free from the constant pain and torment. He slowly nodded.

"Yeah... I guess she is, huh?" He said, giving a weak bit of laughter. Classic pushed himself to his feet and held out his hand. Outer grinned and took it, causing the joy buzzer to go off. Classic yelped before laughing. "What? Whoopee cushions don't work up here!" Outer exclaimed innocently.

Outer allowed Classic to help him stand. He grinned and began to lead the other away from the ledge. He disappeared back into the bushes. Before he left the clearing, Outer became cold. He stopped. That was odd.

He turned to back to see bits and bubbles of dark red liquid drifting up from below. He furrowed his brow. What was that?? The only other time he'd seen that was- He stopped.

That was blood. He recalled seeing it whenever he killed the human in the Genocide Route. Why was there blood? He was shaking as he stared at it. He yelped as he felt a hand on his shoulder and whipped back to see Classic.

Classic blinked at him, seeming concerned. "What's wrong?" He asked, his brow furrowed. Outer turned to the ledge, but stopped. The blood was gone. Nothing suggested it had been there. He stared at it, absolutely dumbfounded.

"B-B-But... but there was..." He sputtered quietly. He blinked as Classic gently giggled him along by the arm.

"I think you need to stay away from this place for a while." The other suggested, a brow raised. Outer continued to sputter as he was pulled away. Classic sighed. "Just calm down..."

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