Déjà Vu

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Swap jolted awake, shaking. He sat up in his bed, staring around with widened eyes. What was that?? Had that been a noise?? Why was his heart POUNDING??

He moved to the side of the bed and stood up, only to shriek as a harsh pain ripped through both of his elbows and his right knee, collapsing him to the floor.

"P-Papy!!" He whispered shrilly. "PAPY!!" He shrieked again as he felt a violent pain in his chest. It felt like he was being ripped open. He hunched over, shaking as tears poured down. Within seconds, his door had been thrown open and his brother was at his side.

"Sans?? Sans!! What's wrong?!" He demanded. Swap stared at him, mouth open and teary eyes wide, but completely unable to form any words. He could only manage choking noises. Papyrus was clearly panicked, unable to tell what was wrong.

Shakily, Swap stretched out his arm and cried in pain. All along his forearm, cracks had appeared in the bones. Bad ones. The same was happening to his other arm and his leg. Papyrus was shaken. "Shit!! Sans, hold on!!" The taller scooped his brother up and immediately teleported them to the Laboratory in the Hotlands. "UNDYNE!! PROFESSOR UNDYNE!!" He yelled, his voice shaking.

The lights soon flickered on and a door opened up to show the fishy scientist, still in her pajamas. "P-P-Papyrus? What do you-" Her sentence was cut off immediately the moment she saw Swap. Her eyes widened and she immediately turned, quickly leading Papyrus to a hospital bed. "Put him down! Quickly!" She barked.

Papyrus did so, laying Swap out. Swap shrieked, his eyes wide. There was a feverish pain in his neck bone. It spread through his body like wildfire. "AAAAAAAAGHHHH!!" He screamed, arching his spine. Undyne was in shock.

"Oh my stars." She whispered. She quickly pulled Swap's shirt off, but left on his shorts. She covered her mouth. Swap's ribs had become riddled with cracks. "Oh shit, shit. Wh-What happened?? Did he hit something?!" She asked shrilly.

"I dunno! We were asleep and he screamed for me all of a sudden! He was FINE earlier!!" Papyrus cried, holding his head with one hand. He didn't know what the hell was happening. Undyne quickly placed a mask over Swap's face.

"Breathe in." She told him. Swap drew in a pained sounding breath before his eyes drooped. He seemed to relax and slip into unconsciousness. Undyne scanned him over, her eyes wide and her fins flat against her head. "Th-This kind of damage... it's bad... it's r-r-real bad..." She shifted his head and inhaled sharply in horror.

Papyrus moved over to see cracks on Swap's neck and he shuddered. "Holy shit... Undyne, can you help him?" He asked. Undyne blinked and looked up at him, her face dismayed.

"I-I can't promise anything, Papyrus, but I'll definitely try my hardest. I-I-I'll try my best." She affirmed with a series of nods. Papyrus was shaking before nodding.

"Okay... okay... I need answers. I-Is it okay if I stay? C-Can I smoke??" He asked, gesturing to the outside door. Undyne stared at him.

"Y-Yeah... yeah, you can. Go ahead..." Undyne whispered quietly, knowing that this would hurt Papyrus. ESPECIALLY if Swap didn't live. She was shaky as Papyrus left the building, the metal doors shutting behind him.

Under her own shaky breath, Undyne continued to listen to Swap's soft breathing.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now