Sense of Betrayal

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Berry was outraged as he slashed at the red shape again, causing it to spit up more blood. "THIS?! THIS IS HOW YOUR SHOW YOUR GRATITUDE FOR ME BEING SUCH A NICE SOLDIER?!" He broke out in wicked, deranged laughter. "YOU HAVE TO BE OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND!!" He continued to stab the red shape with his sharpened bone, viciously attacking it.

Behind him, Papyrus dodged another attack from the jabbing tentacle monster known as Shattered Dream. He only knew its name because it had proclaimed it several times even while they were fighting. They'd managed to evacuate Snowdin.

Berry finished stabbing the shit of the red shape and glared down at it. He blinked as he realized something. It was gurgling and humming. A broken tune. Berry hissed. The thing had the AUDACITY to SING during his attack?! The shape grinned up at him with that glowing smile and Berry instinctively smiled in response before stabbing it in the face.

That silenced it, but it seemed someone else had picked up the tune. Papyrus growled as Shattered Dream continued the song softly under his breath, intercutting it with soft giggles. "In a... world... of PURE IMAGINATION!" He sang cheerfully. Papyrus blasted him back with a gaster blaster as Berry sent the other into a gridlock of bones, trapping him.

Berry shrieked as something grabbed his leg and he felt something bite him. It bit hard, cracking the bone and his leg gave out. "PAP!!" He yelped shrilly. His brother was wide eyed and caught him. He pulled him up.

The red shape's face was back and the rest of it was slowly reforming. It had dragged itself over, leaving a messy trail of red behind it. Berry's leg had been bitten off and they watched in shock as the red figure stood up, munching on the bone as it turned to dust in its mouth. "Holy shit!" Papyrus yelled, backing up. Berry grit his teeth. It hurt like hell, but he would still fight.

Shattered Dream was heard giggling inside his bone prison. The red shape seemed to take notice and moved over to the bone cage. It began to tear the bones aside with its bare hands and the red tentacles on its back, allowing its companion freedom. Papyrus backed up, swearing under his breath. He held Berry to him.

Shattered Dream squealed and used one of his tentacles to spin the red shape, smiling. The red shape smiled in response, before starting to hum again. Shattered Dream's smile faded as he nodded, starting to sing the song out loud. Papyrus hit a wall. Shit.

Slowly, as they harmonized, both of them turned to the two brothers with glowing eyes. Papyrus swore and snapped his fingers, teleporting them away. They were deep in the woods now. Papyrus laid Berry out on the snow, despite his protests and studied his leg in dismay.

Berry struggled up. "Pap! We can't let them win!!" He whined. "The Maleficent Sans NEVER loses!" Papyrus gave a weak scoff.

"I know. I know." He said, trying for a reassuring grin. He looked around. "Sans, is this part of the woods covered in traps too?" He asked quickly. Berry lit up and nodded, pointing to a triangle etched into a nearby tree.

"Do not fear, brother! I will keep us safe!" He exclaimed, giving that crazy grin. Papyrus sighed.

"Sans, you're damn crazy and it's beautiful." He said, standing up and looking around. He listened for any signs that, whatever the hell those were, would tell him if they were nearby. He was silent, staring around with one magenta slit lit up.

He couldn't hear anything but his and Berry's breathing and the wind rustling through the trees. All of a sudden, there was a noise and both of them lit up, ready to attack. Papyrus blinked. A familiar, paint-splattered skeleton leaned out of a portal, gesturing for them to hurry. "Ink." Papyrus breathed out in relief. He quickly scooped up Berry and ran to the portal, disappearing inside. They'd landed in the Omega Timeline. Ink stared at them as the portal shut quickly.

"Are you two alright?!" He asked, his eyes wide. Berry let out a cackle.

"I've been shortened a whole FOOT!" He exclaimed, holding up the dusted stump that had been his leg. Ink blinked before snorting and covering his face. He gestured for Papyrus to set him down and he did. Ink whipped out his brush, it shrinking to a normal sized one as he began to paint the rest of Berry's leg back into existence.

"I take it you know what's going on??" Papyrus asked, hoping to hell that the AU Guardian did. Ink blinked before nodding.

"For the most part simply put, it's DETERMINATION. It's Scooter's DETERMINATION manifested into a physical form." He explained, his voice rushed. Papyrus was quiet. THAT had been DETERMINATION?? "And the other thing is a twisted variation of Dream that busted out of its containment."

Papyrus blinked before nodding. He turned his attention back to his brother, who giggled as he flexed his new foot. "The Maleficent Sans thanks you!" He said cheerfully. Ink smiled wearily as his paintbrush grew to full size again and he tucked it behind him.

"Believe me, it's not the most complicated thing I've had to make today. Had to make a whole new body for a monster after that thing literally ate him alive." He said, shivering. Berry stood up.

"Why is it eating monsters?" He asked, confused. There was no way they tasted good, since they dusted. There was no meat! Ink sighed and rubbed his head.

"I did say I knew about it for the most part. Not everything." Ink said. He sighed. "Wait here for them to switch into another AU and then go back. Everything should return to normal once your human arrives." He instructed Papyrus quietly. Berry stared at them, wondering what the whispering was for.

Papyrus nodded. He thanked Ink again before sitting down, his brother sitting next to him. They watched as Ink disappeared. Berry blinked. "What were you talking about??" He asked. Papyrus seemed hesitant and it hit Berry. "My traps?! Were you admiring the absolute brilliance of my traps?!"

Papyrus blinked before chuckling. "Geez, Sans, you see right through me."

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