Two Faces

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Error held Blue's scarf, his hands shaking. Slowly, he turned back to face Dream, who still had one hand over his chest. He seemed baffled. Error blinked. "I-I-Is B-Blue okay?" Error asked, his eyes wide. Dream seemed surprised by his question.

"I thought he was just a puppet of yours?" Dream asked, seeming confused and a little suspicious. Error stared at him and his gaze moved back to the bandanna before he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Wh-Wh-Who gives a d-da-damn what you th-th-think-ink?! Is m-m-my friend o-okay?!" He snapped, turning on him. He blinked as Dream jumped, holding a hand to his chest as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "What?!" Dream gave a soft laugh.

"He's really happy that you called him a friend." Dream said, seeming to relax a bit. Error scowled. "Well, besides being dead, he seems okay. But I don't know what happened to him..." Dream gripped his shirt. "All he can give me is emotions... oh!" He cringed, his face lighting up again as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Blue! Don't touch that!!"

Error stared at him. He knew what Blue had probably done and he sighed, a small hint of yellow tinting his own cheeks. "C-Ca-Can you l-l-let him c-c-come out??" He asked in his glitching voice. Dream seemed surprised before nodding.

"Oh! Of course! Then he can tell you what happened!" He said. Error nodded. Dream nodded. He closed his eyes and shuffled in place for a moment, his body giving a slight twitch. Error watched him uneasily.

Finally, Dream jolted and his eyes shot open. Error blinked in shock. They were bright blue. "Error!!" It was still Dream's voice and body, but Error could definitely tell it was Blue. He yelped as Blue hugged him. He pushed him away, slightly bothered. Blue grinned at him. "You said we're friends!!"

Error sighed and turned his head away. He gestured for Blue to sit down and the other did, quickly tucking his legs under him. Error sat next to him. He held out Blue's bandanna and he saw Blue's smile falter.

"What the h-h-h-hell happened??" Error asked, completely dumbfounded. Blue was quiet for a moment and his eyesockets had gone dark. Error was a bit taken back, not really expecting DREAM of all skeletons, to look so scary. Error blinked. "B-B-Blue?"

At his voice, Blue's eyes came back and he looked up at Error, trembling. "I-It looked like Scooter." Error stared at him. What?? Error opened his mouth. "No, no, I know you killed Scooter! You told me yourself! But it looked like Scooter! It had her face and shape and even her clothes!" Blue insisted shakily. Error stared at him, before gesturing for him to continue.

Blue gulped. "It had glowing red eyes and hair. The hair looked like it was electrified, because it was drifting out everywhere!" He said, trying to remember. "And it was all red, like it was made of something else. Even its clothes were still part of its body! A-And I tried to be nice, bu-but then it pinned me down and-and-" He was stopped by Error raising a hand. Error held up his hands and quickly constructed a small rope. He held it out to Blue, who took it with a grateful murmur.

Error always did this when Blue would breakdown. It was how Error got him to talk to him. He just gave Blue something else to focus on and it would usually help him. Blue began to stretch and wrap the rope nervous around his fingers as he took a deep breath.

"I-It broke my arms off first... a-at the elbows, th-then my leg. Th-then it p-picked up the dust that had been my arm and-and-" Tears ran down his face. They were gold, but it was still clearly Blue. He hiccuped shakily. "It ate me." Error stopped and stared at him in shock. "It tore my ribs off and began to eat my ribs. I-I thought it was gonna eat my SOUL, but it put it in some kind of blood bubble and let it drift up into the ceiling a-and then..." He screwed his eyes shut. "It snapped my neck." He whispered. Error flinched back, his own hands rising to his own throat.

Blue nodded shakily. "Y-You didn't come back, s-so I was fl-floating up there f-f-for a long time..." Error blinked and reached out, unraveling the rope from Blue's wrists. He took it and set it to the side. Error didn't know what to say. He was speechless for once.

Finally, Error looked up. "I-I'm s-s-so sorry." He managed to choke out. Blue stared at him desperately. Error blinked, knowing it was going to be weird, but also knowing Blue needed it. He nodded and Blue tackled him in a hug, breaking down and crying into his shirt. Error sighed and hugged the smaller to him.

It was really off putting, hugging Dream. He and Blue were about the same size, but it still weirded him out, nonetheless. He allowed Blue to continue crying. He thought quietly about what he'd said. A red figure with Scooter's appearance. He blinked. The footprints left in the Save Screen. His grip instinctively tightened on Blue as he came to the realization.

"S-S-Some p-p-part of her IS-I-IS still h-h-here-ere..." He whispered. He was in shock. But what the hell kind of demon did Scooter puke up to do THIS?? It had eaten Blue alive. Error allowed Blue to pull back, rubbing his eyes. "B-B-Blue, I-I'll m-m-m-make sure Ink makes y-y-you a-a-another body." He said firmly.

Blue blinked before giving a weak smile. "That would be great!" He exclaimed, trying for a laugh. Error nodded. Blue hiccuped and looked down. "I-I'm gonna let Dream back out... I feel bad. This isn't even my body..." He waved before screwing his eyes shut. Error watched as the body twitched once again.

To his shock, the tears started again as Dream opened his eyes. He held his head, covering his mouth. Error blinked. "Dream, I-I-I f-f-feel like y-y-you cry t-t-too much."

Dream blinked before shooting him a glare. "He's one of my best friends!! H-He was EATEN ALIVE, Error!" He cried out shrilly. Error blinked at him.

He turned away as Dream continued to cry. "I-I-I know..." He muttered.

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