All In One Place

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Dream was quiet. An eerie calm had fallen over everyone. DS was to the side with Paint. Night was with Dream, X and Glitch. Nightmare was with his group. They all faced the portal that had opened. "Oh shit!" X said, his eyes wide. Glitch slowly stood up behind him, his body glitching violently.

Error narrowed his eyes at his counterpart, clearly unamused. "G-G-G-Great..." He muttered. Ink closed the portal and stared around. Dream quickly got up and came over to greet him.

"Everyone alright? No injuries?" Ink asked quickly. He noted the appearance of DS and Paint with a raised brow. Dream assured him that there'd been none. Night remained sitting. Something was off. He was focusing intently. Dream noticed and came over to him as Ink began to check around with everyone.

"What's wrong??" He asked, his eyes wide as he knelt next to his alternate brother. Night blinked and slowly focused on him.

"Can't you sense it?" He asked in a hushed voice. Dream furrowed his brow and focused. He froze. Night was correct. Something was different. The world had become almost terrifyingly calm around them. There was no negativity or positivity at the moment. Just a stagnant feeling. Both Dream and Night shared a horrified look. "What does it mean?"

Dream was quiet, unsure of how to answer him. He didn't know either. Dream glanced over at DS, who caught his gaze and scowled. He turned the other way to look over at Nightmare, who seemed oblivious to the new feeling. "Why aren't they reacting as well?" He asked softly.

Night was quiet. "I think they only sense the extremes. Something as minimal as this wouldn't catch their attention." He seemed troubled. "But it would catch ours." He stopped in shock. "Oh shit." He watched as a grey color crept up Dream's body. It didn't seem to physically affect him in any other way but color. "You're fading!"

"YOU'RE fading!" Dream exclaimed, watching the same thing happen to Night. They didn't feel any different, but both of them had been completely drained of color.

"DREAM?!" Ink's voice cried out in shock. Dream turned to face them. Everyone was staring at the two in horror. X quickly ran over.

"Night?! What happened?!" He cried. Night blinked and furrowed his brow. He gave a helpless shrug. X stared at him. "D-Does it hurt??" Night quickly assured him that it didn't as Dream tried to convince Ink of the same thing. Night blinked. "I... just feel... fuzzy..."

Dream nodded and gave a quiet agreement. By now, Nightmare had come over, his eye wide. "What's happening to them?" He demanded. Ink glanced at him and gave a helpless look. He had no idea. Nightmare blinked and stared at the two.

"There's a stagnant feeling in the air... there's no positivity..." Dream mumbled, his brow furrowed.

"There's no negativity either." Night added, just as confused. Nightmare was taken back. He tipped his head. Night blinked. "It's like the universe just... froze..." He jumped as there was a rumbling and the ground shook.

There was a loud snapping noise, like a rubber band and color shot back into both of the dimmed skeletons, making them stumble. X quickly caught both of them, steadying them. "Are you two okay?? What the hell was that?!" Ink cried. Both Dream and Night seemed unable to give an answer. Ink stared between them.

Nightmare was clearly uneasy, his tentacles prickling. "It was like the whole world just stopped." Dream whispered, shaking. He blinked. "I... don't sense the red human anymore..."

They all stared at him in shock. "You're sure??" Ink asked, his eyes wide. Next to him, Nightmare has gone stiff.

"Reaper did it." He whispered. Everyone turned to him. Ink was pale, and Error had crashed. Nightmare turned and nodded back to DS. "You said the Reaper was after it." DS nodded, seeming annoyed that he had to confirm this.

"That's awful..." Ink whispered. Dream was shaking. Night instinctively reached out and pulled the other to him and Dream broke down, crying. Night rubbed his back quietly. Ink blinked as he noticed Nightmare's tentacles give an annoyed-looking lash. He glanced to the other side to see DS' wings ruffled in what seemed to be irritation.

"B-B-B-But it's d-d-dead, right?" Glitch spoke up, confused. He jumped as Error shot him a glare and avoided eye contact. Nightmare gave a grim nod.

Most of the DreamSwap gang didn't understand. This red human had been a menace to their Multiverse! Why weren't they all more excited that it was dead?? Night understood though. X shot him a confused look and Night shook his head, silently telling him not to worry.

"Just... you... should go back now..." Ink said, avoiding their gaze. Nightmare quickly nodded and turned briskly, using this as an opportunity to send each of his crew back to their respective timelines. He paused and turned with Killer by his side. He met Night's gaze and gave a heavy sigh.

"It could have been worse." He said quietly. Night blinked as Nightmare nodded. Killer snapped his fingers and both of them were gone in an instant. DS stood up, but before he or Paint could move, Ink turned and trapped them in thick black liquid, freezing them in place.

"Alright!! Hurry! They won't be trapped for long!" He said, grinning weakly. Night pulled back from Dream. He looked him over once again, even with a bit of pride in his eyes.

"Goodbye, Dream." He said warmly. Dream sniffled and almost burst into tears again. He nodded.

"G-Goodbye, Nightmare." He replied shakily. Night nodded and they all turned as X slashed open a pocket for them to crawl through. Glitch gave an awkward wave before slipping through. X nodded to all of them, quickly following. Night was the last to go, flashing all of them a white smile before disappearing too.

As the pocket closed, the goo cracked that was covering DS and Paint. They glared at him. "WHAT THE-"

"I sneezed!! Sorry!" Ink said, ducking behind Error who'd come to stand next to him. DS scowled and grabbed Paint, who yelled as he was yanked, before vanishing with a bright flash of light that caused Error to crash again.

Ink was left with Error and Dream. He turned to face them, but paused at the sound of another portal opening. He saw Dream cover his mouth. He turned to see Reaper.

The portal closed behind him. Ink stared at Reaper. When the Reaper spoke, his voice was dull and quiet. "She is gøne." He said, staring at the floor.

Ink was quiet for a moment and jumped as Error came back, blinking. He glitched uneasily, moving closer to Ink. Ink blinked in surprise at the feeling of Error taking his hand and squeezing it comfortingly. Dream noted this with wide eyes. He gulped and spoke up. "Then it's done?"

It was quiet before Reaper spoke again. He lifted his head and gave such an odd smile, it made them all stop. In a way, he looked like he was in so much pain. But at the same time, he looked so relieved. His voice had the same odd mixture. The sound of painful relief. Bright blue tears were streaming down his face. He nodded quietly and his voice almost seemed to echo to them.

"It is døne."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now