Black & Blue

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Nightmare materialized outside the castle in Killertale. He stormed inside, completely overwhelmed.


Nightmare shivered, Dream's desperate cry still echoing in his ears. He made his way through the empty castle, heading up to check on Killer. He pushed open the door to find the other sitting up in the bed, seeming confused. "How are you?" He growled out. Killer blinked in alarm, jolting a bit. He coughed awkwardly and looked down.

"I'm alright, Boss." He said quietly. Nightmare blinked and tipped his head. The other was hiding something. Killer gripped the blankets. "I'm really sorry for freaking out on you." He mumbled, one of his hands trembling. Nightmare blinked. A fine, thin powder, barely noticeable, trickled out of Killer's sleeve. It accumulated in a little pile on the bedsheets.

Killer shrieked as Nightmare's tentacles shot out and gripped him, pulling him out of the bed. He struggled as there was a clatter, a knife on the floor, having fallen out of the bed. It was covered in thin powder. He yelped as Nightmare yanked back his sleeve to reveal his arm.

Nightmare blinked in shock. Several thin cuts lined Killer's forearm, some so deep that they were furiously dusting. Killer trembled, his target SOUL wavering as Nightmare studied his arms. Slowly, Nightmare felt himself prickle in dismay.

Killer quivered. "Please... put me down..." He whispered shakily. Nightmare blinked. He set Killer down but didn't release the smaller. He approached him and reached out, holding out his hand. Killer blinked before shamefully holding out his arm. Nightmare took it and began to heal him quietly.

The smaller flinched at the oddness. He furrowed his brow before wriggling. Nightmare didn't release him, continuing to heal. Finally, he sighed and pulled back. "I want an explanation." He stated, his tentacles unraveling from around Killer.

Killer blinked before avoiding his gaze. "I... don't have one..." He muttered. "I... do that sometimes..." He seemed upset with himself. Nightmare stared at him.

"Quite efficient, if you attack even yourself with your own knife." Nightmare noted, raising a brow. His eye was narrowed and he was clearly unhappy with what he was seeing. Killer gulped. He closed his eyes and stated another quiet apology. Nightmare released him and pulled away, leaving Killer to look up in surprise.

Nightmare had moved away, his tentacles flicking in annoyance. Killer was somewhat confused, linking his bony fingers together. Why was Nightmare acting like this to him? Why was he so concerned?  He didn't understand. Nightmare stopped in front of the window, staring out over a silent world.

Slowly, Killer began to shuffle back towards the door. He froze as one of Nightmare's tentacles unfurled in front of him, closing the door. He turned to look at the other. Nightmare reached out behind him and beckoned for Killer to join him.

Killer uncertainly joined the other and stared out over the barren Underground. He'd done this. He jumped as Nightmare turned to him. "Release your SOUL." Killer did so, without a second thought. He jumped as Nightmare scooped up the target and held it in his hand. Killer wanted to ask why, but didn't dare question Nightmare.

All of a sudden, Nightmare raised his other hand. Killer's jet-black eyesockets widened as Nightmare's own SOUL appeared in his other hand. He pressed them together and closed his eye, seeming to focus. Killer was frozen in shock. Was he really touching SOULS with Nightmare?! Was this a dream come true?! He was open-mouthed and stunned.

Every so often, Nightmare would give a twitch or a cringe. He always returned to a neutral position after, his brow furrowed. Killer felt his face hot with red blush. He inhaled sharply everytime Nightmare's hands would twitch and push their SOULS closer together.

Nightmare seemed to have his own hint of glowing blue blush. All of a sudden, Killer saw the first hint of a glowing tear as Nightmare jerked back, his eye opening. He was breathing heavily. He turned to look at Killer. "I... believe I understand now." He stated, holding the other's SOUL back out to him. "A feat like that has to harbor some amount of guilt, I suppose... And along with the damage Scooter caused..."

Killer froze as he took his SOUL back. When he'd teamed up with Chara and took part of them. When he'd killed everyone in the Underground for his own amusement. When the human had stopped coming and left him. Killer's hands were trembling and so was his target SOUL. Killer studied his boss. There was a begrudging respect in his eye and Killer's SOUL fluttered for a moment, making him go bright red.

Nightmare blinked and seemed taken back, causing Killer to quickly back up. He recaptured his SOUL and it glowed in front of his chest once more. He was uneasy at the mention of Scooter's name. But he didn't like how something felt off. Like Nightmare wasn't telling him something.

Killer got that feeling a lot, but this time, it was much more urgent, like Nightmare was hiding something Killer definitely should know. He looked down, his brow furrowed as he linked his fingers together once again. "What's wrong?" Nightmare turned to face him, his tentacles swaying behind him.

"Nothing, Boss." Killer said. He jumped as one of Nightmare's tentacles reached out and wrapped itself around his waist. He lit up red as Nightmare yanked him to him. Nightmare's eyes glowed.

"Killer. What's wrong?" He asked, his voice quiet. Killer stuttered for a moment. He looked down, shaking his head, only to squeak as Nightmare's grip tightened.

"You're not telling me something!" Killer blurted out. Before Nightmare could reply, Killer quickly continued, knowing he was dammed at this point. Go big or go home. "And it feels like something I should know, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up at all, because I know we all have shit we can't tell one another!" He had his eyes screwed shut.

Nightmare didn't reply at first and Killer was legitimately afraid he was about to be killed. Finally, the other's voice sounded. "Because based on your earlier episode, I didn't want to add more stress on you." He said quietly. Killer opened his eyes and glared at Nightmare.

"I'm not a little bitch, Boss. I can handle shit. It takes a while for me to break down like that. I hate that you had to see it, but don't you DARE baby me!" He hissed. Killer felt Nightmare's tentacle pause around him. Then, he heard it.

Nightmare gave a hearty bit of laughter as he set Killer down. Killer blushed a bit, but remained adamant. Nightmare gave him a ghoulish grin.

"That's the reason you're my favorite." Nightmare rumbled, his tentacles swaying.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now