Tender Trauma

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"Why are you apologizing?" Nightmare's question was simple, but he sounded confused. Killer continued to shake. Nightmare furrowed his brow. Killer blinked and realized he was leaning back on one of Nightmare's tentacles. Killer gulped shakily. Nightmare turned to him. "You're in pain."

Normally, Killer would've scoffed or made some sarcastic comment to that. Obviously he was in pain. But he couldn't. It hurt too much. Nightmare continued to keep his gaze on him. "I could sense your pain from halfway across the Multiverse." That... Killer stared at him before looking down, shaking. That was humiliating.

He covered his eyes with his hand and shook quietly. "Sorry, sorry..." He whispered over and over. Nightmare was quiet for a minute. He suddenly moved and Killer squeaked as Nightmare checked him over. "Boss!" Nightmare lifted his leg before moving to his arm and his neck, pushing the fur of his hoodie out of the way. "Hey!" Killer felt his face light up red as Nightmare lifted his shirt, checking his spine and ribs. He shifted uncomfortably.

"You aren't injured anywhere..." Nightmare's voice was quiet. He seemed confused, yet his tone was thoughtful at the same time. Killer flinched as he felt Nightmare's fingers press against his SOUL. "So why are you in so much pain?" Killer blinked as Nightmare's tentacle gently pushed him up, into a sitting position. Killer flinched and his SOUL wavered in Nightmare's hand.

Nightmare seemed to take note of this. He stared at Killer before quietly instructing him to wipe his face. Killer gulped and did so, the white dots in his eyes fading. Nightmare blinked. "Your eyes were lit..." He rumbled quietly. Killer blinked in surprise and raised a hand to one of his eye sockets.

"Were they?" He rasped out quietly. Nightmare reached out with a hand and Killer flinched away before realizing that Nightmare was tracing the scratches he'd left on his own skull. He made a whimpering noise as he felt them close up. It felt odd. Nightmare nodded as he pulled back.

"Explain to me what hurts." The goopy skeleton said quietly. Killer blinked at him and inhaled shakily, his eyes filling dully with anger.

"Everywhere she broke... everywhere that bitch hit me..." He growled weakly. "It all aches. And it HURTS." He raised a shaking hand to his ribs. "I... was humiliated... Dust and Horror didn't even listen to me... and Error's stupid little puppet wanted to help me..." He hissed out. He flinched again and his target SOUL rippled. "I'm supposed to be your top man... but I couldn't fucking deal with a pesky human..." He held his head, jumping as one of Nightmare's tentacles curled around his wrist to keep him from scratching his head again.

Nightmare was quiet. "You are still my right hand, Killer. Don't feel like you failed. Scooter is an anomaly. NOTHING is able to stop her." As he spoke, Nightmare's eye lit up and Killer's body was encased in an odd purple light. Killer blinked before slowly relaxing, the feeling refreshing.

The aching faded and he sighed, his shaking subsiding a bit. Killer closed his eyes and more tears ran down his face. The glow faded. He yelped as one of Nightmare's tentacles lifted his chin. The white dots were back in his eyes as he stared up at the other. "If you have pain like this again, you come directly to me. If I see you trying to off yourself, I will make your life hell, understood?" Nightmare's growling voice was firm. Killer could've made another sarcastic retort, but instead shook quietly and nodded. Nightmare sighed and released him.

Killer watched as the other rose to his feet and his tentacle wrapped around Killer, lifting him by the waist. He began to move back towards the castle. "I can walk, Boss." Killer said quickly, his slippers dangling awkwardly above the ground.

"After that display? You must be as crazy as Horror if you think I'll let you walk by yourself." Nightmare snorted. Killer knew he was right. He was quiet for most of the walk, watching Nightmare. Nightmare wasn't angry with him for showing weakness?? It was shocking to Killer. His target SOUL had returned to in front of his chest. It was slowly reshaping itself so he felt more balanced.

They reached the castle and Nightmare opened the doors, walking inside with him. Killer sputtered, staring out at the wall he usually sat at as the doors shut. "Boss! My post!" He said, his eye sockets wide. Nightmare's tentacle tightened around him, signaling him to be quiet. Killer obliged.

Nightmare brought him to a table and set him on it. Killer blinked at him. Nightmare sighed, his tentacles stretching before he disappeared into another room. Killer waited quietly, staring after the other. He closed his eyes. He was exhausted. He didn't understand why. That episode had taken a ton out of him. He gave a weak-hearted snort. "A skele-TON." He mumbled to himself.

Killer jumped as he heard Nightmare come back in before he was shocked again. Nightmare held out a Bisicle. Killer blinked at him before starting to shake his head, starting to say that he didn't need it. "Eat the damn thing." Nightmare's gruff voice growled. Killer blinked before taking it and chowing down. Stars, when was the last time he'd even had one of these?? He finished, feeling replenished. Almost like some strange health bar had been restored. He wobbled for a moment, on the verge of sleep again. He forced himself awake to see Nightmare staring at him in... Was that amusement??

Killer looked down quickly, his bony cheeks a bright red. "My post..." He mumbled.

"Will be filled by someone else." Nightmare stated. Killer blinked, trying to stay awake as he shook his head. Nightmare blinked and his eye lit up a haunting purple and when he spoke, his voice was hypnotic. "Sleep."

That made Killer pass right out. He slumped down on the table and Nightmare chuckled, wrapping the other up in his tentacle again before moving off to find a room his henchman could rest in. Killer was his favorite, after all.

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