You're Mine

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Glitch curled up in the blankets. It'd been shocking to learn that Dream would just let him sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. Honestly, he would've been fine with a couch in the hallway. Hell, even the floor would've been nice. But this? This was six hundred times better. For a moment, the fizzling blue strings that ran down his face from his eye sockets stopped twitching and fidgeting.

He'd set his large red glasses off to the side. He stared at them, the outline blurry. His skeletal hands began to creep and wander, feeling around the blankets. His hands always needed something to do. A nervous tic of his, Night would call it. Most of the time, Glitch wasn't even aware he was doing it. This was one of the rare times he had peace.

Glitch sighed and his strings settled as his hands began to release the blankets quietly. He closed his eyes, wrapped up in them. He stayed like that for a few minutes, the only sound being his glitched breathing. His body glitched in place, but the pixels were slowing down.

One of his strings tensed. Glitch's entire body followed as his eyes shot open and he sat up, his body beginning to glitch wildly. The strings on his face were twisting and shaking in place. He reached out and quickly grabbed his glasses, putting them on. He didn't understand the fact that it was always day near Dream's castle, but the sunlight drifting peacefully through the window did nothing to calm his nerves.

Someone was nearby. And his body knew exactly who it was. Glitch curled up in the middle of the bed, pressing himself back against the backboard. He quickly began to move so he could head back downstairs, jumping out of the bed and making it halfway across the room. He shrieked as a sudden jolt of electricity shook his body. "A-a-ah!!!"

He dropped to his knees, blue lightening flickering all over him. It hurt and it was practically paralyzing him. He froze and completely shut down at the sound of someone landing on the floor behind him. As he rebooted, his body collapsed to the floor, twitching and shaking.

Glitch came to, seeing blue boots in front of him. "Err0r..." He was shaking. "Did y0u really think y0u c0uld escape me s0 easily??" A teasing, dark voice stated. Glitch shakily lifted his head to meet Code's eyes as the swapped swap Sans giggled. He stared down at him with piercing bright blue eyes. They weren't friendly, like Blue's eyes. No, these eyes seemed to cut into his very SOUL.

Code knelt in front of the other and reached out, slipping a finger under Glitch's chin to force the other to look at him. He clicked his tongue. "S0 ungrateful! This is the thanks I get f0r raising y0u!" He shook his head, sighing. "When will y0u realize that th0se aren't y0ur friends? They're just like me. They're just using y0u."

Glitch was shaking. He shook his head, opened his mouth to say something and shrieked as another crackle of electricity ripped through his body. Code blinked in mock surprise. "What was that? I didn't hear y0u." Glitch had tears running down his face, the strings already under his eyes twitching and curling.

He glared at Code through watering eyes and that seemed to delight the other skeleton more. "Aww... l00k at y0u... s0 fierce!" He dropped Glitch's head back to the ground, allowing it to smack down and blur Glitch's vision. Glitch tried to get up as Code grinned down at him.

"Pathetic!" He sang out, giggling. He blinked and turned as the door swung open. Night glared at him furiously, panting.

"Get away from him!!" He spat angrily, his staff held at the ready. Code blinked at him before giving a soft smile, along with the tilt of his head. "There's no reason for you to be hunting us right now!! There's more important issues at play!!" Night snapped, as if he was annoyed that he even had to explain this. Code smiled.

"I'm n0t scared 0f y0u, Minimare." He said, chuckling softly at the nickname he'd given Night. Night bristled in fury at the nickname before a black, goopy tentacle wrapped around the doorway. Night jumped in surprise before quickly moving back to allow another skeleton to stand in the doorway.

Nightmare glared at Code with one, glowing blue eye. "You have a lot of nerve to stir up trouble during such a tense time." He growled, his voice dangerous. Code blinked at him, seeming both in shock and awe.

"W0wee! S0 this is the Nightmare fr0m this Multiverse! W0w! Y0u're s0 much m0re intimidating than mine!" He said cheerfully. Nightmare growled and ducked under the doorway, slithering into the room. His tentacles fanned out behind him. Glitch could tell Code was uneasy because of how fast the words in his eyesocket were flashing through.

Night slipped in quickly behind his counterpart and ran over to Glitch, kneeling next to him. "I'm so sorry! I knew we shouldn't have let you sleep up there by your goddamn self! What the hell were we thinking?!" Night seemed to be scolding himself, while also apologizing to Glitch. He helped the other up quickly.

Code had backed up against a wall. "Listen, this has n0thing t0 d0 with y0u! It's pers0nal!" He tried to reason. Nightmare scowled.

"Personal?? The fate of the Multiverse is at hand, any trouble you cause becomes my business!" He growled, one of his tentacles shooting forward and cracking into the wall next to Code's head. Code was frozen, staring at it.

"Now." Nightmare leaned in, hissing. "Get the hell out of here." Code gulped and fizzled away into pixels. Glitch sighed in relief. Night was staring at his counterpart with wide eyes.

"Th-Thanks? I think?" He asked, honestly confused. Nightmare scowled as he turned back, shaking his head.

"Don't. Bugs like him are just annoying. Trying to stir up trouble when we already have enough of it." Nightmare muttered. He moved back and slipped out the door, leaving Night and Glitch.

Glitch was still shaking. "D-D-D-Do y-y-you think-ink-ink Code wi-w-will tell Dream? Where w-we are?" He asked, his body trembling as the strings twitched around wildly.

Night sighed and rolled his eyes. "Probably. But knowing my brother, that's the least of his concerns."

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now