Mistaken Mans

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Fresh skated through the Omega Timeline, whistling quietly. He gripped a doll of Scooter in his pocket, a bit downfallen. He rolled around the blank space on his skateboard. He'd already asked Paperjam to come over and keep him company. He heard a soft splat from behind and turned, kicking up his board. That usually meant one of two people and he was a fan of both.

He headed over and stopped. A red shape was hunched on the ground. It had glowing, drifting red hair and outlines of clothes on a glowing, liquid-like red body. Fresh blinked, a bit taken back. Even from the side, it really wasn't difficult to tell. He awkwardly cleared his throat before catching a glimpse of black in the red mass. He had a realization.

"Yo, yo, PJ, my bro!" He exclaimed. The shape blinked and turned to him, showing glowing red eyes. He was taken back again before sighing. "Bro, I know you're trying to cheer me up or whatevs, but your shapeshifting has got a ways to go!" PJ stood up and as Fresh had thought, he was almost a spitting image of Scooter. Fresh sighed. ALMOST.

"C'mon, PJ, y'know she had freckles!" He said, chuckling. PJ blinked before closing his eyes and dots appeared in the form of freckles, all over the body. He opened his eyes, tipping his head and Fresh nodded. "Well, hey, last time you shapeshifter, you couldn't change to any color other than black! I guess now you're just a radical red, my man!"

PJ remained quiet and Fresh blinked. "What? You can't speak? Are you stuck?" He circled the shape and tipped his head. "Do I need to get Ink?" No doubt, his sunglasses had changed again. PJ blinked and shook his head, before quickly reaching out towards Fresh's glasses. Fresh pulled back. "Hey, hey, woah, you know I can't just freely give these out!" He teased. PJ blinked and tipped his head again. Fresh circled him once again.

"So what's with the glowing?? You've never done that before!" He grinned. "Not gonna lie, it is HELLA cool!" He yelped as PJ reached up and smoothed the glowing hair down so it wouldn't drift. PJ continued to stare at him, his hands clasped in front of him. Fresh knew what he wanted.

"Fine, fine. But only if you promise to change back to yourself after you give 'em back! This is all kinds of wiggedy weirdness!" He pulled his sunglasses off and blinked as PJ stared at his eyes. He blushed a slight purple. "Don't stare... it's not the first time you've seen them..." He mumbled. He watched as PJ blinked before sliding the glasses on.

Fresh whistled and took a step back, smiling. "Dude!" He said cheerfully, loving how they looked. He blinked. The glasses were blank. Usually, the sunglasses would reflect whatever the wearer was thinking in one or two words. But there was nothing, not even the classic YOLO that usually covered the shades. Fresh blinked and his smile faltered. "So... uh... what do you think...?"

PJ gurgled and hummed in a sort of giggling way. He smiled, showing a glowing grin. It was eerie. The sunglasses suddenly began to have words flashing across the shades, faster than he could read. "Woah, woah, slow down!" PJ seemed to stop and focus on slowing down before a word appeared. STOP.

Fresh blinked. "Dude, dude, I said slow down, not stop!" He chuckled, his hands in his hoodie pockets. He jumped as the word STOP suddenly began to multiply. Rapidly. He quickly took the sunglasses off PJ's face and the other blinked at him. "You... should probably go see Ink." He suggested with a nervous chuckle. He slipped the sunglasses back on.

"PJ, I think you're stuck." He sighed. "I think you can wait for him in Error's Void cuz we all know they'll end up there together eventually!" He winked, chuckling. PJ made another humming/giggling noise. Fresh smiled and opened a zipper portal into the off-white space. "Here ya go! Say hi to Blue for me!"

PJ gurgled and slipped into the portal. Fresh zipped it shut, sighing. He began to roll around on his skateboard again, trying to calm himself. Even if PJ had wanted to surprise him, that had DEFINITELY not been the best shape to do it in... He sighed. "Funny kid..." He mumbled.

"Who?" Fresh yelped and almost crashed as he skidded sideways. He stumbled off of his board and stared at whoever had spoken. Paperjam drifted down, his black, bubbly self seeming cheerful as ever. Fresh blinked before coming over and squishing PJ's cheeks.

"They unstuck you THAT FAST??" He asked, his eyes wide. PJ squeaked and was bright pink with blush. He squirmed back, confused.

"Unstuck?? I never got stuck..." PJ said, rubbing his face in confusion. Fresh stared at him. PJ blinked and tipped his head. "What's wrong?"

"Are you joshing? Surely you must be joking." He stated. PJ blinked and shook his head. Fresh took off his glasses. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you aren't joking." Usually, that would break PJ if he was playing a prank.

"I'm not joking. What happened?" PJ asked, his eyes wide. Fresh quickly put his glasses back on and tried to reopen the zipper to Error's Void. It was stuck. If he looked through, he could make out red goop on the other side. Fresh turned back to PJ, his own eyes wide.

"Okay, so either Ink is pranking, and a really shitty prank on top of it, or I just let some kinda virus into Error's place." Fresh said, his eyes wide. PJ blinked. He was quiet.

"W-Well, if it's a virus, won't Error deal with it?? And Blue's free, so he can get himself out of there...?" PJ said, wringing his hands nervously. Fresh blinked before realizing the other was right. He held his hat and chuckled.

"Man, I get worked up over the DUMBEST THINGS." He groaned, laughing quietly at himself. He yelped as Paperjam suddenly hugged him. "Hey! What's up??"

"If that was a virus, I'm really glad you're safe!!" The smaller skeleton exclaimed. Fresh blinked before chuckling.

"Geez, kid. You're making me blush!" He exclaimed teasingly, though his face had betrayed him already.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now