Three of A Kind

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"W-W-When d-do you th-th-ink-ink-"


The two skeletons pressed themselves back against the darkened shadow of the Omega Timeline. The first one who'd spoke, held a haunting resemblance to Error, his body glitching in and out of reality. He wore a blue hood and wide, circular, red glasses. He'd covered his mouth with his hands, the blue strands that ran down from his eyes prickling and wriggling.

The one who'd shushed him stared around, listening. He had pure white bones and dark purple eyes. He was dressed in a purple outfit with a purple cloak, it all held together by a crescent moon clasp. He had a golden crown on his head, the crescent moon also etched into that one. He jumped and quickly raised a hand, cloaking them both in darkness as Fresh skated by, whistling a funky tune. He did a U-turn and began to skate back the way he came.

Once he'd disappeared, the purple skeleton uncloaked the both of them. They both shared a glance before breaking down into soft snorts and glitched laughter. "What the hell was THAT?! The 90's?!" The purple skeleton bent over, laughing. He sat back up. "This Multiverse is WEIRD."

The glitched skeleton nodded, still grinning a bit. He still kept his fingers nervously tapping his femurs. "About C-C-Cross?? W-Wh-Why's he taking s-so long?" He asked quietly, making sure to keep his voice down.

The purple skeleton blinked. "Well, you gotta think, Error, this is a pocket he created a LONG time ago. And knowing Cross..." He rolled his eyes before chuckling. "He probably forgot where it was." The glitched skeleton laughed, nodding in agreement. Usually, he would go by Error or Glitch.

Glitch shivered and pushed himself back further into the shadows. "N-Night, what do we even kn-kn-know about this Multiverse other th-th-th-than that weird 90's g-g-guy?" He asked, pushing his glasses up. The purple skeleton, Night, blinked.

"Oh, uh... next to nothing, actually." He answered, staring around at the darkened parts of the Omega Timeline. "Except I THINK this is the one where we're all switched around and stuff, but I'm not really sure..." He said, furrowing his brow.

They both yelped as a portal opened in front of them and another skeleton dropped out. He was nearly a spitting image of Cross, given for a few outfit tweaks and the different placement of his cheek scar. The skeleton was usually called Cross, but INSISTED on the fact that his name was spelled only as 'X'. X blinked and whipped around to face them. "GUYS!! I found it!"

That would've seemed like good news if both Night and Glitch hadn't noticed how freaked out he looked. X cleared his throat. "Someone else found it too, but I don't think it was any of the Justice Whatever's! I don't know what happened, but it is GRUESOME!!" His eyes were wide.

Night and Glitch both shared a glance before getting up and quickly following Cross through the portal. It shut behind them and the stench hit them immediately. Night covered his nose as Glitch shrieked, covering his mouth at the sight. There was red spatter everywhere. On the walls, floor, even the snack bags that had been there. The bags were all torn up and bits of their crushed contents were everywhere. They were almost all empty.

"Stars..." Night whispered as he stared around. "It's like there was a bloodbath in here..." He was clearly shaken, but not so much as Glitch, who turned away, covering his mouth. X shook his head.

"Well, yeah, I know, but that's not what my issue is right now. It's THAT." He summoned his blade and used it to push some bloody bags aside. A chill went up Night's spine. A hand print was perfectly captured on the ground. There were no fingerprints, but the hand's fingers were too thick to be a skeleton's. Too small to be a monster that they would know.

"No way..." Night whispered. "A human?" He saw Glitch freeze and turn to look back at them in shock. X snapped his fingers to get Night's attention once again. He pointed to where there were footprint-shaped white spots in the blood. Night furrowed his brow. "Someone else was here too..." He stood up.

"Cross, Error, I think we accidentally stumbled into SOMETHING this Multiverse is dealing with." Night decided, seeming hesitant. "And STARS, it does not look good..." He rubbed his head and stood up. He glanced around. He did quietly resent the fact that he was shorter than both of them.

They all jumped as they heard a loud, but distant pinging noise. "Oh shit..." Night whispered. X and Glitch were wide-eyed. "I didn't think he would follow across Multiverses. How the hell does he know?" Night was honestly frustrated.

No matter where they hid or how good they thought it was, his stupid brother would always find them with his goon, Ink. It was honestly the most infuriating thing. He just wanted to EXIST!

Night growled and punched the wall, cracking it. "SHIT! Are you KIDDING ME?!" He yelled. He dropped into a ball, covering his face. "I just want to LIVE. I'm not even trying to usurp power or some bullshit, I'm just trying to live." He blinked and looked over as X settled next to him.

"We all are. That's why we're with you." X reminded him, flicking Night's nose. Night yelped. He looked over as Glitch settled on the other side.

"E-E-Even though y-y-y-you both c-can be idiots..." He mumbled, a sly grin on his face. Night huffed as X flipped Glitch off. Glitch sighed. His blue strands wriggled and he opened his hands, starting to create intricate string patterns between his fingers. They all watched him for a few moments before Night turned to X.

"Any other pockets nearby?" He asked, seeming defeated. X blinked. He tipped his head.

"Yeah... I do remember leaving at least more than one and this is the first we've found." He said, grinning. "Or I can steal a strip of code from one of the places here, no big deal!" He said, shrugging.

Night sighed. X noticed and gently punched his shoulder. "C'mon, Night, chin up. We'll get through this somehow." He tried to reassure him. Night snorted and broke down in quiet laughter.

"That's so stupid and cheesy, what the hell, Cross?" Night giggled out, though he was clearly appreciative of it. Cross blinked before giving a grin and a playful glare.

"Shut up!"

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now