Rich Taste

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Sans blinked as he moved through the town. Where the hell had everyone gone?? The monster was literally on a Pacifist Route, there should've been no reason for the town to be empty. He pulled the jacket tighter around himself, noting the air was chillier than usual. The town itself even seemed to be dreary. No... the kid WAS on a Pacifist Route! Why did it feel like the Genocide Route??

He backed up, goosebumps popping up along his pale skin. The wind blew through his white hair and made him screw his blue eyes shut. For the first time, he regretted wearing shorts. He turned and quickly made his way home. He had to find Papyrus.

Sans moved through the town, passing the library. Passing Grillby's. He stopped at the front door to his house, staring at the perpetual Christmas Tree in the center of town. Geez, the kid with no arms, MK, wasn't even there. He was ALWAYS there. The presents around the tree remained untouched in the snow. That only panicked Sans more. He jumped and quickly opened his door, slamming it behind him. "PAPYRUS!!" He yelled.

Oh shit. Had the kid switched Routes?? There was no way, they would have to have started from the beginning! The house was quiet and there wasn't an answer. Sans broke off into a sprint and jettisoned up the stairs, practically crashing through Papyrus' door. Empty. He opened the closet. Empty. He checked everywhere. His room? Empty. Living room? Empty. Kitchen?? Empty.

Sans froze at the sight of the kitchen. The fridge was open. Papyrus was nowhere in sight. Papyrus NEVER left the fridge open. EVER. He cautiously moved over to see the contents of the fridge having been pulled out onto the floor. Not even thrown, like someone had been looking for something. Sans was panting. "PAPYRUS!!" He yelled. Still no answer. He stepped over broken plates and strewn spaghetti. He blinked as he saw something on the doorway that made him cold. "Shit." He breathed.

A red handprint stained the white doorway. Like someone had gripped it. He quickly went over, staring at it. He noticed a few things wrong off the bat. The handprint didn't have fingerprints, despite it being thin. It was too small to be Papyrus. And if Papyrus was in the kitchen, he always wore gloves. Sans stared at it.

Someone had broken into the house. He froze at the thought. He covered his mouth. The mess did stink. But he was looking at the milk spilled on the floor. He knelt down and paused before reaching out and pressing a finger into it. He pulled back, eyes wide. Maybe because the fridge was open, but... the milk was still cold. Meaning...

"You're still here." Sans whispered out loud. He whipped around, furrowing his brow. "HEY!! COME OUT WHERE I CAN SEE YOU!!" He barked. There was nothing from the house. Silence. There was, however, a noise from the backyard. Sans turned and stared out the window. A small, weak yip. Through the snow, he could make out a small figure. An animal.

Sans blinked and snapped his fingers, teleporting outside. He knelt down. "Annoying Dog." He whispered in shock. The animal was covered in blood. Several chunks had been torn from its back and one of its ears was gone. It whimpered, letting out another weak yip. Its bloody stump of a tail wiggled, signifying that it was happy to see Sans.

He reached down and scooped up the dog. "Holy shit..." He whispered. He turned back to see the back door swung wide open. Whoever had been in his house was long gone. He growled, but shook his head. This was more important. He brought the dog inside after using his magic to clean up the kitchen. He made his way to the bathroom, setting the animal in the tub. He laid out a towel and put it on the floor before turning back to him in dismay.

The usually perky dog was shaking and whimpering. Sans turned on the water and began washing off its wounds. He flinched as it wailed. "I know, buddy, I know..." He finished cleaning it off and studied the injuries. He felt a wave of horror go through his chest. He could see the marks in the dog's flesh. Those were teeth marks. But... Sans was shaky as he turned off the water.

A human had attacked this dog and tore chucks out of it. He could see the same marks on its ear and tail. "Jesus Christ." Sans muttered under his breath. He quickly ransacked his medicine cabinet, managing to treat the wounds best he could before bandaging up the animal. Sans pulled back and helped the dog out of the tub. He set it down and helped it dry off.

He left the dog in the living room, knowing it was house trained. He kept the back door cracked open before moving in the direction the dog had come from. He could see its bloody little trail left behind as he moved further and further into the woods.

His breath came billowing out like a factory. He froze as a scent on the breeze hit him. Blood. Heavy blood. He broke into a run, which was difficult, considering he had slippers and socks on. He broke through the trees and stumbled. "SHIT!!"

MK's dead eyes were fixed on him. He was leaned up against a tree, his head tilted to the side and his face still tear-stained. Sans pulled out his cellphone and immediately dialed Undyne. She would have to know what to do.

After a few rings, it chillingly went to voicemail. After the beep, Sans began speaking rushedly. "Undyne, it's Sans. I found a body behind my house a meter or so into the woods. Looks fresh. Get out here as soon as you can, I found an injured dog too."  He hung up and slipped the cellphone away before sighing shakily and trying to calm his racing heart.

Sans shivered as he made eye contact with the corpse. He couldn't help but look at its legs, or lack thereof. Both of them were gone. Bloody trail led from the stumps to a pair of bushes off to the side. Sans got up and slowly made his way over. He peered through the bushes and was nearly sick.

The kid's legs laid together in a pile of red, slushed snow, the flesh having been messily stripped off. They were almost clean, given for the blood. He could see teeth marks in the remaining flesh and shivered again.

What the hell was going on?!

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now