Hey, Hey

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Ink sighed as he stood next to Night. They were in the small pocket of reality. The other two had returned. X seemed shocked to see him, while Glitch had shut down and was currently rebooting. "So, how was the Void?" Night asked, snorting.

X blinked before looking away. "Met a small dude. Called himself Blue. He's this world's Code." At that, Night's smile faded, becoming serious as he stopped and gestured to Glitch in concern. X seemed to understand before shaking his head. "No, no, he was scared of 'em at first, but then Blue was super nice and seemed genuine enough. Not like a psychopath." Upon hearing that that, Ink smiled.

"That's Blue." He said proudly, giving a hearty chuckle. He grinned as Glitch came back, holding his head and staggering. He saw Ink and his eyes widened, his mouth opening to presumably shriek. Ink immediately shook his head. "No, no, it's okay!! I'm THIS world's Ink! I have no problems with you!" He said quickly, holding up his hands.

Glitch stared at him, panting before turning on Night and scowling. "Y'know, N-N-Night!! A l-l-l-little WARNING w-w-w-would've-ve-ve been nice!!" He snapped, rushing to cover his yellow blush with his scarf. Night grinned and shrugged. Glitch seemed pissed. Ink noticed X staring at Night with a soft, barely noticeable blush and knew immediately. He caught X's eye and gave a knowing, teasing smile, to which X glared at him and turned away, now fully flushing red. Ink clapped his hands, making them all jump and look at him.

"Okay! But as much as I absolutely adore you alternates, I can't stay and talk. I need you guys to bunker down." X blinked and turned back to face him.

"What, why??" He asked, his eyes wide and his brow furrowed. Ink stopped and his eyes flickered for a moment, shocking all of them as he kept a hollow, weak grin on his face. He came back and gave a nervous chuckle.

"Ah ha... well, we have a problem here. And it's REALLY unfortunate you guys arrived when you did." Ink wrung his hands together. Night blinked and turned to him.

"Ink, you seem way more worried about this than I would expect you to be." He said bluntly, raising an eyebrow. Ink turned to him with a haunted look that made Night's skin crawl. Ink reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a little doll, handing it to Night. It was Scooter's doll. Night studied it, a bit off out because of how it looked.

"This is... personal, to almost everyone in this Multiverse. That red creature came from a human. And... we all knew that human... in fact, I was there when we were finally able to kill her." Ink said shakily. Night was in shock. "It's... difficult for most of the Multiverse to look at that creature and see her while it's attacking them... It brings another version of pain..."

Night hadn't known that. He handed the doll back, clearly dismayed. Ink nodded and tucked it back into his pocket. He held his hand above the ground and black paint began to bubble down into a figure. It turned red and Ink had recreated the human creature, but without its wings or tentacles.

They all were shocked. "What the shit is that??" X said, his face disturbed. Glitch didn't seemed to like the look of it either. Neither did Night, but he could feel it. The pain that leaked off Ink as he stared down at it. It made Night wonder. As Ink dispersed it, Night furrowed his brow.

He blinked and looked up as Ink spoke. "That, is DETERMINATION in a pure form." He said firmly. That took them all back. X seemed in disbelief, while Glitch was clearly afraid. Night was shocked. A human that had had enough DETERMINATION that it had been able to manifest itself once she was gone??

Ink nodded. "That's why I need you guys to stay away. If it finds you, it will hurt you. I've had multiple accounts of it eating monsters alive, and continuing to eat them even after the monsters dusts." Glitch covered his mouth and X gagged, turning away. Night shook. Ink turned to X and Glitch. "You said you met Blue?" The two of them nodded. "The creature ate him alive and I had to make a new body for him."  That seemed to shock Glitch enough to send him back into another reboot.

Night blinked and turned to look at Ink. "Hey, what if it finds us while we're here? It's gotten into one of our other pockets before." X seemed confused. Ink nodded. He glanced at X.  Night glanced over. "The creature bleeds all the time." X's eyes widened as he remembered the blood-spattered pocket. Glitch slowly restarted next to him, stumbling again.

Ink seemed troubled by Night's question. He lifted his hand and a neon yellow button formed. "Press that and I'll come to you guys. If it attacks you, do not let it pin you. If it pins you, IT WILL EAT YOU. Fight like hell until I arrive, then I'll get you guys out of there." He paused, another thought seeming to shake him. "Oh... and the creature might not be alone." Night was taken back. "It's traveling with a Forbidden Timeline Sans."

X shared a wide-eyed glance with Night. The footprints they'd found in the blood-spattered pocket. Ink sighed and stepped back from them. "I have to go, but stay here. I'll come get you if we've managed to contain the creature, okay?" He gave a nervous grin. They all nodded, seeming to relax some of Ink's tension.

"Okay, okay..." Ink muttered, rubbing his head. He turned and opened the pocket. "Bye!" He disappeared through the opening, shutting it. Night was quiet. He shakily glanced over at the other two.

"So... I was right. This Mutliverse IS dealing with some shit." He said, nodding. All of a sudden, X groaned and facepalmed.

"Shit!! If we're trapped in here, we shoulda asked him to make us stuff to do then!!"

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now