New Birth

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Error watched as the new body stirred. He pushed himself up and moved over. They were still in the Doodle Sphere. Nightmare had left without so much as a parting glance, much less an actual goodbye or something of the sort. Dream was dozing nearby, seemingly exhausted. Ink had constructed Blue a brand new body with better armor and clothes so he didn't look as childish. He'd even given him some height. Blue blinked open his eyes, sitting up slowly. The first thing Error noticed was that his bright blue eyes were shaped like stars. He remained knelt next to the other. He tipped his head, raising a brow.

Error watched as the other seemed to realize where he was. "B-B-Blue??" He asked, his voice cautious and stuttering. Blue looked over at him before seeming to realize something. He patted his own body. He gasped and his starry eyes lit up in excitement.

"I'm alive!" He exclaimed, seeming excited. He attempted to scramble up and dropped back, seeming woozy. "Oh... don't stand up yet!" He mumbled, seemingly to himself as he held his head. He shook his head and began to look himself over. "Wow!! This battle body is SO COOL!!" He cried. He tried pushing himself up and wobbled. He managed to stand and Error did too. Blue stopped and stared at him. He seemed baffled. "Did... you get shorter?" Just from the way he asked, one could tell it was a genuine question. Error snorted and rolled his eyes, giving the other a flat look. Blue didn't seem to get it at first. Then, he suddenly gasped, his eyes lighting up again as he covered his mouth. "Oh my STARS!! We're the same height!!"

Error gestured for him to be quiet, turning his attention to Dream, who was still sleeping nearby. Blue covered his mouth and nodded. He continued to study himself, completely in awe. Error allowed himself a small chuckle. Blue blinked.

"Are you laughing at me??" He asked, both confused and embarrassed. Error grinned and Blue huffed, crossing his arms. "That's so mean!!" Error waved him off and turned away. He blinked as he felt Blue grab his arm. "Wait!"

Error turned back to look at the other. Blue gave a happy smile. "Did you really mean it??" He asked, practically bouncing in excitement. Error stared at him blankly. "You said we're friends!! Did you mean it??"

Oh. Error blinked and looked away, sighing. His face had lit up a little. Blue stared at him expectedly, his eyes lit with curiosity and excitement. Error facepalmed before mumbling something. Blue blinked. "Error?"

Error growled. "Yeah. Yeah, I did." He admitted grudgingly. Blue squealed and tackled Error, hugging him tightly and causing the other to glitch. When Error had restarted, Blue backed up, apologizing profusely.

Error muttered that it was fine, rubbing his head. He blinked as he heard Dream get up. He left Blue for a moment to sit in front of Dream. Blue watched as they spoke. He shuffled awkwardly, itching to be part of their conversation, but also not wanting to be rude and just butt in.

Dream seemed confused before his eyes widened and became golden stars as he covered his mouth. He seemed shocked. Error growled and snapped at him, making Dream smile. Wait, why was Dream crying now?? He watched quietly in concern. Dream didn't seem sad as he wiped his tears, giving a huge smile to Error and nodding. He quickly got up and walked over to Blue with Error, wiping his eyes.

"Are you okay??" Blue asked, concerned. He blinked as he realized he was taller than Dream now. Dream blinked up at him before smiling.

"I'm just... really touched..." He said, laughing a little. Blue blinked, confused. He glanced at Error for any clues as to what was happening. Error avoided his gaze.

"D-D-D-Dream is g-g-gonna t-t-take y-y-you to the Dr-Dr-Dreamscape..." He mumbled. Blue was taken back for a moment. What?? Had he heard right? The Dreamscape?? Why?? Before he could ask, Error continued. "I-I-I know y-y-your AU ha-has-s-s already moved on without y-y-y-you, but I w-w-want y-y-y-you to have s-s-some kinda closure..." He continued to stare to the side. He seemed regretful. Blue stared at him in dismay and worry.

All of a sudden, Dream spoke up. "You're going to see your brother one last time." He said. Blue stopped. He was going to see Papyrus?? Were they serious?!

"But Papy doesn't even remember me!!" He exclaimed. Dream smiled. Blue blinked and his eyes lit up as he suddenly understood. "Oh!! That's why it's going to be a dream!!" He cried out. Dream gave a quiet laugh, nodding. "Oh STARS!! Thank you!!"

Dream blinked. "Don't thank me." He said, using his head to nod over to Error. Blue blinked, not understanding once again before covering his mouth.

"Error? D-Did you ask Dream to do this for me??" He asked in hushed shock. Error blushed and growled, crossing his arms. Blue covered his mouth and his eyes wavered, tears starting in them. Error noticed.

"Wh-Wh-What the hell?! D-D-Don't cry!!" He exclaimed. Blue shook his head, apologizing as he rubbed his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just..." He smiled at Error. "You are the greatest friend I've ever had." He giggled. Error blinked as something warm was felt in his chest before scowling.

"J-J-Just st-st-stop with the-the-the waterworks and g-g-g-go!" He snapped. Blue jumped before nodding excitedly, turning to Dream.

"Yes!! Let's go!! Error, thank you!!" Blue exclaimed again. Error mumbled something and went over to the side of the Doodle Sphere before weaving himself a bed and laying down. Blue turned and grinned at Dream.

Dream smiled back. "Are you ready?" He asked, stretching out a gloved hand. Blue gave him a wink.

"The Magnificent Sans is never unprepared!!" He declared confidently. Dream nodded before turning.

"Well, let's go say hi to Paps then!"

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now