But Nothing Remains

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Error stared at the ground in the Save Screen. The large pool of red that he'd been sent to clean was already gone. He would've assumed something would've happened where it had simply cleaned itself. He might've also believe that another Sans had found it and cleaned it. But those footprints.

A single set of footprints sat in the middle of the darkness, bright red and glowing. Whoever had left it had definitely not been wearing slippers. Error twitched, his brow furrowing as he tried to run through all the people that could've been here.

Ink wore sneakers, but why would Ink have asked him there if he'd already cleaned it? And besides, Ink was not a guy to leave behind any paint. Not that Error thought it was paint anyway. It could have been Fresh, but how would Fresh have known? Besides, Paperjam had been with him all day.

Error crouched next to the foot prints. They were almost dry and that was even stranger to him. Why weren't they wet? Hadn't this JUST happened?? Error furrowed his brow before a voice spoke. "Heya." Immediately, Error went black and rebooted again to see Reaper floating in front of him.

Error stared at him, wide eyed and panting. Reaper gave a grin. "What's wrøng? Yøu løøk like yøu've seen a ghøst!" He drifted upside down in his jet-black robe. Error growled. He blinked as he got back up and Reaper produced the two dolls he'd made earlier. Reaper sighed. "I just wanted tø thank yøu før these..." He said. Error blinked.

"N-N-N-No problem..." He muttered, clearly still distracted by the footprints on the floor. Reaper seemed to notice.

"Yøu really clean up fast, døn't ya?" He said, tipping his head. Error raised a brow. Reaper blinked and his smile faltered. "Yøu seem cønfused."

Error nodded. "I'm n-n-n-not th-th-the one who cl-cleaned it... b-b-but I don't think a-a-a-anyone else has been here..." He mumbled. Reaper blinked.

"That is strange... Maybe it just cleaned itself up?" He suggested. "What was it that she puked up?" He seemed a bit pained to talk about it, but it was clear he wanted answers. Error furrowed his brow.

"N-N-N-Not sure... some r-r-red liquid... g-g-gl-glowing..." He couldn't say it was blood. Not with the glow it had had. Reaper's hand noticeably tightened on his robe. He sighed, shrugging. He turned to leave before pausing.

"Errør? Thank yøu før killing her." He said, seeming genuinely grateful. Error stared after him before giving a single nod. Reaper gave a grin before vanishing into black smoke. Error was left alone with the mysterious footprints. He knew it was highly possible that it could've cleaned itself up, but something about those footprints made him itch.

Error cleaned up the rest and sat in the Save Screen for a few moments. Even after several minutes of thinking, it was still just as he thought. He didn't like it. Those footprints gave him a bad feeling. He couldn't quite place it.

"P-p-p-paranoid..." He mumbled to himself. He remained sitting crisscross. He lifted his hands to study his strings. He'd torn her apart with those very strings. He'd done it himself, but there was something deep down in him that was telling him that some part of her was still around. That something was still here.

And he hated that.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now