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This book contains some triggering content.
If you are triggered easily then this book won't be for you

You have been warned

A crisp wind blew across the mountain tops.
The pure white full moon shinned down beautifully, lighting up the woods with a crystal glow.

But as the wind blew, a figure, an animal ran with it.
A man...but animal.
A beast, covered in fur.
A wolf beast.
The quick pace of the beast made even the universe take a second to catch up

The human eyes wouldn't even register what they saw if they did.
For years, centuries, the wolf man, and his generation of wolf like half human half wolf beasts had been hated on and almost ended.

But young children were Born, and that kept the wolf beast going, and ever since they've been trying to find the remaining wolf man.

Dear Diary

Newspapers, books, Tv showings.
All to find the wolf man.

They cry, and cry about how they can't find me, how they can't seem to get me.
Makes sense why after so many generations, none have ended.
Humans are just too weak to truly end it, once and for all.

Lucky for them, I'm the last one, I wanna keep it that way, a long life of ending people.
But also running.
Because they won't catch me, they won't ever catch me.

Because the thing people fear most is the unknown.

And I'm the unknown.

"So.....Have fun catching me suckers"

The Monstrous One

Book Release;
November 10th 2019


In which Taehyung has a beast form that is uncontrollable, he's alone and constantly scared.
It's when he meets a boy called Jeon Jungkook who changes everything for him.

After an incredible bond is formed Taehyung vows to protect Jungkook no Mather what.

Main Characters

Kim Taehyung

Jeon Jungkook

Jeon SeokJin

Park Jimin

Min Yoongi

Jung Wan


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