Chapter 17

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Jungkook sighed as he laid down on his bed.
He missed the comfort of his home.
He stared at his ceiling, his eyes closed.
Before long he felt himself getting drowsy.
Then a slumber took over.

"Your telling me that you- you want a hairless cat!? Does that trait run in the family?!"

"It's called wanting something nice Taehyung! Hairless cats are nice! I can knit it sweaters!" Jin spoke, watching as Taehyung shook his head "Your actually crazy" Taehyung spoke "Well your crazy for Jungkook so" Jin spoke watching as Taehyung blushed madly looking away

"HAH ARE YOU BLUSHING- I SWEAR-" Jin yelled, Taehyung avoiding eye contact "Awww how cuteeee" Jin spoke "I don't like him-" Taehyung spoke "I don't!" Taehyung spoke "I don't even know what happened to you- you just went from a cold guy to soft" Jin spoke "I'm not soft...I just...I can't be cold, I can't hurt Jungkook" Taehyung spoke with a sigh "You and him have been hurt so much, and I apologize for being so...evil back then" Taehyung spoke "Man my baby brother has really changed you"

"Ha I guess so" Taehyung spoke with a smile "I was ruthless, angry, most of all I was the monster i never wanted myself to be" Taehyung spoke "I guess I'm still that way...but better" Taehyung sighed "No Taehyung, you are better, there's no guessing, no doubting, you are far better than then, and I'm glad, we were all afraid we were losing you" Jin spoke and Taehyung nodded "I'm gonna go check on Jungkook" Taehyung spoke, Jin nodding

"I'll cook dinner"

Taehyung smiled as he walked into Jungkooks room, his heart melting when his eyes saw the younger sleeping "Awwww" He whispered.

He soon kneeled down next to him putting his hand out before putting it down "I'm sorry Wan hurt you...again" Taehyung spoke "If I had been there, if I had just walked you home...things may have just turned out so different" Taehyung sighed

He soon put his hand up and moved Jungkooks bangs out of his face "I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time....but I promise...I will protect you no matter what" Taehyung spoke, a smile on his face "No matter what"


I've had a lot of inspiration to write today.
The comments I've still received are making the writers block lift.
Hopefully for awhile so I can update everyday.

Time really does fly when I write.
It takes me 18-25 minutes to write a whole chapter, and it flys by.
It's almost like watching a movie, you don't even realize it's over until- ITS OVER!

Thank you so much for the nice comments, and the support, and even the constructive criticism.

Thank you for being here!

I purple youuuu!

Have you...


Drank enough water?

Slept enough?

Mentally okay?

Me being big disgust with the idea of spinning around that bar

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Me being big disgust with the idea of spinning around that bar

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