Chapter 4

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The Man

"The skies move and work with people, so when it many tears were cried to make that storm cloud happen?"

Here's what they look like

Here's what they look like

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Jungkook groaned when he woke up "Why must the world hate me

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Jungkook groaned when he woke up "Why must the world hate me..." he spoke rolling out of bed, falling flat onto the floor "Ughhhhhh" he yelled

"JUNGKOOK GET UP! WE NEED TO GET MORE FURNITURE!" Jin yelled, his mother like voice snapping him awake.
The younger soon ran to the shower, changing into fresh clothes afterwords.
He walked over to Jin, who was watching TV

"Aish finally!" The elder spoke "hey! I tried to hurry! At least it doesn't take me five hours to cook"

"At least we're not living by minute ramen" Jin replied "Yah- that wouldn't be half bad" The younger replied "Well If you'd like minute ramen then be my guest, I'll  just make the best food for myself" he spoke and Jungkook pouted "Lets just go" The younger replied, his arms crossed

"That's what I thought" he spoke soon snaking Jungkooks head "YAH!" The younger yelled

"Race ya to the car!"


Once the two made it to the furniture store, Jin made all the decisions.
From the color to the fabrics, he chose it all.
Jungkook just sat on a bench outside, waiting for him to decide, which he knew would take hours

"Aish why'd I come again?" The younger sighed leaning back "Why- Must- Jin- Be- So- Scary!" The younger sighed while kicking a rock.

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