Chapter 42

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Time To Pay

Wan went wide eyed when he saw the younger, his heart dropping.
He soon shook his head, aiming the gun, firing off silver bullets at the younger.
But Jungkook didn't fall, he just kept going, kept going towards Wan.
Soon he saw Taehyung standing there.
He smirked running to the elder pulling a knife soon grabbing the male "Wouldn't want to lose yet another person would you?" Wan smirked putting the knife at Taehyungs stomach "I'll do it"

"Do it Wan, you'll only make him kill you faster" Taehyung spoke "Shut up!" Wan yelled "I'll have one less person to deal with" he spoke before he stabbed the elder.
Jungkooks rage only grew, that's all he needed before he ran at Wan attacking him.

The male soon turned into his wolf form and then the battle was on, blood and growls filling the air.
The two browned for what seemed like hours, but only minutes went by.

Taehyung stood watching the scene, holding his stomach as it bled, he knew he couldn't get into this fight, Jungkooks anger was far to high for the elder to even scratch Wan.
Taehyung soon stared at all his blood sighing, that's when his body began to shake madly, the elder coughed loudly, falling to his knees.
Jungkook looked over at the elder, his wolf eyes going wide "It's about time that poison kicked in" Wan spoke "Poison?!" Jungkook asked angrily "You think I came here unprepared? No I came for blood, and for death...and that's exactly what I'm getting right now" He spoke watching Jungkooks blue eyes go even brighter, almost white, his form growing, his claws getting longer.

Wan only stared at the growing beast, Taehyung in the back barely holding himself up. He stared at Jungkook, the youngers rage was insane.

Wan and Jungkook only fought more, the two biting each other, blood flying In the air as the two ripped each other apart.
Taehyung gulped soon looking over at Jin, he shook his head, slowly crawling over to the elder
"J-Jungkooks fighting hard right n-now hyung..." Taehyung spoke before he coughed blood "I'm- I'm trying to fight t-to..." Taehyung spoke "B-But...I-I'm hurting..." the elder spoke lifting his hand from his wound, the only thing he saw was red.

His entire hand soaked and dripping with blood.
He shivered at his hand putting it back on his wound, staring back at Jungkook.

The younger glared at Wan, blood dripping from his body.
Wan Just smirked "you have aloe of fight Jeon" Wan smirked soon turning back into a human "But like I said, I didn't come here unprepared" he spoke before pulling out a huge gun "This here holds one massive silver bullet" Wan spoke "It's time to end this Jungkook" Wan spoke "You have always had this perfect life, and no matter what you always had it, you always acted like nothing and could happen, you were innocent, and wrapped everyone around your petty finger, you cared about how others worried About you, and you hurt everyone, you never just gave up, and you never let other worry about themselves because a they'd do is worry for you,  and you sit here and act like your tuff stuff when your not" Wan spoke "But then your father came along and showed me even more reasons I should hate you" Wan spoke "Wan, Jealousy isn't a good look, you need to grow up, and let go, you could have had a perfect life, but instead you chose this, a path of revenge and hatred" Jungkook spoke

"But I don't hate you just because of your life, I hate you because you stole him" Wan spoke "Who?" Jungkook asked "TAEHYUNG! YOU STOLE HIM! YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME" Wan spoke, his finger on the trigger "Yet you stand here and act like you have no idea what I'm talking about, when you know you took him" Wan yelled "He was fine, he was perfec, he was cold and would fight so amazingly, now because of you, he left me, and lost his touch!" Wan yelled "you took him from his life and made him soft, when that isn't who he is" Wan spoke

"Maybe because it isn't who he is Wan" Jungkook spoke "DONT TELL ME HOW HE IS! I KNEW HIM FAR LONGER THAN YOU EVER DID!" Wan yelled "But without you in his life, he will go back to his ways" Wan spoke, his voice sounding crazy, almost insane

"Tell Mr Jeon Hello for me-" Wan spoke about to pull the trigger when he was stabbed in the head, his gun going off.

Taehyung killed him.
Taehyung stabbed him.
Taehyung ended him.

Taehyung groaned as he held his side, his eyes soon looking up at the younger, that's when they widened, there laid Jungkook, massive amounts of blood puddling around him "N-no" The elder yelled, running to the younger, only falling down more blood pouring out from his wound.
He soon crawled to the younger, his heart dropping.

The younger had broken bones...several bullet wounds....and a massive one "J-Jungkook!" Taehyung spoke "W-We did it Tae...We finally got him down...He's gone...He's really gone..." Jungkook spoke weakly "I...Taehyung...I don't think I'm gonna survive...this..." Jungkook spoke "No...You" Taehyung began, but his body gave out.

The elder slowly pulled himself next to the younger, the two staring at each other "I got to see my wolf form Tae" Jungkook spoke "I-I know you looked beautiful" Taehyung spoke "Hah- f-flirt" the younger spoke "Jin..." The younger spoke "He told me to protect you...he told me to let you live..." Taehyung spoke "But I'm not even sure...if I'm going to...either" Taehyung spoke his body slowly going limp, his hand soon grabbed the youngers "Thank you for making life worth living Jungkook"

"Thank you for letting me live Taehyung...I love you..." Jungkook spoke " I love you too"

Then the pin dropped.

Their Heartbeats stoped.

But the love they shared

Never died.

The End

The end!
What a long, crazy...intense ride this has been.
I'm glad to end this book, I could tell it was getting close.

I had this ending planned, Jin, and Jungkook were 100% going to die in this book.
But just them, not Taehyung.
But it just seemed right in the moment to end him the way I did.

Thank you so much for reading.
I purple you.
There may be an epilogue on Jimin and Yoongi and Namjoon, but I'm not sure.

As always.
Are you
Mentally okay?

Are youEating SleepingDrinkingMentally okay?

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This has been

The monstrous One.

Thank you for reading.
Leave your comment on the ending here.
Tell me what you loved, and maybe what you didn't.





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