Chapter 3

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"The happiest times are spent showing the person you love just how much they really mean to you and the world"

"HYUUUUNGGGG!" Jungkook yelled "yah! I'm trying to sleep!' Jin yelled back "But hyung! It's your birthday!" Jungkook replied jumping onto the elders bed "ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Jungkook yelled happy "Your officially twenty three!" Jungkook smiled "I swear If you make an old joke-"

"How are the dinosaurs doing?" Jungkook asked before he was grabbed and put into a lock "Yah! Hyung!" Jungkook yelled trying to get out of the elders grip "Man this birthday is already amazing" he spoke not letting go of the younger "hyungggg" Jungkook spoke "whaaaat" Jin replied "Let me go" Jungkook spoke, his voice having a whine sound

"Hmm....nope!" Jin replied "I'm sorry for calling you old!" Jungkook spoke "My gosh- is Jeon Jungkook sorry? Man what a blessing!" Jin spoke "Hyung!" Jungkook spoke "okay...okay" he spoke, finally letting go of the younger who ran off  "that kid" he sighed.
The elder soon stood up, going to his shower, he did extra cleaning and made himself smell amazing.

He changed into somewhat comfortable clothes, but they looked nice.
The elder soon walked into the kitchen- Dinning room area, which had balloons and streamers everywhere.

Jin giggled at his brothers playfulness "Aish Jungkook you really did go all out didn't you" Jin spoke, walking into the kitchen where Jungkook stood, pancakes on a pan "Hyung- This cooking thing is hard" Jungkook pouted "Your doing fine so far" Jin spoke "R-Really!? Like I'm doing okay!?" Jungkook asked "I mean yeah- other than the burning, It's great!" Jin spoke "Yah! I'm trying my best here" Jungkook spoke "I'm kidding, it looks and smells amazing kook" Jin spoke

"We really need to get furniture" Jin sighed, talking to himself. The house they now lived in was so empty, other than holding the much needed items, it didn't feel much like a home.

He sighed sitting at the small foldable table and chairs "Aish we seriously need a better table than this" he spoke "Jungkook I really want- need to give you the best life" he mumbled "Even after everything dads continue to grow and stay strong...the most mind blowing kid I've ever met" Jin smiled.

The younger happily walked over to him setting down a plate of some of the most good looking pancakes Jin has ever seen.
When he took his first bite, he felt like an anime character on one of those cooking shows, where his eyes turn into stars and he runs around screaming about how amazing it was "Jungkook this is absolutely amazing!" Jin spoke "If I could have star eyes- I'd have them" Jin spoke "Jin it's fine, your drool says it all" Jungkook smirked

"yah! When I get done with this food I'm gonna get you!" Jun yelled

"Catch me if ya can...old man!" Jungkook spoke while giggling loudly.

The rest of the day Jungkook spent with him, the two watched movies. The two laughed, the two bonded. The brotherly bond they shared was so much different than others, it was strong, and since they had no parents at a young age which helped their bond grow even stronger.

And even in the times or hardship and pain, they knew they had each-other.

No matter what.



Sorry I've been gone so long.
I've been really sick lately and needed time to recover and rest.
I'm not over my cold yet, but I am a-lot better than I was.

Thank you for being patent!

Happy birthday Jin!
We all purple you so much!

Did you guys see TXT and BTS's AMA performance?
Both incredible dances!


Did you

Drink well

Sleep well

Eat well

Mentally okay?

If not then I want to be the reason you smile

I have no new pictures but this breaks many waves of meme

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I have no new pictures but this breaks many waves of meme.



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