Chapter 40

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Jungkook smiled as he leaned his body up.
The sun was shining down brightly, coating its bright essence everywhere.
He soon stood up, walking into his living room, walking to Jin.
"Hi hyung!" Jungkook spoke "Oh hey kook" Jin spoke "Your in a good mood today" the elder smiled, happy to see his brother finally happy "I am, I'm finally happy" Jungkook spoke and Jin chuckled messing with the youngers hair "I'm glad, it's good to see you happy again" Jin spoke "How about some breakfast?" Jin asked and the younger nodded

The two soon ate breakfast, Jungkook smiling ear to ear, making Jin smile "You have no idea how nice it is to see you smile Kook" Jin spoke ruffling the youngers hair, seeing that he had the bracelet from Taehyung on his wrist "You have it on..." the elder smiled "Heh...Yeah...I've missed it" The younger spoke "Talking with Yoongi did help a lot hyung" Jungkook spoke "Being able to...forgive myself is like a relief...It helps so much" The younger spoke "Also I'm going to Taehyung...but it's gonna be late so I can snuggle him" Jungkook giggled

"Aish- you- I'm gonna force to watch a marathon of Star Wars!" Jin spoke and Jungkook glared playfully "who said that was a bad thing!?" Jungkook spoke and Jin giggled "Nobody So I guess we're watching"

"Yeah like two movies-"


"It's nice isn't it Kook"

"What Tae?"

"The day, it's so bright out, so Perfect" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "It is, it's like staring at change" Jungkook began "How some days bring rain and some days bring light...the signs of a new day, the signs of a new light in the darkness" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung smiled putting his arm around the younger "You and your cute speeches" Taehyung spoke "Aish your fanboy is showing" Jungkook spoke "Yah! It was a compliment" The elder spoke, pouting "F-A-N-B-O-Y" Jungkook joked and Taehyung rolled his eyes, tickling the younger "YAH-IM-SORRY" 

"Oh- wait! I forgot!" Jungkook spoke pulling out a phone from his pocket "I finally got a phone" Jungkook giggled "It's about time" Taehyung joked and Jungkook smiled "I know" The younger spoke "I swear Jin waits on things till the last minute" Jungkook joked "well he is old" Taehyung replied and Jungkook laughed "his grey hairs are coming out at this point" The younger spoke, the two laughing "But don't worry Tae, your old too, nineteen to be exact" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung giggled "Your eighteen so don't go there- you can make adult decisions now" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook smiled "Hey atleast I'm at the age of, I don't have to listen to you" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung nodded "See being old isn't that bad" the elder replied soon grabbing the youngers hand "such small hands" Taehyung spoke watching as Jungkook blushed

The two continued their walk, the moon perfectly shining down on them.
"How are your talks with Yoongi going?" Taehyung asked "they're good, Yoongi is really helpful and-" Jungkook spoke before a crack, the same crack of wood he's been hearing for so long now, again.
He turned to look at what he had heard when his phone went off, when he looked at it he saw Jins name.

The younger quickly answered it "Jin?" The younger asked "Jungkook- Is Taehyung with you!?" Jin asked breathless "Y-Yeah!" Jungkook replied "Is everything okay?" The younger asked "No- Jungkook- it's Wan, he's after us, after you" Jin spoke "You need to run-" Jin spoke before the sound of a metal bar was heard, then the sound of his phone dropping to the ground "Jin? Jin hyung!? Hello!?" Jungkook yelled "J-Jungkook what's going on?" Taehyung asked "It's Wan, I think he's after us" The younger spoke before the feeling of something cold on his back was felt

"Don't move" a voice spoke, that same horrible voice "Taehyung...?" Jungkook spoke staring at the elder, who had a serious face on.

"Well, well, well.....look what we have here, the two love birds, the power couple" His voice spoke "Wan, what do you want" Taehyung asked "Isn't it obvious Taehyung?" Wan spoke "I'm here to kill Jungkook....but his father wants him....So I'm here to deliver his second and third package" Wan smirked "Second And third?" Jungkook asked, having a sudden realization "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER" the younger yelled, Taehyung goin wide eyed "Awww Jungkook...So sensitive about your brother" Wan spoke "He's with your father right now" Wan spoke, that sentence alone sent shivers down Jungkooks spine

"We only put him through a....little pain" He spoke and Jungkook gulped, holding back rage.
Taehyung on the other hand was fuming, his eyes glowing yellow, he was going to turn at any moment.

Wan noticed this, soon grabbing Jungkook hard, putting a knife to his neck "Well Taehyung, isn't this a doozie, guess you have a choice now" Wan spoke "Put the knife down Wan" Taehyung spoke "you had better calm down then" he spoke and Taehyung did.

That's when Jungkook was hit hard with the end of the gun, his body falling to the ground with a hard thud "Jungkook-" Taehyung began before he was injected.
He slowly fell to the ground, his eyes closing as he did.

"Mr Jeon, we got them"



Plot twist!
What did you think!?
This book is slowly but surly coming to an end

Also my apologies for not updating yesterday.
I was tired and fell asleep.
I've got a strong feeling writers block is coming, so I'm trying my best not to push myself, and for me going to places gives me a sort of...inspiration to write.
With the epidemic of corona, I'm gonna be at home a lot, I have a feeling with me being in the same place so much is gonna give me writers block.

Please....please stay safe with the corona virus.
You need to stay clean and healthy, keep your hands washed, and even if hand sanitizer doesn't get everything make sure to have it on you, use the wipes they have at the entrance on carts.
Don't itch your eyes, in fact don't touch your face .

Stay safe out there purples 💜

We are in this together.

How are you?
Eating well?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?
Mentally okay?

How are you?Eating well?Sleeping well?Drinking well?Mentally okay?

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He's an actual derp

Murgen murrrrr

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