Chapter 1

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Welcome To Seoul

"They say when you find a new place, you almost immediately get attached to something there, making it impossible to want to leave"

The world was bright.
The sun covered Seoul with a glaze of warmth and light. The sound of walking people on their phones was heard.
But in the silence came running feet.
A younger male, running towards the Seoul airport.

He was quick paced, his breaths loud and quick as he kept running.
A sign was in his arms, it read 'Jeon Jungkook....And Jin'

The male continued to run until he finally made it to the waiting station.
Planes left and landed in the distance, shining into the big windows.
The male sighed as he patiently waited, the sign he made in hand.

"Plane from America landing in Seoul now" a lady spoke into the intercom, her words sending the males heart into a wave or fast beating, his excitement written all over his face, and body gestures.

His smile was huge now, his patience hanging on by a limb. That's when he saw him "JEON JUNGFRIGGING KOOK!" The male yelled racing to the youngest and hugging him tightly "Hey Jiminie hyung" He spoke as he hugged the elder back "How have you been? How was America after all these years?" Jimin asked, an elder male chiming in "I'm great too Jimin, thanks for asking" He spoke and Jimin giggled "Awe how is Hyung Jin doing- or are you still making me call you Eomma?" Jimin asked "It's eomma to you Jimin" Jin giggled and Jimin smiled, holding back his laughter because he knew Jin would go on a full out dad joke war.

"As I was saying before we were interrupted" Jungkook spoke "America was great. There were so many sites there, so many people, and so much good food" Jungkook spoke "but, nothing beats Korean food, and it's been ten years since I've had any" Jungkook spoke "awe poor little seven year old kook, man how you've changed since then, your seventeen now!" Jimin spoke "yeah I'm twenty two, I'm old enough to have alcohol, and cook without an adult included!" Jin spoke "Okay- One you don't need alcohol, you being you is scary enough, and secondly, you most definitely need an adult when you cook" Jimin smirked, Jungkook giggling quietly "Yah! Your supposed to support me here! I'm your elder"

"Exactly" Jungkook spoke and both Jin and Jimin went wide eyed "YAH! IM GONNA HIT YOU!" Jin yelled chasing the younger down.
Jimin just laughed smiling widely at them

"Welcome to Seoul again guys..."



I've been so busy these past few days, and ended up with writers block
Thinking on re-writing the into.

But, what did you think of this chapter?

As always.

Are you.

Eating well

Sleeping well

Drinking well

Mentally okay?

Did a face mask

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Did a face mask.
This is the result

Author Nim

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