Chapter 38

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Jin groaned as he walked to the front door, the knocking he had been hearing for awhile now annoying him.
He soon opened the door, that's when his eyes widened "T-Taehyung" Jin spoke "I need to talk to you..." The elder spoke "Is Jungkook...Here?" Taehyung asked "He is...Why?" Jin asked before he was pulled outside, the door shutting behind him

"I'm starting to worry about him, and we both know, he wouldn't let us, he'd say it's fine" Taehyung spoke "He broke down yesterday...Like completely, and we both know he doesn't...cry" Taehyung spoke "I know...He had a panic attack a few days ago" Jin spoke and Taehyung gulped "That only adds to my theory..." Taehyung spoke "What theory?" Jin asked "I think Jungkook has PTSD" Taehyung spoke "I mean...Think about it...He watched his mom get killed, he was abused badly by his father, and almost died...twice...he moved away in hopes to have a better life, he comes back here, gets attacked by the guy who killed his mother, sees his father again, and then finds out his entire life has been a lie and that his family and mine are both werewolf bloodlines" Taehyung spoke "if that doesn't scream PTSD then I don't know what does....Not to mention he's emotionally breaking down, he's thinking that what he did when he left as if his actions Weren't justified" Taehyung spoke

"I'm worried that we might be slowly losing him, and we both know he wouldn't let us go to any sort of therapist" Taehyung sighed and Jin gulped...standing there thinking "Is there anything I could have done...?" Jin asked "No Jin, don't blame yourself, there's nothing either of us could have done" Taehyung spoke and Jin sighed "The signs are right...I just don't want to self diagnose him" Jin spoke "Wait isn't Yoongi a doctor?" Taehyung asked "Y-Yeah! He is" Jin replied "Maybe we could ask him?" Taehyung asked "We should...I think Jungkook will be okay here" The elder spoke waking inside.

"Hey...I'm gonna go out for a bit" Jin spoke "Where to?" The elder asked "I'm gonna go with Taehyung to meet up with a friend" Jin replied "You aren't lying right?" Jungkook joked and Jin smiled messing up the youngers hair "You'll neeeverrrr know!" The elder smiled and Jungkook sighed "You And Taehyung made up?" The youngest asked "Not yet, but I hope we can with this trip" the elder replied and Jungkook smiled

"Okay hyung, I'll see you soon" The younger smiled "and good luck!"

Soon the two drove to Yoongi's hotel room.
They walked inside, politely smiling at the lady at the front desk.
They walked over to her still smiling "Ah...Hello...Do you know a Min Yoongi? He's currently here and we want to visit him" Jin spoke and the lady smiled "Your names? It's just Precautionary procedure"  She spoke "Oh, Kim Taehyung, And Jeon SeokJin" Taehyung spoke and the lady smiled "I'll call up there and see if you guys can get in!" She spoke and Jin nodded "Thank you" The elder spoke

After a few minutes she called over the two males telling them that they could go to Yoongis room.
The two soon took an elevator to the elders room, knocking on the door once they arrived.
The door soon opened and there stood Yoongi "Hey guys" The elder spoke and Jin smiled "Hey Yoongi" Jin replied "What are you guys doing here?" Yoongi asked "Uh- we're here to ask you for help...and to talk about Jungkook" Jin spoke and Yoongi nodded letting the two males inside.

They all sat on the around each other, Taehyung beginning to talk "We're here because we think Jungkook has PTSD...And we need somebody he can talk to" Taehyung began "And you need me?" Yoongi asked "Your the only shot we have right now" Jin replied "Why now? Why all the sudden?" Yoongi asked "I honestly thought about it when he cried yesterday...He doesn't cry, in fact he acts strong, and when he breaks down you know it's bad" Taehyung spoke "I mean I get that...But how does he have PTSD? Or even close to it" Yoongi asked "It's because he's been through trauma...So much of it" Jin sighed "As children we were abused, except Jungkook had it worse, he watched our mother die, he found out he was a werewolf, he left us and came back with severe guilt...breaking down every time he even sees us sad" Jin spoke and Yoongi gulped, sighing "I never knew...I mean...I knew the basics but...hearing it all be...true is scary" Yoongi sighed "Not to mention his father came back and the murder of their mother attacked him" Taehyung added and Yoongi sighed "I mean..Yeah...I'll talk to him"

"I do want to apologize for my possible part in this, I guess when I took him in...I became his father figure and...I tried to help the best I could, but at some point I began to tell him he needs to be strong" Yoongi sighed "I'm sorry if he took that as something else" The elder spoke and Jin smiled "Honestly saved him and Taehyung by doing that...had you not said anything, he may not be as confident in his abilities, and his protective skills"

"Thank you Jin, if you ever want me to help with anything, I'm your guy"

"Thanks Yoongi"

Jin and Taehyung laughed as they walked towards his home "I'm telling you hairless cats are the best! I'm buying one soon!" Jin spoke and Taehyung shook his head "You and Jungkook are crazy" Taehyung replied "Hey Jin...Is your front" Taehyung asked "" Jin replied, going to the opened door, his eyes searching the place.

That's when he heard a loud boo, his reflex if settling in causing him to punch reflex.
That when he saw Jungkook, on the floor holding his nose "Oww" The younger spoke "Oh my god Jungkook!" Jin spoke going to the younger "I'm so sorry" The elder spoke hearing laughter from the youngest and Taehyung



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Are you eating well?
Sleeping well?
Drinking well?
Mentally okay?

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