Chapter 35

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Jin sighed as he cleaned up the house, it was something he put off for some time now.
He hated how his messy life became his world.
Once he was done he sat on the couch, staring at the clean house.
He missed the days where his house was clean everyday.
He missed that feeling of yelling at Jungkook to clean his room.

The thought of the bond he had with Jungkook made him break.
The diary he once loved was sitting in the trash can, the thing that broke him from his brother was now going to be a distant memory.

He felt tears stream down his face as he imagined the younger.
He put his arms and legs up, beginning to sob quietly as he sat in the darkness of his home.

That's when he heard a knock on his door.
The elder sighed, fixing his black hoodie, using the sleeve to wipe his tears.
He walked over to the front door, opening it.

That's when his eyes went wide "H-Hey...Hyung..." A voice spoke "J-Jungkook..." The elder spoke putting a hand out, touching the youngers hair, the shock of the younger being real making him back up slightly "Y-Your here..." The elder spoke "I-I am..." The younger replied, and before he could say anything else he was engulfed into a very tight hug "Hyung your gonna kill me" The younger spoke "I...I'm sorry" Jin spoke, his emotions going crazy, his sobs beginning to fill the air.

Jungkook sighed, letting his tears flow too, he felt awful for the elder "Don't he sorry, it's my fault I couldn't listen to reason" the younger spoke "I'm just so glad your okay" the elder spoke not letting go "Jin you can let me go" The younger chuckled "No, I can't- I can't let you leave me again- this can't be another dream" Jin sobbed "Hyung..." Jungkook spoke "Please don't go...Please don't let this be a dream" Jin spoke "Hyung, I'm really here...I'm really really here....I'm not gonna go anywhere" The younger spoke watching as the elder broke the hug "Come inside" The elder spoke and Jungkook nodded walking inside "Its So dark in here" The younger spoke

"Yeah...It sorta became that way left..." The elder spoke, turning on lights "Hyung...what happened after you left...Taehyung seemed like he didn't want to be here" The younger spoke "Taehyung? You saw him?" The elder asked "Yeah...He was getting beat up by Wan" The younger spoke "Had I not gotten to him in time he would have gotten far much more hurt- hell he could have died for all I know" Jungkook spoke "How did you stop Wan?" Jin asked "Knocked him out" Jungkook replied "How did you...." The elder asked "I've been training in fighting, and self defense" Jungkook replied "Someone taught you?" The elder asked "Yes...Someone...Incredible...someone you'll remember" Jungkook smiled, walking over to the door, making a hand signal.

Jin turned to the Younger, watching as a male walked in, and slowly the elders mind remembered "Yoongi..." Jin spoke "Hello again've grown" He spoke and Jin smiled soon walking over to the elder male, hugging him "It's good to see you again" Jin spoke with a smile "It's good to see you too..." The elder replied "So how did you two...Meet? I thought my father sent you far away" Jin spoke "Your right, I was...But, I was able to come back here, and since your father forgot I existed I was able to come back" Yoongi spoke "I became a doctor here again...stayed for years" He spoke "How come I haven't seen you around" Jin asked "I hid, I mean- I had to, I was afraid to be caught and killed..." Yoongi spoke "I was walking down to a supermarket to get late night grocery's when I saw Jungkook, at first I didn't recognize him"  Yoongi spoke

"But when I saw him...He looked...Broken....alone...hurt emotionally" Yoongi sighed "So I talk to was so unlike me, because I stayed silent and in my own world...I had always feared being taken away again....but I had a feeling about Jungkook....After a bit I found out his name, and at that moment was when a bond was made" Yoongi smiled

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