Chapter 6

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For the fear of copyright. I will no longer be using Gifs

I'm sorry.

"They say that love makes you crazy...but it makes you even crazier when you can't have it"

Jungkook sighed as he stared at his ceiling.
It was late and he felt restless, he couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung.
His mind was asking so many questions, so many unanswered questions.

He leaned up, his eyes staring at the window. The younger soon stood up, looking outside. His eyes traced the stars, then the moon, the vast night sky shinning down on him.
He soon looked at the ground, the site of empty roads and streets from not to far away was seen.

That's when Jungkooks saw it.
That's when he saw him.
The man who he knew so little about. The man he wanted to know everything about.
But before he could say or do anything he was gone. It was in seconds, seconds of him just disappearing.

The younger groaned leaning back on his bed. Slowly letting his eyes close, before a slumber took over him.

It was a morning.
A Bright, sunny mourning.
The sky was clear and full of white puffy clouds.

A family.
Two kids and a mother.
Happily walking around a park, a rushing stream nearby.

It went on for miles, leading to deep waters at the end of it.

"Eomma look at the pretty water!" One of the children spoke "Now..Now Jungkook...Don't go by the water, or the scary monster will whisk you away from me!" She spoke, staring at the water.

"It only seems to get more rushing as they days go by...Jin keep a good eye on your brother" She spoke "Don't worry Eomma, I wouldn't let anything happen to him" Jin replied with a smile "Your a good brother Jin, at ten years old, you treat Jungkook so well" She spoke "Thanks Eomma, Jungkooks a good brother too, he's curious and smart...and he's only five...." Jin smiled "We may have our moments but I truly do- Yah Jungkook-ah get away from the water" Jin spoke "But hyung! It's so pretty!" Jungkook spoke "Listen to your brother Kookie!" She spoke "Okay...okay" Jungkook spoke turning away from the water, about to leave when a few boys ran by him, one of them pushing him.

That's when Jungkook lost his balance "W-Wow- EOMMA!" The younger yelled before his body fell into the rapids, the muffled sounds of Jin and his mother.

The younger couldn't breathe, he felt himself sinking, hitting rocks and branches as he was pushed.
His eyes began to close, but they opened again when he was pulled out of the water and thrown, his eyes landed on his mom.
She saved him.

He watched as she tried to get up but failed, falling back...hitting her head on a branch...then she went under again.
The last thing he saw that day was his mom being whisked away in the waters before he lost Consciousness.

(Also I use mom or Eomma depending on the emotion of the scene, and for making sense)

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