Chapter 9

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The Smile


"A smile is something that can fix so much, not only with others but yourself too"

Days and nights for Jungkook became blended.
The world was spinning slowly while his mind was going crazy.
He was innocent, kind, and sweet, he worked hard to push these emotions off, but when he'd lay down at night, all he could think about was everything.

Everything that had happened and that had been happening
He had began to think about so much, how to talk to Jin, In an adult manor,. He wanted to talk to Wan, he wanted to yell at him, scream at him, but he knew, he knew he had to think about forgiveness, he couldn't hold onto something like this forever.
But most of all, he thought about Taehyung, to him it was inane how one single person could change his entire hue, his entire persona on life.

He wondered why Taehyung was so accepting of him, why was he so kind.

Jungkook sighed, standing up slowly staring at himself in his mirror "Is this..what I am now..who I am?" the younger spoke "It's only been so long, and now moving her seems the shattered memories are back" Jungkook sighed.

He shook his head picking up his phone, calling someone.

"Hey Jimin?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to you...seriously"

"Thank you"

"Jungkookie!" Jimin spoke, soon hugging the younger "How have you need?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head "Awful" The younger giggled "That bad huh?" The elder asked "So, explain what's up?"

"Where do I even start..." The younger sighed "I've been having these nightmares..."

"The nightmares?"

"Yeah...they're...back" Jungkook spoke "The problem is, is I haven't had the ones I've been having since I was seven, since I was last here" Jungkook spoke "Have you talked to Jin about it?" Jimin asked "You really think Jin would talk to me like an adult...he only does that when I have the nightmares, but even then...I feel like he's trying to sugar coat it"

"Jungkook, Jin isn't stupid, yes he may act like it, heck he may even be so sometimes, but he's been through a lot to, and he, if you try, will act like an adult when needed"

"Honestly it's he can go from Jin to Jeon SeokJin, just like that" Jimin spoke "Talk to him, pushing it off because your afraid of what might happen may only make things worse" Jimin spoke and Jungkook nodded "okay"


Jungkook sighed as he got home, he opened his door slowly. Walking into the house.

He gulped when he saw Jin sitting on the couch "Jungkook-Ah! Your back just in time for spongebob!" Jin spoke and Jungkook smiled, chuckling lightly "Jin...I uh....I need to talk to you" Jungkook spoke "Like...we need to talk like adults" Jungkook spoke watching Jin turn off the TV.
The elders body language and face became serious in seconds, shocking Jungkook a bit at how quickly he  turned.

The two soon talked, it was the first time Jungkook talked to Jin like he was an adult, and not a child, the first time he was able to truly talk to Jin,

The two grew an even closer bond, a bond that now was unbreakable .
And as two people they showed a side of themselves they never thought they would show.

"Thank you's nice to be able to talk to you.." Jungkook spoke jumping when
He heard a knock at the door.

Jin soon stood up, Jungkook behind him.
When the elder opened the door Jungkooks eyes widened

"It's you....Taehyung"


How are you?








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