Chapter 10

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"The best kind of people are the ones who don't leave...the ones who stay even when they don't need to"

Jungkook and Jins eyes widened when they saw Taehyung standing there "Its you..." Jungkook spoke while Jin just glared, before turning his head "Uh- Whose this Jungkook" Jin asked "It's Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, the guy who saved me from...Wan" Jungkook spoke and Jin smiled "Oh, well thank you, let me give you a handshake as a thank you" Jin spoke shaking Taehyungs hand, squeezing his hand tightly.

Taehyung winced, but smiled "Oh, your welcome...Mr Jin" Taehyung spoke and Jin glared again "So why are you here?" Jungkook asked with a smile "To see how you were doing" the elder replied "After the whole eye thing" Taehyung spoke "It seems to have healed up quite nicely" The elder slightly smiled "I still want to make Wan pay...for a lot of things" Jin spoke "Tuff guy Jin over here..." Jungkook giggled "Yah! I'm trying to be serious...." Jin pouted "So where is Wan now?" Jin asked "same place like always, the bar" Taehyung spoke and Jin sighed "That asshole drinks? Isn't he like nineteen?" Jin asked "don't know, don't care" Taehyung replied "Wan is not someone I tend to care about, he's some idiot who likes to fight people and get drunk, beyond that, I don't care nor do I want to care" Taehyung spoke 

"Umm- why don't you...sit down" Jungkook spoke with a smile "Ah, thank you" Taehyung replied, following the younger, soon sitting down, the younger following after him, sitting by him.

The younger soon turned on a movie, watching as Jin sat down on another couch nearby.
Halfway through the movie, Jungkook fell asleep, his head tilting back and fourth before he landed on Taehyungs shoulder "Oh shi-....oh...." the elder spoke gulping "Ha Jin I'm already winning him over"

"Oh don't like it for long, there's no way In hell I'd let him be with you" Jin spoke "Why? You afraid of me?" Taehyung asked "More of what you'd do to him" Jin spoke "He's...never seen a wolf, and if he found out you were one, by would shatter him" Jin began "I can't even imagine how he'd react to seeing you turn into that"

"Let's not forget what you are too Jin, who knows Jungkook may be-"

"Don't, don't ever say that, he's human I honestly think he's human" Jin sighed "I don't want him to deal with that, especially if he's one of the last, and if he's one of the ones who gets killed" Jin sighed "shut up, we both know you wouldn't let that happen, you'd take twenty of those silver bullets before you'd let him get hurt" Taehyung spoke

"Those bullets aren't even just deadly for monsters...but also cuts through skin like a knife"

"Don't worry Jin, if you aren't there, I will be, and I won't let anything happen to him"

"I promise"


How are you!

Are you

Eating well

Sleeping well

Drinking well

Mentally okay!?

If not Then smile! Just for a second!

Crack Head ( crazy- I don't do the drugs 😂 )me back at it again!

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Crack Head ( crazy- I don't do the drugs 😂 )me back at it again!

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