Chapter 14

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"Now this is Kim Taehyung" Wan spoke with a devilish smirk "So the Jeon shows who you really are, that's good to know" Wan spoke, still smirking "I will make sure your never able to smirk again, you evil bastard" Taehyung spoke, his voice dark and terrifying.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, staring at the site before him, the pain he was feeling was horrible, like knives stabbing into him.
When he looked at Taehyung, his eyes widened slightly, the elders posture was tense, angry.
The elders eyes a pure yellow color, he held only anger.

That's when he attacked Wan

"YOU'LL PAY!" The elder yelled loudly as he attacked Wan punching him harshly, each punch making a loud pound as he hit, as him he was putting all he had into each punch.
But the punches only got harder and harder as Taehyungs rage continued or grow "So Jungkook is what makes you this angry? That worthless, motherless child?" wan spoke "Say one thing Wan- ONE MORE THING, and I'll kill you" Taehyung spoke "Or should I take away the one thing you love?" Taehyung spoke "Whats that?" Wan asked

"Hoseok" Taehyung replied "Ill kill Hoseok" The elder spoke once more "And you know me, I don't go back on my word" He spoke before picking up the male by his neck, one handed "Now you'll listen to me, and you had better listen good, if you touch, talk, or even look at Jungkook, I'll take away everything you love, starting with Hoseok, and ending with your powers"

"The two things you truly can't live without" Taehyung spoke before throwing Wan at a nearby pole.
He soon watched the male run away, before he ran to Jungkook.

"Jungkook!? Hey!? It's me Taehyung!" The elder spoke slowly scooping the younger up in his arms "Taehyung...f-fancy seeing y-you here" the younger spoke, coughing blood "My god...I'm so sorry he did this to you" Taehyung spoke, staring at the younger "Y-Your eyes..." Jungkook spoke staring at them " pretty" Jungkook spoke "Pretty? You think my eyes are pretty?" Taehyung asked, his eyes tearing up slightly "D-Don't cry! I can't see you cry- your tears...I don't deserve the tears" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung gulped, hugging Jungkook "Please hold on...I'm gonna get help okay" Taehyung spoke

"O-Okay...I'm really tired...I just need to...close my eyes for a second..." Jungkook spoke "No- Jungkook please!" Taehyung spoke watching as Jungkook smiled weakly before closing his eyes "Jungkook!?"

"Dammit....Wan....I'm going to make you pay...that back there wasn't enough for what you've done"

"Your going to truly pay for what you've done"


"Aish- where is he?!" Jin yelled "He's taking forever to get back..." the elder spoke staring at the clock "He's late...really late" Jin sighed sitting down on the couch, rubbing his temples "This kid is going to over stress me to the point I have like twenty grey hairs and become an even older man" The elder giggled.

The elder sat for even longer, his mind racing with questions.
They all came to a stop when his phone went off "Jungkook!? I've been calling for hours!" Jin yelled "Jin hyung....It's Taehyung" A voice spoke "Taehyung? What happened?" Jin asked "Wan...Wan happened...We're at the hospital now...I don't know if Jungkook will be okay" Taehyung spoke, his strong deep voice, filled with worry and sadness.

Jin sighed, his heart racing and his hands shaking "I'm on my way"


Taehyung sighed, leaning back on his chair, his eyes red from crying.
The one thing he never let anyone see, the one thing he never let himself do was cry.

But Jungkook came into his life and like magic, he Changed him.
"Taehyung? What happened?!" Jin spoke "Wan...asshole attacked him...beat him...Jin- He was in horrible shape when I found him, he was so bloody, so broken" Taehyung spoke "What did you do to Wan" Jin asked

"I could've done more, I probonly should've...but I threatened Hoseoks life, which I know messed up Wan, no matter how much he hides it, losing Hosoek would be the start to his demise....I also threatened to take his powers, which would be the flame to the gasoline, he'd just be nothing"

"Did Jungkook...see?" Jin asked "I-I'm sorry- he only saw my eyes-" Taehyung spoke "don't...had you not saved him when you did he might have died...and if that happened....I don't know what I'd do.." Jin spoke "One day Taehyung, were going to make him pay"

"One day"



How are you?

You good!?

I'm sick.
Don't know why or how but I am

I'm also tired

But anyways how are you guys

Mentally okay?

Eating well

Sleeping well

Drinking well

Mentally okay!?

If not then please smile! Just for a second!

If not then please smile! Just for a second!

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Fun fact
I took this picture!

The giraffe was eating, and breaking its jaw 😂

They are scary tall I swear-

-Morgan Murrr

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