Chapter 32

586 26 12

Not Blood

Taehyung sighed as he woke up.
It was yet another morning of misery.
Taehyung sighed looking at his phone, Jungkooks bracelet right next to it, he shook his head as he stared at it.
Slowly standing up grabbing his phone. He soon went into his kitchen grabbing an apple eating it.

He soon grabbed his clothes and changed. He stared at his reflection and with a sigh he walked out, going to get his shoes on.
He walked out or his door, beginning to walk.

"It's time" He spoke

Jin sighed as he cleaned his house, something he hadn't done for some time, weeks in fact.
He soon took a sigh of relief when he was done, he laid down on his couch.
That's when he heard a knock at his door, he gasped loudly running to the door opening it, but the person he saw wasn't what he was expecting.

"Taehyung?" Jin asked with a shocked face staring at the elder "-Hey Jin" Taehyung spoke, his face showing remorse and sorrow, but his cold demeanor fully there.

The younger soon hugged the elder
"How are you?" The younger spoke "Trying" the elder spoke, his face so dark

"Taehyung....why are you here?" The elder asked "To see how you are...clearly not well" Taehyung spoke  "No...I'm not good" Jin spoke "You don't look great either...You look like your back to your old ways...if not worse" Jin spoke "I guess you could say that" Taehyung replied "Come inside Taehyung" Jin spoke, letting the younger in.
Taehyung smiled lightly soon walking into the house, someone surprised the elder actually let him in
"I'm gonna make tea" Jin smiled, the first smile for the two in quite some time.

Taehyung looked around slowly taking in the house, that's when his eyes landed on a room with a closed door.

He turned his head at the room, wondering why it of all the opened rooms it was closed, he soon began to look around more and see that all of Jungkooks pictures weren't up, they were just...gone.

He soon looked at Jin, who was busy making the tea.
The elder sighed sneaking over to the room opening it quietly.

That's when he realized it was Jungkooks room, His heart shattered again, his eyes tracing the younger's items, his pictures

. He felt tears stream down his face as he saw clothes on the floor. He picked up one of the shirts, soon breaking down into quiet sobs, hugging the clothing tightly, taking in the youngers smell "I miss you...l" the younger spoke

"Taehyung- What are you doing" Jin spoke "Please leave this room..." Jin spoke "Why are you acting like he doesn't exist" Taehyung spoke "I'm not..." Jin replied "You closed his room off like this...Took down all his pictures...You can't pretend he's not ever existed" Taehyung replied, his anger suddenly rising

"I'm not acting like he doesn't exist Taehyung, do you realize how hard it is to live here now!? After everything!" Jin yelled "I get that- but you've closed his room off like it's not even there...His pictures are just gone- You even talk about him like he's not been here for years" Taehyung spoke "I don't Taehyung" Jin replied "Whatever Jin" Taehyung replied "I came here to help you, but clearly you don't want helped...I came here to tell you it would be okay" Taehyung spoke "Maybe you should worry about yourself then" Jin spoke coldly "because clearly, your going right back to your cold ways" Jin snapped "You don't care about anyone but yourself when your like this" Jin spoke "I have the slightest bit of humanity left, I saved it just so I could talk to you, and see you" Taehyung glared "You don't want to act like he exists then fine!"

Taehyung sighed, standing up slowly, his cold aroma coming back...this time more, and worse "Guess Jungkook won't be the only one saying goodbye then" Taehyung spoke still holding Jungkooks shirt before he left the room "Have fun pretending I don't exist too"

He quickly went out of the front door, slamming behind him.
But the guilt Taehyung felt now, grew.

He had never felt so guilty in his entire life.

What a wonderful feeling.



We haven't heard from Jungkookie in awhile.

Where do you think he is? What do you thinks happened?

What about Jin and a Taehyung, is there e
Brother like friendship over?

How are you?
Mentally okay?
Drinking and eating well?
Sleeping well?

-author nim

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