Chapter 36

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Jungkooks Guilt

Jungkooks guilt was eating at him those nest few days.
He hated what he had done, even more so knowing how much it hurt Jin and Taehyung.
They both had that look of pain in their eyes when they saw him, and Jungkook knew that.
He hated how he left, and how he made them cry.
He hated how Jin had nightmares.

He truly hated himself.
He hated himself for what he did and how he acted.
His guilt slowly building up...It was like anxiety.
He slowly found himself becoming almost insomniac, as if the night and day became..Blended.

Jungkook sighed when he woke up...The house was quiet, silent.
He stood up looking around for Jin, but there was nobody.

He sat on the couch, thinking of everything he had done.
Memories of when he left and how...we're killing him.
He kept thinking about Wan and his father...He thought about the pain he caused Taehyung and Jin, he thought about their faces when he left....Thier heartbroken sad faces.

The younger noticed his breaths slowly starting to leave him, his chest began to go up and down, and his hands began to tremble "B-Be strong...D-Don't break..." The younger spoke

"I'm such a bad person...I'm such a bad person....I'm selfish.....I shouldn't be with them, they don't deserve me...It's all my fault- ITS ALL MY FAULT" the younger yelled, his breaths becoming even slower, his tears flowing "They aren't friends because of me...They suffered b-because of me....I'm supposed to be strong- I'm supposed to be the one that saves them- I can't- I cant let them save me- It's all my fault" The younger sobbed

"Stop breaking....stop....don't..." The younger spoke, standing up but falling down again "Dammit..." The younger spoke shakily "Your not strong Jeon Jungkook your weak"

"Jungkook!" A voice spoke "No- No-" the younger spoke "Jungkook...Hey- it's Jin..." The voice spoke and Jungkook gulped, the feeling of warm arms around him was felt "Just breathe...In and out Kook..." The elder spoke "It's gonna be okay...I'll be okay...Taehyung will be okay...And you Jungkook will be okay" Jin spoke "i know why you left, you had good reason to...Everyone was keeping a massive secret from you, and that wasn't okay" Jin began "It was something that could have changed you in seconds and I never thought about it, I never thought of the future...atleast enough anyways" Jin spoke "Just having you here Jungkook is healing me and my everyday" Jin spoke

"Seeing you alive, and smiling...I've missed all that so much, I've missed you...So please...please don't feel this way...Because I'm already doing better....and you don't have to be strong for anyone, be strong for you" Jin spoke hugging the younger tightly "I've noticed you haven't been okay...So I took today off...I'm lucky they like me" Jin giggled "So...Lets watch movies, just like we used to okay?" Jin asked and Jungkook smiled and nodded

"Your not a bad person kook, just a good person with bad things that have happened to them" Jin sighed "I'll be okay, Taehyung will be okay...We're both glad your here, glad your back...." Jin spoke "I- I came back hoping I'd protect you two...And here I am breaking down on the floor...I came here strong- and powerful" Jungkook spoke and Jin smiled "Hey, nobody asked you to be the strong, wether your strong, weak...A taco" the elder giggled "I'd still love you the same way I did before you left" the elder smiled and Jungkook nodded "To the moon and back right?" Jungkook spoke "exactly "

"I'll also add beating up Wan was a badass move" Jin spoke hearing a loud laugh from the youngest "H-Hyung- I never thought I'd hear you cuss just-....casually" Jungkook spoke while laughing "I do cuss" Jin spoke with a pout "Name a time other than when you drop something on your foot" Jungkook spoke and Jin glared "Hush" Jin spoke and Jungkook giggled, the two standing up "I'll bet we're watching the spongebob movie aren't we" Jin spoke


Wan smirked as he played with the gun, he imagined the site of him shooting him, killing Jungkook.
He soon set it in a case standing up "Still sticking to the plan Wan?"

"Yes, it's going to be set in motion very soon"



I'm lowkey glad Jungkooks back.
Y'all excited to see him again?

I'm kinda nervous because I'm trying to give him the new...Savage look...But now he's kinda soft again?
I mean I guess it's good to see he isn't completely gone- maybe I'm just overlooking things 😂

How are you?
Mentally okay?
Drinking well?
Sleeping well?
Eating well?

How are you?Mentally okay?Drinking well?Sleeping well?Eating well?

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Juicy photography of a tree

-Author nim

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